Dream Guide

Chapter 112 Hidden in a wooden building deep in the mountains, this fragrance is not that fragrance

The woman is now less than two feet away from Aoki, and the original strong fragrance has become lighter. However, that vague aura is even more alluring.

Aoki was always a little allergic to this hormonal smell, so he suddenly sneezed again.

The woman frowned and took a quick step back to avoid the snot spraying from Aoki's nose.

Aoki sniffed and let out a long breath: "Ah, I feel much better now!"

"Why are you so disgusting?" the woman said.

"Um...it's just an allergy!" Aoki looked at the woman and said, "Why do you put so much medicine on your body? It smells bad."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then leaned over and said with a flirtatious look: "You don't know how much I suffered for this fragrance! I have grown up soaking in medicine jars since I was five years old, and I have to be exposed to all kinds of medicine every day. This kind of herbal pollen took more than ten years to produce this smell."

Aoki said: "But you won't turn into a flower no matter how much you soak it! You are already very pretty, why do you want to make it so fragrant?"

The woman chuckled: "Oh, you are really interesting! Do I look good?"

Aoki had to admit that this woman was outstanding among the women he knew in terms of appearance and figure, and the most outstanding thing was that she had a natural charm and enchantment. But there is no hint of inferiority in this kind of charm. Instead, she exudes the confidence and grace of a queen, just like the legendary Cleopatra.

"It looks good." Aoki said honestly.

The woman laughed. Her smile doesn't come from her face, but from her body. It seems that there are countless charming eyes and fragrant lips on her body, and every piece of flesh trembles slightly to show you her style.

Aoki took out the crumpled cigarette box from the pocket of his long windbreaker, patted it a few times with his hands, and held the popped out cigarette in his mouth. He took out a match from his trouser pocket, which he bought on Yanma Street. There are many shops selling matches in Mangdian. It is said that many local elderly people are still accustomed to using matches to make fires.

"When appreciating beautiful women, even if you don't have wine, how can you not have cigarettes!" Aoki struck a match with a click and took a puff of the cigarette against the flame.

The smoke rolled around in his lungs and blew out of his nostrils.

The white smoke was twisting desperately in the air, as if it was fighting fiercely with the aroma in the room.

The woman wrapped herself around like a snake and giggled, "It's no use even if you smoke! Nothing can beat my body fragrance!"

Aoki smoked a cigarette and let the woman twist against his body.

When the cigarette burned out, he threw the cigarette butt away and asked, "What's your name?"

The cigarette butt drew sparks and foam in a beautiful arc like a meteor, and fell into the corner of the room.

The woman said: "The name is not important, you just need to know that I am your queen."

"Twenty minutes have passed and you haven't conquered me yet." Aoki said with a smile, "So, you are still a little far away from ascending the throne."

The woman did not give up: "I know you are better than him, but it's just a time difference!"

Her face was almost touching Aoki's face, her arms were wrapped around Aoki's neck, one leg was hooked behind Aoki's waist, and her eyes seemed to be about to burst into tears.

"The longer you hold on, the more comfortable it will be when you surrender!" she said.

"Who was the last man to last twenty minutes?"

"He..." the woman said in Qingmu's ear, "his name is Muka, he is also a handsome guy, but he is much ordinary compared to you!"

"I'm just a stinky man who doesn't like haircuts or bathing."

The woman shushed and put her finger on Aoki's lips: "No! You're not! I can smell it, you're very clean! There's not a speck of dust on you! I really like you more and more!"

"Don't you know how handsome you are? Even if you deliberately mess up your hair, even if you deliberately wear shabby clothes, I can still tell at a glance that you are a real handsome guy!"

The woman murmured as if she was drunk.

"You said I am the third man, the first one is Muka, who is the other one?"

There was a flush on the woman's face: "Are you talking about Situ? If there is a man more handsome than you in the world, it would be him!"

"Really? How handsome is he?"

"Haha, I'm jealous!" the woman said with a sweet smile, "Don't be discouraged, there are fewer men in the world who are more handsome than you than Kashenfu's ghost beauty Swallowtail!"

"Tell me about Situ." Aoki said.

"Hey, are you men so obsessed with comparison? You must tell the difference!" The woman sighed, "Situ is the most handsome man I have ever seen. It's a pity that I can't conquer him. He admires my beauty and Body fragrance is completely immune. Maybe I was young when I met him and my skills were not good enough! If I see him again now, I really want to try again. I don’t believe that he has no feelings for me at all! Just like now, I I can’t believe you don’t feel anything for me!”

"It feels...there's always a little bit of it." Aoki said in her ear.

The woman smiled more softly, and her body rubbed more intensely.

"But I may not be able to wait for the day when you ascend the throne and become queen," Aoki looked at her with a smile, "Your name is Du Juan, right? Your master is Du Wa."

The woman suddenly jumped away from Qingmu as if she had been bitten by a snake.

"How do you know my name is Dujuan?"

She looked around cautiously.

The wooden building is still a wooden building, and the scenery outside the window remains the same. The Yao Po's shouting has stopped, but the madman is still tearing and biting the Yao Po like a dog, cursing: "What a fantasy! What a fantasy!" What a witch! I want shrimps washed away!..."

From time to time, some dead leaves fell from the big tree outside the window, and were blown in by the wind, rolling around on the floor, and finally gathered in a pile in the corner.

Everything seemed normal, not in anyone's dream.

Du Juan is extremely confident in her ability to control dreams and hypnotize. Although the man in front of her has not yet become her subordinate, she does not believe that there will be a second Situ. She believes that she will be able to conquer him.

"Did that stupid senior sister of mine tell you?" Du Juan asked.

"You don't seem to care at all about the old witch's life?"

"Why should I care? She is stupid and has not made any progress in so many years. She deserves to die."

"Since you don't care about her life or death, what are you doing here? I thought you were here to avenge her!"

"I'm just interested in you!" Du Juan raised the corner of his mouth and walked up to Aoki again, "Tell me quickly, who told you that my name is Du Juan?"

Her eyes were confused, she was panting when she spoke, her body was shaking and twisting gently, and a few strands of hair were stuck to her forehead and cheeks with sweat from the heat, as if she had taken too many drugs.

The entire small wooden building was beginning to rot. Golden sunlight shone in from the window, dragging long shadows of two people close together on the wooden floor.

A lot of grass is growing around, the walls are covered with vines, flowers are blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye, and butterflies are dancing among the flowers...

"Ah, is this the smell of poppy flowers blooming?" Aoki sniffed hard with his nose.

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