Dream Guide

Chapter 186 Bird Mission

Aoki gave Crow a death mission, and he must protect Life Flower when he is away. The crow readily agreed, saying that although the proprietress was a bit fierce, for the sake of her own good, she would never allow any evil force to harm her.

Bishenghua didn’t quite understand why she needed protection, and how a crow could protect her, a living person. But after getting along with Aoki for a long time, she naturally felt a sense of trust, and also understood the many incredible things he displayed. Becoming more and more accustomed to it.

As a result, a noisy crow follows Lifespan when she goes out and about, even when sleeping or going to the toilet.

Sometimes she was so annoyed that she couldn't stand it anymore, especially when the crow would follow her and make noises when she was taking a bath. She would scold you: "You are a male crow. You have to follow a woman when she takes a bath. Are you going to die? How shameless!" !”

The crow was driven outside and croaked disdainfully at the bathroom door: "Can a woman with such small breasts be considered a woman?"

Then I heard something hit the bathroom door and then fell to the floor. With a clanging sound, I heard the boss lady scolding me: "You want to die! Believe it or not, I will take you to the pet shop to have you castrated tomorrow!"

The coal boss screamed in fright, flapped his wings and flew back to the living room. Suddenly he remembered the task Aoki had given him, so he flew back again and stood at the bathroom door yawning: "It was my fault, I shouldn't have said you have small breasts." , you have no breasts! Guaguagua..."

The bathroom door opened with a bang, and Life Flower, wrapped in a bath towel, rushed out and tried to pull the crow's hair. The crow squawked and fled to the living room, flew to the top of the chandelier, and said to the angry Bishenghua: "Okay, Ruhua, I don't blame you for being flat-chested. The boss doesn't dislike it, so what are you afraid of!"

The life-long flower was stuck in his waist, trembling with anger, pointing at the ceiling and said: "Eat cat food tonight!"

"Oh!" The crow hurriedly flew down and jumped in front of Bishenghua to please him, "Beautiful boss lady, as beautiful as a flower..." Seeing Bishenghua about to hit it, he shouted in panic, "You can hit me, but you are not allowed. Pull my hair!"

After a lot of flattery, the coal boss finally got to eat the sauced elbow again.

"Hate cat food! Hate cats!" The crow stepped on the bone of the elbow with one foot, raised the other foot high, and shouted like an oath.

After eating, Boss Mei and Bishenghua lay on the sofa and watched TV together. An entertainment program was being played on the TV. One day, the girls from a Korean group were dancing on the stage. The coal boss was also excitedly twisting around on the sofa and singing his own crow-style rap:


The swaying dance steps of your long legs

The eyes ignited the temperature of the stage

The little man’s waist twists and turns

Rotate more than 720 degrees


Don't tell me you know martial arts

That would make me afraid and would rather be alone

You have perky breasts, perky butt, and beautiful curves

But it hides the infinite terror of the devil


Don't tell me you know martial arts

I want to get close to you but can't find the way

Are you a fairy sister?

Quickly teach me Lingbo Weibu

When I learn how to do it, I will go to the Vulture Palace to eat and drink with you.



I want to rush onto this stage and dance with you

But you hid in the artificial fog

The women on the stage are all taking the same steps as you

The same unibrow, the same awl face

The same straight nose bridge looks cool

I just realized that what you are studying is not martial arts.

That's the Bangzi family's unique and unparalleled disguise technique.


Not martial arts


That's surgery


Painful realization

You bitch


Not martial arts


That's surgery





Bi Shenghua felt sorry for her sofa and said, "Hold your claws, you've scratched the sofa leather!"

The coal boss put away his paws, shook his head and still sang: "Vomit... Gua Gua... Surgery..."

Bi Shenghua felt really irritated, so she turned off the TV and said, "If you want to vomit, go to the bathroom, don't vomit on my sofa."

The coal boss stopped, fluffed his feathers, suddenly looked at Lifespan Flower and said seriously: "Boss Boss, please give me a suggestion."

It was rare for Bishenghua to see the serious look of the crow, so she thought it was really serious, so she asked: "What suggestions? Let's not talk about food. You will eat whatever I do."

"No, no!" Crow said seriously, "Do you have any plans to go to South Korea recently?"

Bi Shenghua asked curiously: "Why are you going to South Korea?"

Crow said: "Although the boss won't say it, men always like big ones. Guagua, what if you don't make it bigger? If it's not big, you can only make it small..."

Bi Shenghua listened for a long time before she understood. She picked up a magazine next to her and slapped it on her face: "I'll slap you to death, you're just a crow!"

The crow hid aside and cried out aggrievedly: "I'm thinking about you, I'm afraid that you will change from the first wife to the second wife!"

Bi Shenghua chased the crow, and the crow fled in the room and screamed: "Those two women are older than you... Although you have more personality... If I had to choose... Gua... I would choose you too... Gua… but the boss is a man… Gua… it’s hard to say… Gua Gua…”

In the end, Lifespan Hua couldn't catch up anymore, and the crow couldn't run anymore either. One person and one bird were lying on the floor with their backs spread out, gasping for air.

Bishenghua panted and cursed: "Damn...Damn crow...you...are tired of eating sour elbows!"

Crow also gasped and said: "I... am also doing it for your own good."

Bi Shenghua said: "I need you to worry about my affairs!"

Crow said: "I don't worry about your man being abducted. Do you think he only has policewomen and stewardesses? Guagua, in that cave in southern Yunnan, he almost had sex with that woman named Dujuan..."

Bishenghua said disdainfully: "You're bragging, you didn't go to southern Yunnan." Suddenly something came to mind that felt wrong, "Do you know something?"

"Quack..." The crow suddenly remembered that Qingmu was its master, and fell silent.

Life Flower yelled: "Who is Du Juan?"

The crow held its head proudly and straightened its body in an attitude that it was as if it would kill him without saying a word. It really looked like a righteous bird that would go to any extent for its friends.

Bishenghua brought two pots and banged them in front of the crow: "Picking pork elbows or cat food, you choose!"

The crow said: "Do you think I will betray my master like this? Quaa!" It slowly turned around and glanced at the two pots of food on the ground with squinting eyes, "Cuckoo? Let me think about it. …”

The crow began to chirp and tell a story about a woman, a Japs, and Aoki. After hearing this, Bishenghua took away the two pots on the ground and cursed: "Damn crow, you are making up stories to tease me!"

"Quack, quack, what I said is true!" The crow chased after the heel of Life Flower and cried, "It's absolutely true! Quack, my elbow, my elbow..."

At this moment, Bishenghua suddenly received a call from Lao Wang, saying that he wanted to talk to her. Life Shenghua said yes and asked him to come to the store tomorrow. Lao Wang said he wanted to meet now. Life Flower asked him where he was. He said he was in a teahouse in the south of the city, and said Aunt Zhang was also there.

Bishenghua asked Lao Wang to send her location and prepared to drive there. The crow followed Aoki's instructions and followed her closely.

Bi Shenghua said: "Why are you following me? Go back to the house quickly."

Crow said firmly: "For your safety, I must go with you."

Bi Shenghua said: "You heard that the dim sum at that teahouse is pretty good, right?"

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