Dream Guide

Chapter 148 Lazy man’s logic

It was a little late when we returned to the hotel, and Poppy fell asleep on Aoki's shoulder. Aoki put the beauty on the bed, and Yao Jingjing helped cover her with quilts and adjust the temperature of the air conditioner.

Since Poppy lived with Shi Dazhuang, Shi Dazhuang booked a parent-child room, while Aoki's room only had one large bed. The beauty didn't bring out the room card when she came out. Aoki didn't bother to waste time with the room service staff, so he just let the beauty sleep in his room. But this way, he would have no place to sleep.

Yao Jingjing said: "How about you sleep at my place."

Aoki was stunned: "Huh?" Xin said, the girl was too direct!

Seeing Qingmu's embarrassment, Yao Jingjing wanted to laugh, but when she remembered that she didn't speak clearly, she felt embarrassed and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean anything else. I had to go back to my hometown for something, and I made a reservation at ten o'clock in the evening. Two o'clock train ticket. The room is reserved by the company and will not be refunded until the day after tomorrow. If it is empty, it will be empty."

Aoki said: "Oh, that's it! Why did you book a ticket so late?"

Yao Jingjing said with a smile: "Originally, the reservation was for eight o'clock, but since I have dinner with you and the beauty today, I changed the reservation to twelve o'clock."

Aoki said: "I'm really sorry that your schedule was delayed because of us!"

Yao Jingjing said: "It doesn't matter. I have been thinking about thanking you and finally waited for the opportunity. I am very happy to be with you today!"

At this time, Aoki's cell phone rang, it was Hu Xing calling.

After all, Hu Xing was an insider of the police and had heard about what happened in southern Yunnan. Thinking that Qingmu and Shi Dazhuang were here, she was a little worried, so she called to ask. Knowing that both of them were fine, she felt relieved and chatted with Qingmu for a few words, talking about the interesting things that happened in Wuzhong recently.

Qingmu asked about the situation of the old man of the Xia family. Hu Xing said that her grandfather was doing well recently and his energy was almost restored. The whole Xia family was very happy. Her two uncles, Xia Bozhou and Xia Zhongwan, both said they wanted to thank Qingmu.

At the end, Hu Xing asked about lucid dreaming again. She said that it was easy for her to fall asleep now, but it was still difficult to wake up and she didn't know how to control it. The lucid dream from which she couldn't wake up was so terrifying that she was almost schizophrenic now.

Aoki asked her to read books on quantum mechanics to inspire her. He said that dreams and reality are two spaces. When dreaming, our consciousness shuttles back and forth between the two spaces, just like quantum, in an uncertain state. According to the Heisenberg quantum uncertainty principle, quantum motion is unobservable, and quantum collapse will occur as soon as it is observed.

The same is true for consciousness in dreams. We cannot observe it, and the space will collapse as soon as we observe it. So when we dream, as long as you realize that you are dreaming, you will wake up. Because you have observed your own consciousness, just like quantum. Once you observe it, it must only exist in a stable state. Once your consciousness is observed, it can only exist in one space. Usually people will wake up at this time. Back to the real world.

Lucid dreamers, on the other hand, allow their consciousness to stay in another space, that is, the dream state, while observing, temporarily cutting off the connection with reality. To come back, we must return consciousness to a fuzzy and overlapping unobservable state, just like returning observed microscopic particles to a quantum state.

Hu Xing was confused and said okay, okay, I'll go find a book to read.

While Aoki was talking on the phone, Yao Jingjing helped Aoki get a cup of hot tea, and then listened quietly beside him. After he hung up the phone, he pushed the teacup in front of Aoki and said, "So Mr. Aoki also understands quantum mechanics!"

Aoki said: "No, I have discussed it a lot with Professor Mei, so I only know a little bit about it."

Yao Jingjing smiled and said: "It's not just for picking up girls, right? Mr. Aoki must be a master in this way."

Aoki laughed: "How could that be? How do I know that!"

Yao Jingjing asked: "Is the person on the phone just now your girlfriend? Her voice sounded very sweet!"

Aoki said: "That's my apprentice, I'm alone, where did I get my girlfriend!"

"As expected, he is a master, and his disciples are all beauties!" Yao Jingjing pursed her lips and smiled secretly.

Qingmu was noncommittal. On the one hand, he taught Hu Xing because she had a little talent in mental power. On the other hand, she was Xia Wenyuan's granddaughter, so it was convenient for him to observe Mr. Xia's situation. The shadow in Mr. Xia's mind is indeed very strange. Aoki also wants to know who used what method to allow an independent consciousness to invade the human brain and rely on stealing memories to grow, ultimately trying to replace the original consciousness.

Qingmu and Yao Jingjing chatted for a while, and Shi Dazhuang came back. He was a little surprised to see Yao Jingjing. Although they had only met once and Yao Jingjing had changed into casual clothes, the criminal investigation captain immediately recalled the stewardess on the plane and laughed and said, "What a coincidence!"

Aoki briefly told Shi Dazhuang what happened today. Shi Dazhuang said: "So that's the case. I have to thank Miss Yao for that. Otherwise, I, a lazy brother, can't find a restaurant fifty meters away and might not even bother to eat."

At this time, Poppy was woken up, rubbed her eyes and called: "Dad."

Shi Dazhuang went to hug Poppy. Poppy looked at Yao Jingjing and Qingmu, then whispered something in Shi Dazhuang's ear. Shi Dazhuang said "Oh": "Oh, I will carry the beauty back to the room to go to bed, and you guys can chat!"

Yao Jingjing probably guessed what Poppy was talking about, her face suddenly turned red, and she quickly said: "Oh, it's getting late, I should go back, I have to catch the train at twelve o'clock in the evening!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "Twelve o'clock is still early, you can chat for a while." After that, he hugged Poppy and left.

The poppy waved to Yao Jingjing and made a face: "Goodbye, my dear!"

Yao Jingjing laughed and scolded: "You are a little kid but a big devil!"

After Shi Dazhuang and Yu Meiren left, the room suddenly became quiet. The two seemed to have nothing to say, and the atmosphere became a bit awkward.

Yao Jingjing stood up and said, "Mr. Aoki, I'd better go back to the room and pack my luggage."

Qingmu didn't say anything, and just sent Yao Jingjing to the door of the room. Suddenly he remembered something and said, "The train station is not far away. Do you want me to see you off later?"

Yao Jingjing looked happy and said, "No need, right? My luggage isn't heavy. Even if I'm late and there's no subway, I can still take a taxi."

Aoki is a person who is too lazy to think about things. Lazy people are often very sincere, because deception and flattery are very troublesome. So when Aoki said he wanted to give Yao Jingjing a gift, he really wanted to give it to Yao Jingjing. It was not a polite word. But when Yao Jingjing said no, he really thought it was no need and said, "Then take care."

Yao Jingjing kept a smile on her face, but she was inevitably disappointed in her heart. She bit her lip and said "Goodbye!" and turned around silently.

I've been really busy these days. I can barely write two chapters in one day, and I don't have time to read everyone's comments one by one. I would also like to thank my friends who gave me tips, votes, and comments. I will thank you for all the rewards at the end of next week. Additional updates for rewards from the leader or above will only be due after next week. Thank you all again.

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