Dream Guide

Chapter 118 Submerged

The water level of the underground river has remained at that position without changing. There were some faint shadows floating and swimming in the river.

Others, including the crazy beggar, were quiet, but Han Laizi and the others shouted loudly: "Help! There is something in the water! Help!..." Due to the struggle, his body was unable to balance, and he choked and coughed. stand up.

Aoki watched all this with cold eyes and continued to think about the details of this criminal plan.

"Are you the main designer of this plan, or is it your master Du Wa? But I think big guys like you are very busy, so you let Yao Po manage this cave? Because

"But I still can't figure it out. Neither you nor your master can construct such a powerful underlying space rule that overlaps with the real space to a certain extent, allowing everyone who enters the cave to enter the same dream space. How did you do it?"

After listening to Aoki's analysis, Du Juan laughed loudly: "You are so smart, you are indeed a genius! Unfortunately, it is useless no matter how smart you are, your end will be the same as them."

At this time, the water level of the underground river began to slowly recede.

An empty cage on the edge of the cliff opened the door with a creak.

"This cage is prepared for you." said Dujuan.

Aoki felt an invisible force wrap around his body and entered the cage. He didn't resist, it was like he walked in on his own. He needs to slowly explore the rules of this space. In addition to simulating the space rules of the real world, what other unique features does it have?

"Do you think such an iron cage can imprison me?"

"Knowing that the power trapping you comes from the entire space, not this cage, why bother asking?" Du Juan looked very confident, "You can try to see if you can escape. Ah, I really want to see, like How long does it take for a strong person like you to be imprisoned before he goes completely crazy!"

The water has completely receded and is so clear that you can see the stones on the bottom of the river.

"You are just a part of this dream, so aren't you afraid that you will be trapped in it?" Aoki said.

Du Juan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. If I didn't master the rules here, how could I trap you?"

"So, you have admitted that this place was neither created by you nor by your master? Then can you tell me, where is this place? I can't escape anyway, at least let me be an understanding person! "

"A ghost? No way. Don't worry, I won't let you die. For a man as handsome and strong as you, how could I be willing to let you die!" Du Juan fell down from the rock wall, her long white hair She put away her hair and returned to her charming look in the small wooden building. "I will take you out after you lose your sense of self."

"I will give you a haircut, change your clothes, and dress up properly. I think you will look very handsome like that!"

"I won't let you be a beggar either. I will take you back to Maxuba and plant a seed in your consciousness to make you fall in love with me!"

She stepped barefoot in the river and walked to Aoki's cage. "There is a seed of love for me in the consciousness of a powerful awakened person. He is proud to be my subordinate throughout his life, no matter what I ask him to do." He’s willing to do it, ah~~ I’m so excited just thinking about it!”

When he heard that he was going to have a haircut and change clothes, Aoki had a funny expression on his face: "You are too crazy! A woman shouldn't be so arrogant."

Du Juan laughed loudly: "Can't I be crazy? Well, I might as well tell you that this is my territory. Even my master is not more familiar with the rules here than me, because I was the first to discover this place. It was also at this place that I met Situ for the first time.”

When she talked about Situ, she looked intoxicated.

"Situ? Why is it Situ again? Did he create this ghost place?" Aoki asked.

"Of course not!" Du Juan said, "But he helped me activate this place,

The expression on her face was as shy as a girl in love.

Du Juan looked disappointed: "Yes, it's a pity that he was unmoved."

"But aren't you supposed to be in Myanmar and Vietnam? Isn't your master Du Wa from there?"

"Yes, but Master often takes me to China. Otherwise, why do you think I can speak Mandarin?"

Aoki nodded, looked at the endless cages on the river bank and asked, "How many people have you killed?"

"I don't know about this. My unlucky senior sister brought them here." Du Juan said,

"You don't seem to care." Aoki said.

Dujuan said: "What's there to be interested in?

While they were still chatting, the water level in the underground river began to rise again.

"Huh? Something's wrong today. The water has risen a bit early." Du Juan seemed to feel a little strange, "Forget it, I'll leave first. You can take your time here."

"But one thing I want to remind you is that my senior sister is dead and you brought the police here. No one will bring you food these days." Du Juan smiled slyly and stepped back as he said, "This The water in the underground river is drinkable, and there are fish in the water. Sometimes rats, snakes or other animals crawl through the caves. If you can catch them, you won't go hungry."

As the figure of the cuckoo gradually disappeared, the light in the cave gradually dimmed until it fell into darkness.

Aoki tried shaking the iron bars of the cage with his hands. They were very strong and didn't even make a sound.

Nothing could be seen in the darkness, only the coldness of the underground river could be felt by the feet. The water was rising, and a cold feeling spread up my legs.

Aoki carefully felt everything that happened to him. All of these are not only the rules of this dream, but also the feelings you get in your real body. So, what kind of environment is the real body in now?

The river water covered my waist, and then slowly covered my chest and neck. He felt a coolness on his chin, then his nose.

He did not raise his head and desperately breathe air like other people in the cage, but let his whole body be immersed in the water, only showing his messy hair.

He knew that consciousness could not drown.

Thanks to Qingtong under the Flower, Qianyuxiangyi, God's Projection, Asuna, "Memory" for the rewards, everyone has a happy reading

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