Dream Guide

Chapter 167 See you soon

Father Yao seemed to be particularly satisfied with the soup he bought, and kept asking everyone to drink. Because Yao's mother was exhausted just now and had no appetite, she basically didn't use her chopsticks. Yao Jingjing lowered her head and ate in small bites, biting her chopsticks in a daze from time to time, with a blush on her face. Aoki, on the other hand, ate and drank without any scruples. He hasn't eaten anything since last night, and hasn't even taken a sip of water, but he just can't get interested in the bowl of bone soup in front of him.

Yao's father felt a little embarrassed when he saw that no one was drinking soup or talking, so he asked Yao Jingjing about the blind date at noon.

Yao's mother winked at him vigorously: "You must be confused!"

Only then did Yao's father remember Qingmu's presence and slapped his forehead: "Oh, I remembered it wrong. I remembered it wrong. It's not about Jingjing, it's about that..."

Yao Jingjing chuckled and said, "Dad, Mom, what are you doing? This is not a shameful thing." She roughly told what happened at noon, observing Aoki's face while talking.

Qingmu, however, remained oblivious and kept eating alone, which made Yao Jingjing panic and wondered what he was thinking.

In fact, Aoki saw everything that happened at noon. After dealing with those gangsters, he originally planned to say hello to Yao Jingjing and leave. He happened to hear the Xiang family's mother and son discussing marriage with her, and threatening her mother's illness.

Although Mrs. Xiang was a bit domineering, she didn't mean anything malicious, and it was inconvenient for Aoki to come forward in this situation. He learned that Yao's mother needed money for medical treatment, and he happened to be carrying a cumbersome money box, so he simply sent the money directly to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, he took the opportunity to learn about the condition and discovered that Yao's mother had a brain lesion similar to Xia Wenyuan's. However, the hospital obviously did not realize how rare this lesion was and only regarded it as a complication caused by leukemia. .

Aoki remembered that Dr. Peter said that Xia Wenyuan's disease had only been found in about ten cases in the world, and they were all famous people. He had always suspected that the brain lesions were related to the shadow, and what happened to Yao's mother now seemed to support his thoughts.

The remaining question now is, Yao's mother is just an ordinary person, and what does the intruding consciousness want to find through her? Is it that cat? And how did the cat deal with the intruding consciousness?

It seems that I need to find a way to get rid of the cat and unlock the memory blockade of Yao's mother.

Before Yao Jingjing finished speaking, Yao's mother slammed the table and said angrily: "How dare you threaten my daughter with my illness? What the hell! It's amazing to be rich! You said that Aunt Zhao of yours is also true, I know everyone Who are these people!"

She suddenly remembered that Qingmu was also a rich man and could not be suffocated to death with a stick. Seeing that Qingmu was silent while eating, she thought he was unhappy because of Yao Jingjing's blind date, so she explained: "It's all my fault! I didn’t know that Jingjing had a boyfriend. Look at my illness. After today, I don’t know if there will be a tomorrow, so I’m anxious. Don’t take it personally, my Jingjing. She is filial and just wants to make me happy. .Now that I know, I will never do such a thing again. Don’t blame Jingjing. If you want to blame, blame me!”

Yao Jingjing said anxiously: "Mom, stop talking. The more you talk, the more confused you become!"

Yao's mother said: "Okay, okay, I won't say it, I won't say it anymore."

Even though Qingmu was stupid, he could tell at this time that Yao's mother regarded him as his future son-in-law. But he was too lazy to explain. Seeing that Yao's mother was in much better spirits, he asked her about the cat when she was a child.

Yao’s mother said that the cat was raised by her grandmother and had been there since she was born. When they were young, their grandma was the head of the house, and they listened to her in everything. Grandma treated the cat like a treasure, more precious than her granddaughter, so she was very jealous of the cat when she was a child. But after all, I grew up with cats, so my relationship with cats is pretty good. But the cat’s closest relative is her grandma, and it’s not easy for anyone else to hug her.

