Dream Guide

Chapter 152 You threaten me

Aoki is a dreamless person and never suffers from insomnia. However, this night, he couldn't sleep. After returning to the hotel, his mind has been in chaos, and many things are hazy, like weeds about to emerge after the spring rain, but they are immediately covered by a layer of frost, and nothing is left.

He was alone in the room and poured himself a cup of tea. The tea was the Yunwu tea brought to him by Yao Jingjing. He took a sip and suddenly found that the taste of the tea was a little different.

It tastes quite sweet at first, but as the tea becomes thicker, it becomes astringent. When he finished smoking two cigarettes and came back to drink tea, the tea had already cooled down and the tea soup had changed from light green to thick yellow. One sip left a mouth full of bitterness.

It was okay for him to drink tea when he was not thirsty for the first time. Although it was not refreshing, it had a different kind of feeling. Thinking like this, he drank a few more cups, but he was too lazy to change the tea leaves. As he drank, the taste of the tea gradually became weaker, so that after drinking it, it was tasteless, like white water.

From sweet to bitter, and after the bitterness, it becomes dull. This is how life feels.

He looked at the time and thought that Yao Jingjing had probably arrived at his hometown at this time. Will anyone pick her up if she arrives so late? Will we encounter any danger again?

He opened WeChat, considered the words, and wanted to say something. However, when he saw the small letters in the mobile phone input method, his laziness relapsed. A wave of lazy fatigue came over him, and he threw the phone aside.

He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, picked up the match, and just when the match was lit, a text message came from his phone.

Aoki looked at the eye-catching red dot on the text message icon, threw the match into the ashtray, and gently placed the cigarette on the coffee table before clicking on the icon.

This is an unfamiliar number:

"Teacher Aoki, I want to talk to you. - Ma Fuqing"

Aoki was a little disappointed and a little surprised. Ma Fuqing wanted to talk to himself. What should he talk about?

He only replied with one word: Say.

Ma Fuqing immediately replied: There is an unfinished clock tower building next to the farm dormitory on Nongken Road. I will wait for you there. I'll give you a surprise.

Aoki opened the map and looked at it. He couldn't find the clock tower building on the map, but he could find the farm dormitory.

He picked up the cigarette on the coffee table again, lit it with a match, closed his eyes and took a puff.

He was not in a hurry. Since Ma Fuqing sent him a text message at this time to ask him to meet, something must have happened. Ma Fuqing was also anxious.

Do you want to go?

Go, maybe you can help Shi Dazhuang. After all, Ma Fuqing's incident was his own fault. He thought so.

The tea cup on the table has dried up, and the wet tea leaves lie limply at the bottom of the cup. He remembered that Yao Jingjing was so weak when she was crying on his shoulder. He touched his shoulder. The tear stains had dried long ago, leaving nothing behind. It was like a dream.

It's a pity that he is a dreamless person.

After smoking, Qingmu slowly got up, went out and went downstairs, and drove Shi Dazhuang's car to Nongcun Road.

The location of the farm dormitory is easy to find, and the unfinished building next to it is very eye-catching. The street lights and neon lights in the city were flashing, except for the unfinished building and its surroundings, which were darkened like a black hole in the bright starry sky.

Aoki climbed up the stairs step by step and saw Ma Fuqing on the top of the building.

"Teacher Aoki, you are here!"

Through the starlight, Qingmu saw Ma Fuqing bowing. He still looked like the honest and honest farmer.

"You expected me to come?" Aoki asked.

"I didn't know for sure, just wait and see. Look, you're here!" Ma Fuqing chuckled.

"What if I don't come?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't come, you will always come to see me, it just happens sooner or later."

Ma Fuqing handed over a cigarette, but Aoki refused, saying, "It's not a drug, right?"

"How can I?" Ma Fuqing said, "No matter how stupid I am, I won't give you drugs, right? Muka is already in your hands!"

"The information is quite good!" Aoki realized that he might have underestimated Ma Fuqing, "Tell me what you want from me."

Ma Fuqing said: "The police are targeting me. It must have something to do with you, right? If it weren't for you, the police wouldn't have suspected me."

"So?" Aoki said, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Ma Fuqing took out a small box, placed it on the ground, opened it, and took a photo with his mobile phone. It was full of money.

"Here is one million, which is a little token of appreciation from me to Teacher Aoki."

"It seems that you have really made a fortune, one million dollars in one move!" Aoki sneered and said, "Do you want to use this little money to bribe me?"

"Don't dare." Ma Fuqing locked the box and put it aside. "I just want to ask Teacher Aoki for one thing."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Aoki asked.

"Teacher Aoki is an expert outside the world, why should he care about these common people's affairs? I don't ask Teacher Aoki to do anything for me, let alone mention bribery. I just ask Teacher Aoki to stop meddling in my affairs. ." Ma Fuqing said.

Aoki smiled and said: "You yourself know that you have been targeted by the police, so what if I don't care?"

Ma Fuqing said: "The police have no evidence and can't do anything to me. I have long planned to quit, but it is not easy to quit this business. Now that you have taken over the medicine lady and others, you have done me a favor." I should thank you. As the saying goes, a prodigal son never comes back with gold. For a person like me who is determined to repent, start a new life, and only want to live peacefully from now on, Mr. Aoki, you will definitely make it happen!"

He looked extremely sincere, bowing his waist when facing Aoki, as if facing a big leader.

Aoki was slightly surprised and said: "Originally, I didn't want to meddle in your business. Whether the police can catch you or not, that's the police's business. But you called me here in the middle of the night. , I can’t justify it no matter what I do!”

Ma Fuqing said: "I just want to confess my sins in front of you and ask you to give me a chance to be a new person. I am a bit anxious about time, but I am afraid that if I delay it for a long time, there will be misunderstandings!"

"Then I will listen to your confession. If you repent well, I can consider your proposal." Aoki said.

Ma Fuqing chuckled and moved the box on the ground forward with his feet: "This million is just a little gift. In addition to this, I also have a landscape villa in Sanya. I have nothing to use anyway, so why not give it to Teacher Aoki?" . Your girlfriend who works as a flight attendant is so beautiful, but it’s so hard to fly around in the sky all day long! Why not go to the beach to enjoy the breeze and enjoy the wonderful time.”

Aoki suddenly became wary, looked at Ma Fuqing and said, "Are you threatening me?!"

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