Dream Guide

Chapter 218 Let’s get started

Xia Bozhou took a breath and wondered where this young man got his confidence. He was no longer just pretending, he was simply arrogant!

Winning or losing was entirely up to him, which meant that the other party was absolutely sure that he would be convinced of his defeat. Xia Bozhou really couldn't figure out how a young man could defeat his dozen or so bodyguards.

Can you fight well? But being a bodyguard doesn't solve all problems just by being able to fight. Even if he can knock down all a dozen bodyguards, he won't think that the other party will be able to protect the old man.

He looked at Aoki seriously again.

He is neither short nor tall; he is wearing a windbreaker, but it is hard to tell whether he is strong or not; his hair is a bit messy, but very clean; his facial features are quite handsome, not the popular sissy face; his back is a little hunched , with his hands in his trouser pockets, standing calmly.

Xia Bozhou had previously concluded that Aoki was a liar and didn't take a closer look. He just felt that he was dressed strangely and did not look like a normal person. After taking a closer look, I found that Aoki's appearance and his outfit, apart from the laziness that appeared all over his body, were actually very masculine and neat. But it's not fashionable anyway, it looks weird, a bit like the intellectuals of the 1980s, and a bit like the Republic of China.

He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Qingmu Gourd, but since he had the final say on winning or losing, the initiative was in his own hands. He told Xiao Wang: "Go and say hello to Li Wei, and then bring all our people in to see what Mr. Aoki is capable of."

Just as Xiao Wang was about to leave, he stopped him again and said, "Let's go to the backyard. Here are all the treasures collected by the old man. If they are broken, I can't afford to pay for them."

Aoki said: "No, just stay here. If I damage anything, I will lose."

Xia Bozhou was a little surprised and said with a smile: "Young man, don't be too crazy. This condition is not fair to you. Have you thought about it?"

Aoki said: "If someone of you damages it intentionally, it doesn't count. Please ask Aunt Xia to do a notarization."

Xia Bozhou looked at Wu Lixia, saw Wu Lixia nodded, and said, "Okay, you said this yourself."

Xiao Wang went down to call someone, and after a while, a dozen capable bodyguards all entered the hall. Each of these people is as strong as an ox and full of energy. It looks like they are well-trained. When they are gathered together, they look like a group of lions, and the little king is undoubtedly the lion king.

Xiao Wang asked: "Mr. Xia, please give us instructions on what you want us to do."

Xia Bozhou said: "Just do your job as usual. Whatever others do, just follow the security regulations."


Xiao Wang received the instructions and immediately divided more than a dozen people into three groups. He formed the first team with one of them and stood next to Xia Bozhou, forming the first line of protection. The other five people stood about five meters away from the sofa where Xia Bozhou was sitting, and surrounded him half a circle according to the furnishings in the room. Circle, forming the second line of protection; the remaining nine people are scattered around the periphery, forming the third line of defense.

After the arrangements were made, Xiao Chao Qingmu took a look, his wolf-like eyes full of vigilance.

Xia Bozhou was very satisfied with Xiao Wang's arrangement, and then said to Qingmu with a smile: "It's time to start, Mr. Qingmu."

He now hopes to see Aoki do something amazing that will impress others. Otherwise, if what he is trying to do here is found to be just a joke, it will be embarrassing if it gets spread.

But being curious, he still didn't think this young man had any hope of winning. After all, the refereeing power was in his hands, and he couldn't even play tricks or quibble.

Wu Lixia and Xia Bozhou had the same thoughts, they were curious but worried about making a joke. However, she has a little more confidence in Qingmu than Xia Bozhou, a little less contempt, and there is more expectation in her eyes.

Aoki was still standing there lazily, and while Xiao Wang and the others were arranging their troops, he lit another cigarette. Xiao Wang's team moved very quickly and quickly took their respective positions.

Aoki put the cigarette in his mouth, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked around the living room again. The clear tap-tap-tap-tapping sound of the pulley boards on the marble echoed in the large living room of the Xia Manor where large parties could be held.

Everyone was watching him, even the servants stopped what they were doing and watched from a distance.

No one noticed that Li Wei appeared in the corridor on the second floor pushing a wheelchair. Sitting in the wheelchair was Xia Wenyuan, who was watching with interest what was happening in the hall downstairs.

The sound of tapping continued, which made people feel a little irritated.

Xia Bozhou said: "Time is limited, you should start quickly."

Aoki glanced towards the second floor, smiled slightly, and then walked towards Xia Bozhou in a hurry.

His hands were still in his trouser pockets, and the cigarette in his mouth was half-burned. The long ash hung on it and would not fall off.

He walked to the outer bodyguard closest to him and stretched out his hand to straighten his collar. The strange thing is that the bodyguard didn't move at all, standing there like a wax statue.

Aoki took a few steps forward, and when he passed the second bodyguard, he reached out and smoothed his hair, as if that person's hair was messier than his.

Xia Bozhou was stunned. He didn't understand what happened to his bodyguards, why they all turned into wooden men. He asked Xiao Wang: "What's going on?"

Xiao Wang had never seen anything like this before. He was confused and broke into a cold sweat when he heard Xia Bozhou's question. The sound of tapping continued, and he saw Qingmu walking in slowly. The protective personnel outside were in vain, and he was about to approach Xia Bozhou's sofa.

Xiao Wang stepped forward and was about to block Qingmu. Suddenly he found that Qingmu was missing and a terracotta warriors and horses appeared in front of him. Countless pottery figurines stood there, majestic and majestic, and he himself became one of them.

Xiao Wang remembered that he seemed to have a mission, to protect someone. A figure passed by just now, and he wanted to look back, but suddenly found that he could not move. Xiao Wang looked around and felt that this was normal. How could the terracotta warriors and horses move?

Since he is a terracotta warrior and horse, the person he wants to protect is naturally the First Emperor. The person who passed by just now was Jing Ke, right? That's okay, he knew the story of Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, but it failed and Jing Ke died in the end. Xiao Wang thought so.

Xia Bozhou was even more shocked when he saw Xiao Wang standing there as still as a stone statue. At this time, Aoki had arrived in front of him. He was sitting, and Aoki was standing, looking very tall, like a giant. Xia Bozhou felt a huge pressure inexplicably, like a mountain pressing down from above his head.

Qingmu looked down at Xia Boxi, the cigarette in his mouth had been burned more than half, and the ashes were shaking. He leaned down and smiled at Xia Bozhou, and his already hunched back became even more curved. When he smiled, he held the cigarette in the corner of his mouth. The already crumbling ash broke off and fell on Xia Boyu's snow-white shirt.

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