Dream Guide

Chapter 208 Security Company

Jiang Deguan died. The announced cause of death was that he accidentally fell off a cliff while inspecting a project. His ashes were buried in Beishan Cemetery in his hometown. At the funeral, his seven aunts, eight aunts, nephews and nieces all came. His parents in his hometown delivered a sincere and sad eulogy, telling the story of Chiang Deguan’s life of unyielding struggle and commending him for his contribution to the cause. Immortal contribution to the construction of hometown.

After the Jiang brothers died and the Jiang family was suddenly extinct, relatives and friends could not help but lament. But what they were most concerned about was how to distribute the legendary inheritance of hundreds of millions. When they heard that Jiang Deguan did not make a will, instead of When the immediate family members had no share, people put on their mournful faces and started gossiping about the cause of death of the two brothers. In the end, they ate a tofu rice amidst the spattering stars and dispersed like birds and beasts.

In the dead of night, Hou Biao burned paper alone on Jiang Deguan's grave, and placed a jar of aged flower carvings, half a white chopped chicken and two pieces of dried herring with distiller's grains, which were all Jiang Deguan's favorite foods during his lifetime. After three days of this, Hou Biao spilled all the Huadiao wine into the soil and left Kuaiji Mountain when the last starlight disappeared in the white fish belly in the east.

He was carrying a heavy box in his hands. The box contains all the cash that Jiang Deguan kept in the cellar of his old house, including US dollars and RMB. Originally, he planned to give it to the elders in his hometown whom Jiang Deguan missed most, but when he saw their faces at the funeral, he decided to take all the money away without leaving any money.

Hou Biao walked into the bar that was still being renovated in Liuying Lane, went upstairs, put the box on the floor of Shenwu Studio, and said, "I'm here, and you have to provide me with food and shelter from now on."

Aoki laughed: "Of course."

Hou Biao asked: "What can I do to save mankind?"

Qingmu told Hou Biao what he thought. He wanted to set up a security company and let Hou Biao be responsible for recruiting and training personnel, focusing on protecting scientists.

When facing the invasion of parasitic consciousness, external security forces, even the army and police, cannot guarantee their reliability and can only rely on themselves. And Hou Biao has extraordinary skills, a little foundation in lucid dreaming, and strong spiritual power. With a little training, he can become an excellent awakener. With him recruiting and training, and Aoki checking in from time to time, he can at least ensure that there are no aliens in his team.

Hou Biao asked when it would start.

Aoki suddenly slapped his head and said, "I forgot that opening a security company should cost a lot of money. If you don't have money, you can't recruit experts." He sighed, "Looks like we have to look for Xia Wenyuan again."

Hou Biao opened the box and asked, "Are these enough?"

Aoki was startled, a little dizzy looking at the colorful banknotes, and said, "How much does this cost?"

Hou Biao said: "I haven't counted it. The box weighs about one hundred kilograms, and half of it is US dollars."

Aoki touched his head and asked Bishenghua for help.

Bi Shenghua figured it out and said, "It's definitely enough to open a security company, but it's not easy to handle so much US dollars. You still have to ask someone from the Xia family to help with it."

Hou Biao thought of another problem and said: "It's okay for you to ask me to be a coach. It's okay to manage a team, but it's not okay for you to ask me to manage a company. The accounts alone will bore people to death."

Aoki looked at Bishenghua.

Bishenghua said: "Don't look at me, there's a lot going on in the bar here!"

Aoki had no choice but to call Hu Xing. Hu Xing smiled on the other end of the phone and said that you were going to start a company instead of a cannon. She reassured him and immediately helped him find a reliable financial manager to ensure that the company's accounts were kept clean.

The financial manager surnamed Wang introduced by Hu Xing came over the next day, accompanied by two assistants. After counting the boxes in person, he transported the boxes away, and Aoki's account had more than 30 million yuan.

