Dream Guide

Chapter 139: Villains are all too wordy to die

"I didn't expect you to be the one chasing me across the border." Muka pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and didn't look too panicked.

Aoki sat down opposite Muka, put the beauty on his lap, and said to the beauty: "This is probably the last poppy."

The beauty stared at Muka: "Qingmuyeye, can I watch you cut the last one?"

"Okay." Aoki said.

"Haha, you seem to have convinced me." Muka was still so polite, even the way he pulled out his gun looked like a gentleman. The Smith \u0026 Wesson 500 pistol in his hand is very new. The shiny gun paint looks like it was sprayed on, and you can still smell a faint smell of gun oil.

"U Sotun is finished." Aoki said.

"Thank you for helping me kill Wu Sotun. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't have found a suitable opportunity to replace him." Muka smiled and shook the black muzzle of the gun, "You shouldn't have thrown away the gun. "

"I didn't bring a gun before I entered the general's residence in U Sotun." Aoki said.

Muka smiled disdainfully and said, "I am different from U Soe Tun."

"What's the difference?"

"U Sotun is just a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. He only has guns, white powder and women in his eyes. He thinks that he is a country emperor and is not afraid of anything. But he does not know that if a person does not have enough self-discipline and enough It is impossible to achieve great things with a broad outlook.”

"I am different from him. I have been studying hard since I was a child. I went from South Asia to Europe, and later to Africa and the Americas. I have stayed in the best schools and the best laboratories in the world. If I want, I will be among the top 500 in the world. I can choose the position of company executive there. But what does that mean? I gave up the seemingly glorious but boring job opportunities and the corrupt life in the capital world. When I came back here, I just wanted to change this world through my efforts. A land of poverty, ignorance and backwardness.”

"I know it is impossible to achieve long-term peace and prosperity here by relying on opium, but there is nothing here but opium. The incompetent government cannot help us. The drug traffickers in the Golden Triangle and overseas capitalists only see what the poppy flower brings to them. profit, and thus unlimited exploitation of our surplus value.”

"But so what? I don't care! We need to rely on opium and heroin to complete primitive accumulation. Didn't the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets also launch an Opium War against your country? Which empire did not develop through bloodshed and aggression? What about?"

"I don't smoke, drink, or touch white powder. Except for Du Juan, I have never touched other women. There are never more than three dishes on my table. Everything I do is for this land and living in The people here. I want to liberate them! One day, we will plant our flag on our land and announce to the whole world that we have stood up! None of you can bully us anymore!"

Muka became a little excited as he spoke. Although his movements and voice were still elegant, tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I like one of your Chinese poets very much. He has a poem called "I Love This Land."

"...This land that is battered by storms, this river that is always raging with our sorrow and indignation...Why do I always have tears in my eyes? Because I love this land deeply..."

He recited it just like he did when he recited "Poppy Beauty" in the Mangdian Police Station. His voice was deep and his breath was long, as if he was standing on the reader's stage at this moment.

Aoki waited quietly for him to finish reading the poem and said: "Your ideals are admirable, but your methods are outrageous! Have you ever thought about the families who were destroyed by your drugs?"

"It's their own fault. No one forced them to take drugs. Excellent people can survive the mire."

"Just like you?" Aoki sneered.

Muka smiled confidently and stopped talking.

Aoki shook his head and said: "What about those girls? Just for your bullshit ideal, you use them as guinea pigs in the laboratory, give them to U Sottun as gifts, and sell them to the prostitution street to become prostitutes. This is what you do The so-called greatness?”

"Great causes always involve sacrifices. Their lives have gained value because of this, and are much nobler than those who rot in the city's wealth and indulgence!" Muka said.

"No matter how you argue, it can't change your nature, and it can't absolve you of your sins." Aoki gently stroked Poppy's hair, "It would be fine if I didn't encounter this, but you kidnapped the beauty. Now, it's time to wake up from your great dream! Maybe there is still a chance to dream in hell."

"How did you wake me up?" Muka held up the gun with one hand and pushed up his glasses with the other hand, his eyes full of curiosity, "I am the one with the gun in my hand now."

"Do you know the name of this pistol? - Smith \u0026 Wesson M500 - the king of pistols. 0.50-inch caliber, five rounds of Magnum high-power pistol bullets, the warhead weighs about 22 grams, the muzzle velocity is 602 meters per second, the gun The oral kinetic energy can reach 4109 joules. If your marksmanship is good, you can kill a brown bear with one shot. In such a short distance, it is enough to kill the two of you."

"Oh, I forgot to mention it. You don't have to worry about its recoil. It's really difficult for most people to shoot with one hand, but I can. I used it to kill rhinos with one hand when I was inspecting the African jungle. So, there is no need to doubt the gun. The power and my marksmanship.”

"Of course, I know you can hypnotize me, make me dream, make me hallucinate, make me think the gun in my hand is a poisonous snake, or make me enter some other illusion. But you have to know, I have also learned this trick. . And my mental power is strong enough that I can last twenty minutes under Du Juan's hypnosis. Even if you are ten times more powerful than him, I still have two minutes to wake up."

"It doesn't take two minutes to kill you, it only takes two seconds. I have a gun in my hand. As long as I have two seconds of consciousness, it is enough to shoot you. No matter how good your hypnosis is, All I need is a thought as strong as steel, and as long as I have two seconds of conscious awareness, I can pull the trigger."

"At such a short distance, I don't believe you can dodge a bullet!"

Muka's hand holding the gun was steady, without any trembling.

Aoki sighed and asked, "Have you watched the TV series?"

"What?" Muka was a little confused, "Except for the news, I never watch things that waste my life."

Aoki said: "Okay, actually I don't watch it either. But do you know how most villains die?"

Muka was stunned and asked: "How did you die?"

"You're so verbose!" Aoki said with a smile: "If you had shot earlier, you might still have a chance. But you insist on telling me your great ideals in a verbose way, and brag about your skills." How powerful the pistol is to show off your knowledge and ability. Alas... now you have no chance!"

"You only know that you are strong-willed and can resist hypnosis and fall into dreams, but don't you know that consciousness can not only retrieve brain memories, but also control neural activity in the cerebral cortex through brain waves? I don't need to hypnotize you into dreams, I just need to cut you off The connection between your consciousness and the motor nerve center prevents you from giving instructions to your muscles. Although this process is slower than hypnosis, your wordy gave me enough time."

"You can try now to see if you can still pull the trigger." Aoki said.

Muka's expression changed. He immediately gave himself an order to shoot. However, he only saw his hand holding the gun steadily, motionless.

Because of excitement and nervousness, Muka's face flushed, and his glasses slowly slipped from the bridge of his nose, but he couldn't reach out to hold them up.

He watched helplessly as Aoki took the gun from his hand, while he was still making a funny gesture of raising the gun.

Aoki pointed the gun at Muka and said to Poppy: "Cover your ears." Then he murmured to himself, "It's a pity that the recoil of this gun is too great, otherwise I could teach you how to shoot now." .”

At this moment, Aoki felt the surrounding space tremble slightly, like a huge soap bubble bursting.

A peaceful and ethereal voice came: "For Dua's sake, please let him go!"

"Dua? Why should I give you face?" Aoki said and pulled the trigger.

Although Poppy covered her ears, she still heard a dull and loud sound. She saw a large ball of blood burst out of Muka's chest, and both the man and the chair fell backwards and fell to the ground.

"Eighty-one." Poppy counted softly.

Thanks to I Love Liu Cui, Wo Cha La, Seven Colors of the Moon, and Qingtong Under the Flowers for the rewards.

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