Dream Guide

Chapter 226 True Rumors

A biological laboratory affiliated with the Third Space Foundation finally found evidence that gray brain virus originated from Toxoplasma gondii. This terrible intracellular parasite will approach the wave source under the stimulation of special frequency bioelectric waves and produce continuous vibrations. Its vibration frequency is synchronized with the electric waves. After the vibration, these Toxoplasma gondii will die without exception.

A swarm of bugs follow the vibrations of brain waves, just like the people in a disco who have drunk powder and dance crazily to the rhythm of the music. Scientists call this vibration the "dance of death."

There are three radio frequency bands that allow Toxoplasma gondii to dance the dance of death, two of which belong to our normal brain wave range. It only requires people to be under the influence of some more complex emotions to have a higher probability of releasing this brain wave. Radio waves, and the massive movement and death dance of Toxoplasma gondii damage the nervous system, inducing encephalitis, meningitis and epilepsy. After death, the worms enter the cerebrospinal fluid and invade the human immune system, causing lesions in the blood, lymph and even other organs.

The frequency of the third band is not within the range of our common brain waves, and it is under the stimulation of this wave frequency that the body of Toxoplasma gondii will rapidly decompose during the death dance and release the gray brain virus. The virus will gather in the gray matter layer of the brain in an orderly manner like an ant colony, causing brain cells to slowly die.

After receiving the report, Mei Yiqiu analyzed that the third wave frequency is unique to invasion consciousness. If the relationship between the radiation of this wave frequency and conscious thinking can be studied, it may be possible to discover the alien invasion consciousness and human body consciousness. difference between. That would separate those on Earth who have been invaded from those who are healthy.

This incident was originally only spread within a small area. Except for a few related laboratories, not everyone even within the Third Space Foundation knew about it. However, news leaked out somewhere, and rumors about Gray Brain Virus began to appear on the Internet.

There are very few cases of Gray Brain Virus and it has not been made public. It would not cause any waves originally, but the more mysterious something is, the more likely it is to arouse people's interest and panic. There are more and more rumors about this virus on the Internet, saying that a few more cases have been discovered somewhere, a few more people have died, etc.

Netizens demanded that medical institutions and the government disclose information and not hide it. The government came out to refute the rumors and said that there was no such virus. I thought the rumors would be blown away like window paper, but as soon as the government refuted the rumors, someone posted virus sample information and experimental data online. These solid facts made the government's refutation of rumors seem ineffective. People became angry, and even many people in the scientific community protested, demanding that the truth be made public.

Rumors are not limited to a certain country, they exist all over the world. Many government agencies simply no longer refute the rumors. Instead, they point the source of the rumors to other countries and blame them all themselves. They say that the virus is also in foreign countries and needs to be done domestically. People don't need to worry.

As a result, rumors became even more widespread. The latest theory is that humans have been infected on a large scale, and it is also said that the brains of infected people will lose their self-awareness and turn into zombies. There are even rumors that the local crematorium has been taken over by the military and is used exclusively to cremate zombies.

Then, an even bigger bomb exploded on the Internet - Mr. Lester, the greatest scientist today, died of gray brain virus.

VitchLeaks and a mysterious Facebook account simultaneously released Mr. Lester's diagnostic records at Hopkins Medical Center, which contained several pages about the discovery of a new virus in his brain, the publisher claimed. The material was salvaged and the originals were destroyed by Hopkins Medical Center.

Now netizens are in a frenzy, and so is the scientific community. Lester's supporters have denounced Hopkins Medical Center and the U.S. government, asking them why they concealed the information. While people were still waiting for them to come out to refute the rumors, news suddenly broke that an attending doctor and archivist at the medical center had been arrested by the CIA.

Things don't end here. Next, part of Leicester's last words was made into a video and released on YouTube. In just a few days, the global views exceeded 2 billion. The publisher of the video claimed that this was a warning that Lester sent to mankind using the Thought Matrix code before his death. It is absolutely true and cannot be faked.

As a result, scientists who had been arguing over the truth about Lester's death suddenly fell into collective silence, and governments who were blaming each other and shirking responsibility also lost their voices.

Only ordinary people are left on the Internet to engage in wars of words. If they disagree, they say that the other person is an alien, your mother is an alien, and your whole family is an alien.

Then, the material they had just discovered about Toxoplasma gondii being the origin of gray brain virus was also made public.

No matter how scary gray brain viruses and aliens are, they are still very far away for ordinary people. Just curse and rant on the Internet and do whatever you need to do. When the government and the scientific community stopped talking, these rumors became nothing more than rumors.

But Toxoplasma gondii is something that everyone knows about. It's around everyone, in your family pets, and even in yourself.

Thus, a global panic caused by Toxoplasma began.

All kinds of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, antibiotics and anthelmintic drugs such as sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, spiramycin and enterocytozolin in pharmacies have been sold out, and even insecticides have been sold out.

Despite repeated warnings that Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite and all parasite vaccines are fake, the Toxoplasma gondii vaccine in pet stores has been sold at increased prices from 301 and 611 shots to 5,000 and 1 shot. A needle is hard to find.

Some people can't afford vaccinations, so they give their pets medicine or apply insecticide on their bodies. If that doesn't work, they just throw away the cat. The government's stray animal shelters have long been out of capacity, and a large number of cats are roaming the streets, especially near restaurants, which has become the hardest hit area for stray cats.

People must be careful and keep the doors and windows of their homes and offices tightly closed. Those who have cars drive when they go out, and those who don’t have cars must get on the bus to the company as quickly as possible, otherwise they will encounter a group of dirty cats at any time.

People began to hate and fear cats. Disgust and fear distorted the hearts of many people, venting their original hostility to aliens, anger against government incompetence, and resentment against the injustice of the world onto cats.

Suddenly one day, a "Cat Killing Order" appeared on the Internet, detailing the problem of cats and Toxoplasma gondii, and calling on humans to eliminate domestic cats in order to protect themselves and limit the living space of cats to far away The primitive zone of human society also promised that anyone who kills a cat will be rewarded fifty dollars.

At first, people were doubtful about this, until someone killed a stray cat that broke into his home, and indeed there was fifty dollars more in his bank account. As soon as the news came out, there were many imitators.

No matter how the Animal Protection Association appealed, no matter how the government banned it, the "Cat Killing Order" was deleted, posted, and deleted, and finally it became overwhelming, and the trend of killing cats became more and more intense. Packed up.

When Poppy was brought to Qingmu by Shi Dazhuang, weeping like a tearful person, her little orange cat had been missing for more than a week.

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