Aoki asked Manager Wang how much money it would take to open a security company. Manager Wang asked a lot of questions about business scope, profit model, company structure and market resources.

Of course, it was impossible for Aoki to tell Manager Wang his true purpose, so he only gave a vague outline.

Manager Wang frowned after hearing this and said that the main operating costs are personnel and space. A start-up capital of about 10 million is enough, but he believes that the company has no clear development goals and lacks a good profit model, so it is impossible to grow bigger. , and may even lose money. He admitted that if the Xia family hadn't sent him here, he would never have been willing to work in such a company with unclear goals.

Aoki asked him how much salary he wanted. Manager Wang is very professional and says that he is affiliated with Cheung Chau International, which is equivalent to being seconded here. His salary and social security are all at Cheung Chau International, and he will not receive his salary. As for how much money they need to pay to Cheung Chau International, that is a matter between companies and he has no right to interfere.

A security company was quickly established. Qingmu asked Hou Biao to recruit more good players and not worry about money. Hou Biao had his own channels, plus he had money and easy work, so the recruitment went smoothly, and a very professional small team was quickly formed.

Manager Wang told Qingmu that he could take care of financial matters, but the company's administration and daily management were not limited to finance. Mr. Hou was also in charge of the training and external training of security personnel and had no time to take care of the company's internal affairs. He hoped that the company could recruit a senior Managers should preferably be internal staff who can represent the interests of shareholders. After all, he is only here on temporary secondment and will return to Cheung Chau International sooner or later.

Qingmu thought about it and discussed the matter with Hou Biao. Hou Biao said that I only care about recruiting and training, and you can make the decision on other things. Aoki went to ask Bishenghua again. He spent his entire life focusing on his bar career and had no interest in other things, so he suggested to Aoki: "Isn't your confidante a student of administration? Let her do the job."

Aoki asked doubtfully: "Which confidante?"

Bishenghua asked angrily: "How many confidants does your sister have?" Seeing Aoki's confused look, he shook his head helplessly, "That beautiful flight attendant of yours, didn't she study administration before? "

Aoki suddenly said: "Oh, you are talking about her, isn't she a stewardess? How come she is studying administration?"

Bi Shenghua said: "Stewardess is a profession. Before I became a stewardess, I majored in administration in college. You are really stupid!"

Aoki said: "How did you know?"

Bishenghua said: "You are the only idiot who doesn't know."

Aoki chuckled and went to find Yao Jingjing.

The crow croaked, saying that Lifespan was a silly girl. Bi Shenghua sighed and said, "What if I'm not stupid? My life will be miserable?"

Yao Jingjing was shocked when she heard that she was asked to be the vice president of a company with assets worth tens of millions, but she was a little bit moved in her heart. She is a capable woman, but she comes from an ordinary background, and she is not willing to rely on her looks to get to the top. She has not found any particularly good opportunities. Being able to become a stewardess is already outstanding in the eyes of others. But now in order to take care of her mother, she has long thought of leaving her job. After all, the stewardess flies around and her time is not free. She may not be able to see her mother even in a month.

After a brief hesitation, Yao Jingjing agreed to Qingmu's invitation, but she set a probation period. If she failed, she would leave voluntarily even if Qingmu refused to let her go.

In this way, the security company opened smoothly, and Mei Yiqiu's experimental building, the bar that was still being renovated, and Yao's mother in the hospital all had reassuring security protection.

At the same time, Professor Mei also obtained preliminary results from the brain examination of Xia Wenyuan and Yao's mother. A new virion later named "gray brain virus" by Professor Mei was discovered.

Thanks to Huaxia Qingtong for his 1200 coins, Chaowu Jun for his 500 coins, Book Friends 2333 for his 500 coins, Thousand Years of Memory for his 200 coins, Book Friends 160825130 for his 100 coins, Dreaming DR for his 100 coins, Book Friends 100 coins from 20161211111536036, 100 coins from Qian Yu Wandao, and 100 book coins from book friend 1685648491

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