Aoki asked: "Isn't your cat very special?"

Yao's mother said: "It's just white and clean! It's a bit clean and not like a cat. We were in the countryside at that time, let alone dogs and cats, it was just people, and they were all dirty one day. But my cat is all white. It's snow-white and won't get dirty no matter where it goes. I think it didn't want to be hugged at that time because it thought others were dirty. My grandma was very clean and would never get dirty no matter whether she was working in the fields or cooking the stove at home. Although she is also dressed in coarse linen, everyone says she looks like she belongs to a wealthy family."

Aoki said: "Your grandma is not an ordinary person."

"I think so too." Yao's mother said, "There are not many people with the surname Cuan in Cuanzhou, but my grandma's is the most authentic."

Yao Jingjing said: "It turns out that Tai Nai's surname is Cuan, which is the pride of Cuanzhou. So I also have the blood of the Cuan family in my body!"

Yao’s mother said: “My surname used to be Cuan, and we all had my grandma’s surname. Because this surname was too difficult to write, people in Cuanjia Village had already changed their surname to Cun, but my grandma insisted on not changing it until her death. We just changed it.”

"Cun, Cuan..." Yao Jingjing muttered in her mouth, "The pronunciation of the two words is very close, so that's how it came about!"

Aoki wasn't interested in the surname issue. He thought Yao's mother wouldn't know anything more, so he stood up and left after finishing the meal.

Yao Jingjing sent Qingmu out and asked him when she got downstairs: "Why did you come to Cuanzhou? How did you know that my mother was hospitalized and asked for money?"

Of course Aoki couldn't say that he came mainly to kill a few gangsters who wanted to harm her, but he was not good at lying, so he said: "I just came to see you."

Yao Jingjing felt that Aoki's reason was far-fetched, but she still felt warm in her heart and said, "Thank you."

Aoki said: "You're welcome."

Yao Jingjing said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to get out that much money for a while, so I can only pay it back to you slowly in the rest of my life."

"You don't have to pay it back, the money is yours." Qingmu felt that Yao Jingjing was targeted by Ma Fuqing because of him, and he almost suffered harm because of it. If he had been a step late last night, the driver would have succeeded, let alone a million , no amount of money can make up for the regret.

"Ah?" Yao Jingjing didn't understand why Aoki said that, "Mine?"

Aoki also realized that there was a loophole in what he said, so he said: "Well... I picked up the money on the road, so don't worry about it."

Of course Yao Jingjing didn't believe it. She chuckled and said, "Then if the owner comes and the money is spent by me, I can only promise to give it back to him for the rest of my life."

Aoki didn't understand what Yao Jingjing said and said with great certainty: "The owner will not find it."

Yao Jingjing lowered her head and smiled, thinking that she was really a piece of wood.

The two chatted all the way, but it seemed that they were not on the same channel, and in the end they became silent. It wasn't until she reached the parking lot and saw that Aoki had already put one foot on the car that Yao Jingjing finally summoned up the courage to shout: "Aoki!"

Aoki held the car door and turned around: "What?"

"I...I..." Yao Jingjing lowered her head and looked at her toes. She felt her face was hot and she didn't say anything for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Aoki asked.

Yao Jingjing was silent for a long time and said, "Will we meet again?"

"This..." Qingmu suddenly remembered something and asked, "Is there a hospital in Wuzhong that treats this disease as serious?"

"Well, the Department of Hematology in the Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan University is very famous." Yao Jingjing was looking forward to Qingmu asking them to transfer them to Wuzhong for medical treatment, but she felt that such a request was too much. I met you by chance and already gave you one million. How can I have the nerve to make such a request again?

"Is it Sanwu University?"


"That'll be easy." Qingmu said, "I'll go back and ask if I can help you arrange to go to Wuzhong for surgery."

"Really?" Yao Jingjing was overjoyed, "Then we will meet again soon!"

"Yes, we will meet again soon." Aoki said with a smile, but suddenly thought of the white cat in his mind.

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