Dream Guide

Chapter 156 Evil Reappears

Ma Fuqing persisted at first and kept sitting there repeating his belief: "Don't move, you can't move, everything is an illusion..." Even if he felt the water level rising and slowly covering his mouth and nose, he only shook his body slightly. He paused for a moment, but did not stand up, nor did he use his hands to pull the iron bars on the top of the cage.

He tried to take a few deep breaths, but apart from the coldness in his chest, he did not feel any choking or respiratory blockage. He chuckled: "Look, let me tell you, this is all an illusion, just like a nightmare."

He heard Aoki say: "You are indeed very powerful. You can still stay clear like this. If you don't move, I really can't do anything to you. But it's going to rain heavily. If you don't take shelter from the rain, this one will be a disaster." The heavy rain is enough for you."

Ma Fuqing opened his eyes and looked up. It was dark and he couldn't see anything, but there were indeed heavy raindrops falling, sparsely. Occasionally, one or two drops fell on his face, which was cold and cold.

After a while, the raindrops became denser and scattered on the top of the building like broad beans, making a crackling sound.

Ma Fuqing quickly got wet, like a drowned rat, with rainwater pouring down his face.

At this time, his breathing began to become unsmooth. With a little effort, rainwater was sucked into his lungs, causing a violent cough.

He wanted to find a place to take shelter from the rain, but he remembered that he had to insist on the belief of "not moving". If you move, you may no longer be able to tell what is an illusion and what is reality.

The wind howled, blowing large swaths of rain in an oblique direction, like an army shooting arrows from a distance. Ma Fuqing felt that he was a little unstable when he was sitting, and he was almost blown over by the wind. The wind and rain made his cheeks sore.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Ma Fuqing couldn't bear it anymore.

A bolt of lightning lit up, like a silver flashing snake, twisting right in front of his eyes, and almost penetrated the floor of the building.

With the light of lightning, Ma Fuqing could clearly see the situation on the roof of the building. There was nothing but the pouring rain. The cage that trapped him was gone, and so was the underground river. Aoki no longer knows where he is.

A crack of thunder rang in his ears, causing him to jump up from the ground.

Yes, who would be stupid enough to stay in the rain on top of this abandoned building! This building has been abandoned for more than 20 years, and it may collapse one day when a strong wind blows.

Ma Fuqing took out his cell phone to look for some light, but found that it was no longer lit, probably because it was raining. Thinking that the mobile phone hidden in the pile of scrap steel bars for filming should be even more unusable, he didn't even look at it.

He had no choice but to walk toward the stairs in the dark. Fortunately, he was familiar with this place. Several transactions had been conducted here before.

He felt the location of the stairs next to the wall, tried to take a step forward, and stepped on the steps. He breathed a sigh of relief, patted his wet chest, and smiled easily.

He remembered that Yao Po pinched an orchid finger and placed a giant Buddha in front of him. Wouldn't he die in Qingmu's hands now? Even the legendary Muka and U Soe Tun are dead, but this Aoki can't do anything to me!

Ma Fuqing was so proud that he was a little careless when he went downstairs. Suddenly his foot missed the mark and he fell down.

He was so frightened that his heart suddenly tightened and he almost suffered a myocardial infarction. Fortunately, my butt quickly hit the ground and fell onto a pile of scrap steel bars on the floor of the next floor with a bang. The tailbone felt like it was cracked after the fall.

He screamed, climbed up from the steel bar with difficulty, and carefully groped to find the wall.

However, the steel bars on the ground were not flat, but stood up one by one, blocking his way.

Ma Fuqing found it strange that he had never seen such steel bars when he came here before. He touched around the erected steel bars and found that the steel bars were erected one by one, just around the circle, like a cage. I fell from above just now, so I was lucky that I wasn't impaled to death by the vertical steel bar.

At the same time, he smelled a pungent odor, as if he had fallen into a puddle of feces and urine.

At this time, the sound of wind and rain gradually subsided, and the sky on the roof of the building gave off a hazy light again. The lights of the city in the distance also emerged from the wet fog again, and a vague outline gradually became visible in the scene in front of me.

Ma Fuqing adjusted to the dim light for a while, and then saw that he had indeed fallen into an iron cage, but this time it was not submerged in water like a pig cage.

The cage's iron bars are about two meters high, with straw and dirty mats spread underneath. There were several thick iron chains in the cage, which locked the door. There is a pit in the corner of the cage, and the smell is coming from there. Ma Fuqing took a closer look and smelled it, and found that it was indeed a pit for people to poop and pee.

He quickly covered his nose and backed away, and suddenly his back bumped into something soft and warm. He seemed to hear heavy breathing, and a slight whirring air flowed from the neck behind him.

He was so frightened that he held his breath, turned around suddenly, and saw a dark figure squatting behind him. The whites of his eyes looked particularly bright in the darkness.

Ma Fuqing was so frightened that he fell back and crawled a few steps backwards with his hands on the ground. He accidentally fell into a puddle of feces and urine with one hand.

The dark figure seemed very happy to see him covered in feces and urine, and laughed.

Ma Fuqing thought the voice was very familiar, and when he looked carefully, he realized that it was his younger brother Ma Fuquan squatting in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Ma Fuqing asked puzzledly.

Ma Fuquan chuckled and stretched out his hand to pinch Ma Fuqing's neck: "You locked me up! You locked me up!" As he spoke, he strangled his neck hard and banged Ma Fuqing's head against the ground. .

Ma Fuqing wanted to resist, but he didn't know whether it was because he was a little weak from the rain, or because his brother was too strong. Anyway, he couldn't use any strength himself, so he could only watch helplessly as he was choked by his brother. Angry.

He tried hard to pry off his brother's fingers and mumbled something that even he couldn't hear clearly. Then, his tongue stuck out, making him look like a hanged ghost. His eyes were also bulging out, like a dead fish.

The strange thing is that Ma Fuqing can still see himself and everything around him even though he is dead, but the despair and pain at the moment before his death have not dissipated from him. He just watched himself die, and his brother showed a satisfied smile.

There was a patter of footsteps on the stairs. It was not very loud, like walking barefoot without shoes.

Then a white figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

It was a headless woman, naked and fair, like a white pig that had just been pushed in boiling water. Her neck was empty, the flesh was turned outwards, and dark red blood overflowed from the mouth of her neck, like a group of twisted long worms crawling.

Ma Fuqing saw the headless woman walking towards the dead man step by step, her white chest trembling, and there was a particularly conspicuous black mole on her left chest.

"Give me my head back!" the woman said.

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