Dream Guide

Chapter 127 Good Guys and Bad Guys (Second update, please subscribe)

The cooing of night owls tears through the silence of the night like a devil's spell, and the faint shadows of the trees are like death guards standing on the mountainside, guarding this world of the dead.

Little bits of starlight fell, casting a hazy silvery white color on a lonely grave.

The poppy knelt in front of the grave, her hands tied behind her back with transparent tape. The braid on her head was spread out. The wind blew from behind, and her messy hair covered her forehead and half of her face.

Even at night, she knew where she was. She knows every tree, every piece of grass, and every piece of mud here. She is familiar with the unique smell of the air here, with the fragrance and love of the earth, just like the smell of her mother and father.

When her mother was still alive, she often took her here, saying that her father was buried here. At that time, she thought her father was a bad person.

Later, my mother was buried next to my father. She felt that her father had taken away her mother. She used to hate her father.

Now, she knows that her father is a good man and a hero!

She understood a truth - the good or bad of people is not as simple as legends or what they see on the surface. Just like the man standing in front of her now, who would believe that he is a bad person if he only looks at his gentle appearance?

"Is this here? I didn't go the wrong way. Is this the grave of your bad guy father?" Muka still looked polite when he spoke.

"My father is a policeman and a hero!" Poppy said loudly.

Muka chuckled. The laughter echoed in the dark mountain forest, intertwined with the calls of night owls, like ghostly cries.

"Hero? Hahaha..."

Muka laughed harder and harder, until tears came out of his eyes. While laughing, he took off his eyes, breathed, wiped them with a handkerchief, then put them back on, squatted down, and whispered into the beauty's ear: "They lied to you."

"No!" said the beauty, "Daddy will not lie to me! Aoki Yeye will not lie to me!"

Muka said: "Your father is a smoker and a poisonous scorpion!"

"No! My father is a policeman!" Poppy shouted.

"Okay, okay, it's the police." Muka said, "But the police also have bad people! Your father is a bad policeman."

Poppy shook her head and said stubbornly: "My father is a good man."

Muka asked: "Who is a bad person?"

Poppy bit her lip and said, "You are the bad guy."

"How do you know I'm a bad guy? Is it because I caught you and brought you here?" Muka asked seriously, "If I were a bad guy, I would have killed you long ago. But I You won’t do this because you are different from your father and you are a good person.”

"I'm also a good person." Muka brushed off a trace of spider dust on his white clothes and continued, "I don't smoke or take drugs. I studied hard since I was a child and got excellent grades. Later I was admitted to Imperial College and got a Ph.D. degree; I gave up the opportunity to work in the best laboratory in Europe and returned to the countryside to help people in my hometown get rid of poverty and become rich. How can someone like me be a bad person?"

Poppy didn't know how to answer. What the gentle man in front of her seemed to say was right, but she decided that he was a bad person.

"Well, it seems that you are still young and you don't understand some things yet. Then let's analyze them one by one to see who is a bad person."

Muka squatted in front of the poppy, looking at her face like two primary school students discussing a problem seriously.

“Are drug dealers bad people?”

Poppy thought for a while and finally nodded.

Muka asked again: "Is the person who killed his brother a bad person?"

Poppy nodded again.

“Are people who not only take drugs themselves but also encourage and seduce those around them to take drugs bad people?”

Poppy nodded again.

Muka laughed with satisfaction: "Your father has done all these things. He is a big smoker and can't stand a day without smoking. He bought big cigarettes from Maxuba and sold them to Mangdian. Otherwise, you think Mangdian Why do people here in Dian say he is a poisonous scorpion?"

"I have a brother named Mu Kuo. Your father worked for my brother at that time. After gaining my brother's trust, he betrayed him and asked the police to beat him to death. Then he took over my brother's business and became Ma Ma. Brother Yanma from Suba."

"Your father not only smoked cigarettes himself, he also forced people around him to smoke. Many people in Mendian became addicted to cigarettes because of him, including your mother. Your mother died because of this, didn't she? "

"Do you still think your father is a good man?"

Muka's words hit Poppy's heart like the shock waves of a bomb.

The stars suddenly brightened, and the flowers in the cemetery bloomed. She saw her mother lying among the flowers, with no color on her face that was thin from smoking.

The beauty burst into tears and choked up her voice as she said, "Daddy will not lie to me! Aoki Yeye will not lie to me! Mom will not lie to me! Dad is a good man, a policeman, and a hero!"

Muka said "Huh" and seemed a little surprised: "Someone actually strengthened your impression of your father in your consciousness!"

He looked up at the mountain shadows to the north, and heard the faint sound of cars driving through the winding mountain road in the distance.

"Oh, coming so soon?"

Muka snorted softly, took out a small notebook from the backpack on the ground, looked at it with his mobile phone, quickly wrote a few words on it with a pen, then tore off the paper and placed it on the raised grave. Wrap it up and press a stone on the paper.

After doing this, he took out a piece of white flour-like thing from the bag, put it in his hands and kneaded it into a ball of dough.

"Do you know what this is called?" Muka put his face on the grave, "This is called C4 explosive."

He took out a small yellow tube the size of a syringe and said, "This is called a detonator."

Muka stuffed the detonator under the dough and pulled out a long, slender thread, completely invisible in the dark, as if invisible.

"That big daddy of yours is so smart. He will definitely think that I will take you here." Muka pulled the line to the tree next to him. "He will be here soon. As long as it touches this line, the detonator will It will explode, and the detonator will explode, which will cause the C4 to explode. Then there will be - 'Boom!' - your eldest father, and your father in the grave will be blown up to the sky together!"

He stood up after pulling the thread and clapped his hands, "Well, you will learn these when you take chemistry class in the future. But..." He turned to look at the poppy, with infinite sympathy and pity in his eyes, "You It seems like there is no chance of going to school again.”

At this time, a tall man with long hair came and said to Muka: "Everything is set up."

Muka nodded and said, "Let's go."

The long-haired man came over, picked up the beauty, carried her on his shoulders, and walked out of the cemetery.

They entered the forest from the path behind the mountain of Wanziba, advancing step by step in the darkness. The dense thorns cut the beauty's arms and face, burning and painful.

After a while, a fire suddenly lit up in the direction of Wanziba, and then a loud bang broke the tranquility of the night. At the same time, it hit the beauty's chest like a boulder, crushing her hope.

"Daddy!..." she shouted, her eyes filled with tears.

Muka, who was walking in front, stopped and turned around and said, "Little girl, do you know why you saw the flash first and then heard the explosion?" He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking like a middle school student Teacher, "Because light travels faster than sound."

Don’t say anything, please subscribe! You ask Aoki? Show up now! The author is working hard on typing, and there will be more tomorrow!

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