Dream Guide

Chapter 199 The Contribution of Birds

The crow was startled when he saw someone coming in. When he saw clearly that it was Qingmu, he flew over with flapping wings, landed on top of his head and scratched his hair vigorously.

"You're late! Gua!"

Aoki reached out and pulled the crow down, pointed at the half-dead people on the ground and said, "Did you do it?"

Crow nodded vigorously: "What's the reward this time?"

Aoki patted the crow's feathers: "I'll take you to a feast."

The crow croaked excitedly, then suddenly calmed down and asked seriously: "Let's talk about it first, where to eat? The small restaurant in Liuying Lane is not a good one!"

Aoki said: "You can eat wherever you want."

The crow flew up and circled in the sky, then landed on a branch of a tree and croaked in the sky: "It's a big meal! Croak...it's a big meal! Croak..."

It was the first time for both Hong Kui and Li Wei to see such a talking bird, and they were even more surprised to hear what Qingmu said that all the people on the ground were the work of this crow.

The crow made a noise for a while, then flew to the top of Qingmu's head, lowered its head and said in his ear: "Ruhua is frightened, go and coax her, quack..."

Aoki walked to Bi Shenghua and asked, "Are you okay?"

Bi Shenghua said: "If you come a little later, I will be in trouble."

Aoki heard that Bishenghua was a little unhappy, scratched his head for a long time, and said, "Well, I don't know..."

Bi Shenghua was annoyed and amused by Aoki's stupidity, and said: "Okay, okay, stop acting like a bitch. How are you going to clean up this mess?"

Aoki said: "You don't have to worry about it."

At this time, Huang Ziqiang came in with someone. After completing the inspection of several buildings on the east side according to Hong Kui's request, he rushed to the factory area. Although he hesitated at the gate for a while, after all, his men's combat power was limited, but considering that there were only two people, Qingmu and Hong Kui, and thinking that this was his opportunity to make a contribution, he finally gritted his teeth and rushed in with his men.

Huang Ziqiang was shocked when he saw Li Wei. Of course he recognized Li Wei, the captain of the bodyguard of Xia Mansion, Xia Wenyuan's personal bodyguard, and the legendary top master in the Sanwu area. Only then did he understand why the minions outside the old power plant and the juji in ambush had been killed.

However, what shocked him most was not Li Wei's ability, but Aoki's energy.

This guy in weird clothes not only has terrifying methods, but he can also let Xia Wenyuan's personal bodyguards come to help him save people. In addition, he has never figured out why Hong Kui would personally accompany Qingmu to take risks. He is getting more and more... He couldn't understand this young man, which was a bit scary for him.

Huang Ziqiang was both happy and scared at the same time. Fortunately, he was not in the same boat with Jiang Deqian. Fortunately, he decisively cut off the relationship with Jiang Deguan after Jiang Deqian's death. Fortunately, he took Qingmu to meet Hong Zhenlong. Judging from the current relationship between Qingmu and Hong Kui, Huang Ziqiang's contribution is indispensable.

Being able to establish a relationship with the largest Chinese gang in North America, and now seemingly getting closer to the Xia family, Huang Ziqiang felt that all the risks were worth it.

"Is that person Jiang Deguan?" Qingmu asked him.

Huang Ziqiang said with great certainty: "That's him."

Jiang Deguan was tied up tightly by Lao Wang and Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang also took off her socks and stuffed them into Jiang Deguan's mouth like she did on TV.

Qingmu walked over and took the smelly socks out of Jiang Deguan's mouth.

Jiang Deguan spat out the salty smell in his mouth and said, "I still underestimated you."

Aoki said: "Just because of your damn brother?"

Jiang Deguan said: "Blood is thicker than water. No matter how wrong my brother is, I have to avenge him."

Qingmu suddenly remembered something, looked around, and then asked: "Where is Hou Biao?"

Jiang Deguan sneered: "He refused to kill you, so I drove him away."

Aoki always felt that something was wrong. He believed that Hou Biao was not that kind of person. Even if Jiang Deguan really drove him away, he would not break his promise, so there must be something wrong here.

Jiang Deguan said: "Kill me."

Aoki suddenly understood something and said, "Are you really going to risk your own life just to avenge your brother?"

Jiang Deguan said: "Is it possible for me to survive?"

Qingmu said: "Hou Biao will not let me kill you. The purpose of your death wish is to let Hou Biao kill me, right? Because you know that only when I kill you, Hou Biao will kill me. So ..." He stood in the center of the patio and looked around in the dark night. "Hou Biao must be ambushing somewhere now, pointing a scope at me."

Li Wei and Hong Kui unconsciously looked outside the factory with vigilance. The tall buildings around them were shadowy, like lurking monsters in the dim lights of the city. The two exchanged glances and confirmed that all possible juji points had been checked.

However, a dangerous intuition arose from the bottom of their hearts, and both of them screamed almost at the same time: "Chimney!"

On the periphery of the entire factory area, they could see the patio where they were located. In addition to the tall buildings they had already inspected, there was also a huge chimney, which was on the extension line of the central axis of the old power plant.

That chimney does not belong to the thermal power plant. It is the large chimney of the paper mill that used to be adjacent to the thermal power plant. The paper mill was relocated more than ten years ago, and the factory building has been demolished long ago, but the chimney has been preserved. Construction is still going on there. I heard that a new smart industrial park is going to be built. The land of the paper mill belongs to the first phase and the old power plant It is planned for the second phase, so demolition has not started yet.

The reason why Hong Kui and Li Wei ignored the chimney was because the chimney was at least two kilometers away from their current location, and ordinary juji guns did not have such an effective range.

Just when they were alert, they heard a bang, and a large cloud of dust rose up on the ground between Qingmu and Jiang Deguan, as if a small detonator was buried under the soil and exploded.

Everyone was startled, Lao Wang and Aunt Zhang burst into tears.

Bishenghua opened her mouth wide, trying to scream but she couldn't. She could only say the word "青木" hoarsely from her throat, which even she couldn't hear clearly.

Then, there was a faint sound of gunshots coming from the darkness in the distance.

Li Wei and Hong Kui looked up at the chimney at the same time, and judged the model of the gun from the bullets and gunfire: "TAC-50!"

At this time, Aoki's cell phone rang. Aoki looked at the number, pressed the button and asked, "Hou Biao?"

Hou Biao's voice came from the mobile phone: "Let him go."

Aoki said: "How long do you think you can protect him in the current situation?"

Hou Biao seemed to be thinking about something and was quiet for a long time.

Then another cloud of dust exploded on the ground in front of Aoki.

Li Wei and Hong Kui knew how powerful the TAC-50 was, but after firing, there was a moment to pull the bolt. They wanted to remind Aoki, but seeing that Aoki had no intention of avoiding it, they looked at each other and took advantage of the opportunity. The dust and mist on the ground had just begun to rise, and before the sound of gunshots could be heard from the sky, they retreated quietly and disappeared into the darkness in the corner.

At the same time as the gunshots were heard in the distance, Hou Biao's voice also came from the phone: "As long as I kill you, he will be safe."

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