Dream Guide

Chapter 115 Pig Pen

After exiting the back door of the small wooden building, there is a ravine. The ditch was filled with rotten leaves, and it was unknown how deep it was. People who have experience in jungle life will avoid such ditches when they see them. Otherwise, if you step on them, you may never be able to climb out.

Hanbo led the madman up the gravel road on the edge of the ravine and came to a mountain wall. This mountain wall is very secluded. There are not many people coming to this mountain except herb collectors. In addition, there is already a ravine blocking the road in front, and a small wooden building was built in front of the ravine. If you don't pass through the wooden building, you can only get up here from the cliff of Liangmian Mountain.

There is a cave on the left side of the mountain wall with a large iron door installed at the entrance.

The lunatic screamed when he saw the iron door. He screamed extremely violently, as if he had seen something that frightened him extremely.

There were also some faint sounds coming from inside the cave, like the shouts of people or the roars of wild beasts.

Hanbo took out the key, opened the lock on the iron door, and brought the madman in.

There were many twists and turns in the cave, and it soon became dark.

Hanbo took out a flashlight to illuminate and led the way, while the other three people carried the madman forward.

The sounds in the cave became louder and could be heard clearly, they were human calls.

"Why are you making such a fuss? It makes me irritated!"

Han Bo cursed and shined his flashlight forward.

In the light of the flashlight, you can see a river ahead, with many iron cages hanging on the cave walls beside the river. Half of the cage is submerged in water and half is exposed. You can see that some cages are empty and some cages are occupied. The shouts came from the occupied cage and echoed in the cave.

Hanbo went through the water and went to an empty cage. He opened the cage door with a key and asked someone to put the madman in. At this time, the madman seemed to have resigned himself to his fate and became silent. He obediently entered the cage, grabbed the iron bars with both hands, and half of his body was immersed in the water.

The man in a cage next to him shouted: "Hanbo! You are nothing! Why are you locking me here? Let me out!"

Han Bo said impatiently: "Han Laizi, you are the only one who barks fiercely! If you call me again, I won't give you food."

Han Laizi begged him: "Master Han Bo! We are one of our own, why did you lock me up?"

Hanbo said: "You succeed more than you fail! If you hadn't offended a man named Shi for the sake of a crazy woman, how could you have harmed Yao Po?"

Han Laizi said: "I never knew it would end up like that! Haven't you done this before? Nothing happened!"

Han Bo said: "How can that be the same? You are from Qianziba, don't you know what people named Shi do?"

Han Laizi cried out sadly: "I know I was wrong! Master Han Bo, please let me out and I can do whatever you ask me to do!"

In the cages nearby were Han Laizi's father and brothers. They all begged Han Bo: "Han Bo, we are all members of the same family! You can't do this to us!"

Han Bo said: "It's not that I want to lock you up, it's actually Yao Po who has spoken. She is very angry now. After two days when her anger subsides, I will beg her to let you go."

Han Laizi cried: "Then you can at least give me a cleaner cave. This cage is full of water. I can't even sleep. I'll die if I'm locked up for another two days!"

Hanbo said: "After a while, the water level recedes, and you can lie down and sleep. But don't blame me for not warning you. The water level has not risen yet. When the water level rises, you will have to expose your nostrils to breathe."

After saying that, he locked the lunatic's cage, turned around, and left, leaving only the cries of Han Laizi and the others echoing in the darkness behind him.

Someone among the three people who came with him asked: "Brother Hanbo, who made this cave? It's so amazing!"

"You are all so surprised by this! This kind of pig cage existed during World War II. The Japanese invented it to hold prisoners of war. Some are in caves and some are in rivers. Anyway, there must be water. The ones in caves are the best. There is no need for anyone to watch. When the groundwater recedes, the cage is dry and you can sleep. When the water rises, the cage is only about ten centimeters above the water. It is difficult to take a breath. There is no telling what is in the water. What a sin..."

Hanbo showed off his knowledge in front of his younger brother, "There are a lot of pig cages like this in Myanmar and Vietnam, and I heard there are more in the Golden Triangle. They are rare here now. Those found in the mountains before were all taken away by the local people." People are taking out the old iron cages and selling them for scrap.”

"Why does Yao Po lock people here?"

"Hey, I don't know! If you were locked up and experienced it for a few days, you would know what life is worse than death! Do you know how prisoners in prison are punished for making mistakes?"

A man next to him said: "I know, I heard they are in solitary confinement."

"Yes, it's a solitary confinement, commonly known as a small dark room." Han Bo said, "No matter who you are, no matter how powerful and capable you are, if you are locked up in a small dark room and released after three to five days, you will be docile and docile. , I heard that people who have been locked up for a long time are going crazy!”

"No wonder the people imprisoned here are all lunatics. I thought they were crazy to begin with, but it turns out they were imprisoned crazy."

"But isn't it more wild when people are crazy? Why do all these crazy people listen to the medicine woman?"

"You don't know that Medicine Woman is the reincarnation of Medicine Buddha!"

"I heard that Yao Po has a junior sister who is even more powerful than Yao Po, and she looks so demonic that men will get horny just by looking at her!"

"Real or fake? When will we take a look at it too!"

"If you don't say it, don't say it. If you talk too much, something might happen. Look at what happened to those people in the cage..."

"Hey, Brother Hanbo, why didn't those people scream?"


Han Bo stopped and listened carefully. It was very quiet in the cave, only the echoes of the few of them talking were buzzing.

"Hey, that's strange! Are these turtle grandchildren dead? I have to go back and take a look."

They walked back using the flashlight, but as they walked they realized something was wrong.

Although this cave has twists and turns, I have been in and out of it many times, and there is no other way to go wrong. However, after walking for a long time, I have not reached the place where the pig cage is hung.

The flashlight flashed a few times and then went out, as if it was out of power.

The surroundings immediately fell into darkness.

"Brother Hanbo, why is it so dark? I'm scared!"

"What are you afraid of! Coward!"

Han Bo said this, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He always felt that something in the darkness was watching them.

He took out his lighter and lit it.

The light of the fire is like a star in the dark night in the deep and dark cave. It has no effect except adding to the mystery.

After a while, the lighter burned too hot and burned Hanbo's hand.

Hanbo threw the lighter away with a cry of "Ouch!"

The fire was not extinguished, and the lighter rolled far away on the ground. It was probably because the air leaked from the fall, and the flames suddenly started.

In the firelight, Hanbo saw a woman standing deep in the cave.

This woman only had a few silk-like cloth strips hanging all over her body, covering her key parts. Her graceful and exquisite body curves captured people's imagination in the firelight.

Han Bo only glanced at it and didn't dare to look at it again. He didn't even see clearly what the woman's face looked like. He only saw a long silver-white hair spread out behind her, stretching into the surrounding darkness like a devil.

Thank you Qian Yu Xiang Yi, Qing Tong Under the Flower, and Wang Xi for your rewards. Thank you to friends who vote every day. Happy reading.

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