Dream Guide

Chapter 110 Hidden in a wooden building deep in the mountains, this fragrance is not that fragrance

When the madman saw Qingmu, he screamed loudly, rushed towards him, and showed his teeth and claws, not knowing whether he wanted to hug or hit him. But he only rushed to a place seven or eight steps away from Aoki and stopped, standing there steadily, breathing heavily.

"Who are you?" Aoki was not anxious at all. He leaned against the van and smoked while admiring the surrounding scenery.

"who I am?"

The madman repeated, and then began to scratch his head and head, with a look of pain on his face.

"who I am?"

"who I am?"

"who I am?"

He kept saying the same sentence, sometimes looking up at the sky, sometimes looking down at the ground, and sometimes starting to roll on the ground again.

Human memory is a strange thing. Sometimes if you don't think about it, some things will come up and dangle in front of your eyes. But when you think hard about it, it hides like a master of hide-and-seek.

It's okay if you can't think of anything at all. The most terrible thing is that you feel like you are about to remember it, but you can't. That feeling is like when fishing, the fish keeps biting your hook, but you never catch it.

You meet an old classmate on the road whom you haven't seen for many years. Oops, what's his name?

You can even remember that when you were in elementary school, you whipped his stool, and he sat down on the ground, and even fought with you about it, but you just can't remember his name.

What's coming? Right on the lips!

You recalled it painfully, but all you could say was: "Ah, oh, it's you, old classmate, long time no see. Where have you been recently? What have you been busy with?"

After you chatted for a while, said goodbye and went your separate ways, you slapped your forehead, ah! Zhang San!

Everyone will encounter this situation, but the only people who can forget who they are, except Alzheimer's disease, are mentally ill.

Now this madman can't remember who he is.

Aoki looked at the madman rolling on the ground and knew exactly what it felt like to suffer like ants drilling into his brain. So he would rather be a lazy person and never think about things he really can't remember.

His name is Aoki, he has a studio and a crow.

That's all, but it's enough.

Of course, if there was even the slightest opportunity or clue that could make him think of something easily, he would be happy to track it down, such as the triangle symbol with two vertices connected, and the woman with a strange fragrance all over her body.

Now, he vaguely smelled such an irresistible fragrance.

"No need to ask, you can't find out." Yao Po walked out of the small building.

Aoki blew out a puff of smoke, brushed the smoke in front of his eyes with his hands, and then sniffed hard to make sure that the scent was not coming from Yao Po.

He raised his head and glanced at the small wooden building. The scent came from the window on the second floor of the small wooden building. It was very light, but very fragrant.

"Sneeze!" Aoki sneezed, rubbed his nose and said, "How do you know I can't ask?"

When Yao Po saw Aoki sneezing, her tense face relaxed, but she immediately looked around cautiously to make sure she was not in a dream, and then said, "I admit that you are very powerful, but there are always people who are more powerful than you. "

"Oh? Is your master here?" Aoki was a little curious. He heard that her master was a woman who never aged.

"Hmph! I don't need my master to deal with you." Yao Po's eyes were full of resentment, "Although you have broken my magic and eliminated my magic power, don't be too proud. I have suffered so much. , I will return it to you soon, and you will suffer a hundred times more than me."

"Magic power?" Aoki laughed loudly, "Did you always think that you were practicing some kind of magic? Oh, by the way, you are a pharmacist or some other reincarnation of the Buddha? Magic power! Haha, I laughed to death!"

Yao Po's face looked as ugly as pig liver that had been sitting for two days. Her hands were trembling and she reluctantly let go of the orchid finger she had been holding.

Aoki sneezed twice in a row.

Yao Po smiled contemptuously.

She slowly walked up to the madman and said, "He is a madman, a real madman. Unless you can cure his madness and break my junior sister's spell, you won't be able to ask any questions."

"So you have a junior sister! Is she the one hiding upstairs? Why don't you come down and meet her?"

Yao Po also knew that she had spilled the beans, but she was not worried and said, "If you want to see my junior sister, show some real skills!"

"Oh, being so coquettish makes a woman really troublesome!"

Aoki sighed, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with a pull board. He took out his cell phone, took a look at it, and tried pressing a few numbers.

Yao Po smiled and said: "No need to try, there is no signal here."

"Then how do you contact the outside world?"

"We use this." Yao Lao took out a mobile phone from her pocket that looked like a mobile phone from twenty years ago. It had a thick antenna on it. "This is a satellite phone."

"You just take it out like this, aren't you afraid that I will snatch it?" Aoki said.

Yao Po also seemed a little regretful, sighing secretly what happened to her today. She was talking and acting strangely. Did she really become Alzheimer's after losing her magic power?

But remembering that this satellite phone had a password, she breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If I don't tell you that the password is Xingjing 6957, you can't use it even if you take it away."

After she said that, her heart tightened. She felt as if she had said the wrong thing, but she didn't know where the mistake was.

The sun shone through the dense leaves, dotted with stars, covering her like a net.

Yao Po stood in a halo in a daze for a moment, and then found that the phone was already in Aoki's hand.

"Hey, if you don't come down, I'm going to call you!" Aoki shouted to Xiaomu upstairs.

Got no response.

He tried dialing Shi Dazhuang's number, "Hey, it works! The voice is quite clear... Ah, hello, Captain Shi? It's me, I'm Qingmu... Oh, this is a satellite phone, Yao Po's... …Yes, I’m in the mountains, can you locate this phone number?…Oh, okay…”

While talking to Shi Dazhuang about the situation, he walked towards the small wooden building with kicks.

When passing by the madman, he stopped, removed the phone, lowered his head and asked: "Who are you?"

The madman shivered, just like a student who was about to take the college entrance examination today but overslept, and his body jumped as if he had received an electric shock.

His eyes widened and he gasped hard: "I, I... I am Yao... Yao Binghui..."

Aoki nodded with satisfaction and stepped forward again.

Yao Po suddenly trembled all over and pointed at Qingmu's back: "You, you..."

However, before she could say what she wanted to say, the madman had already pounced on her like a hungry wolf and threw Yao Po to the ground.

"It's Li! This Lun Huanzi! The witch!..."

The lunatic was cursing incoherently while riding on Yao Po's body and beating him, one slap on the left, one slap on the right...

He didn't seem to understand his hatred, so he rushed forward and bit Yao Po's ears, neck and shoulders with his teeth, tearing off strips of flesh.

Yao Po had no power to resist, and could only cry miserably. She stretched out her hand in the direction of the small wooden building: "Ah - junior sister, help me -"

However, there was no movement in the small wooden building...

Next week’s streaking, all book friends, I’m counting on you! Thanks to Qian Yu Xiang Yi and Hua Xia Qing Tong for their rewards. Please hit me hard with your tickets so that I have the motivation to code.

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