Dream Guide

Chapter 231 Despair

Mei Yiqiu first recounted what Xia Xiaoxiao had said about the results of Internet intelligence research in Laboratory 19. Of course, he did not know Xia Xiaoxiao's true identity, and according to the agreement, he did not name Situ Yuli. Then, he told the story of Liu Huaian and the tortuous process of obtaining the chip.

The structure of the chip is very complex. The National Security Bureau did not have enough technical means to crack the secret of the chip, so they sent the chip to the National Defense Research Institute. After research, the scientific research institute believes that the core technology of this chip is a technology from the 1990s and has been eliminated long ago. The chip structure is only deliberately made complicated, and there are many extra things that have nothing to do with calculations, and have little research value. They believed that the only thing worth studying was the materials used, because it was a miracle to make the chip so small with the technology of the time. Therefore, the National Defense Research Institute sent the chip to the Institute of Nanomaterials of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuzhong.

When Mei Yiqiu found the chip after many twists and turns, the staff of the Institute of Nanomaterials was planning to cut it. If he had gone a step later, he would have been able to get back a bunch of things that could only be seen clearly with a microscope.

"The circuit structure of this chip does look like the technology of the 1990s. It is a bit similar to the chess chip of the IBM Deep Blue computer. Maybe it is its model. Since the 1990s, computer performance has doubled every twelve months. , even in today's bottleneck period, chip technology can still achieve a development rate of doubling performance every thirty months. From this point of view, the views of comrades from the National Defense Research Institute are right. The backward technology of twenty years ago , should have been thrown into the trash a long time ago.”

"But everyone needs to understand one thing. Over the years, computer principles have not fundamentally changed, and chip principles have not changed either. Essentially, the chips we use now are the same as those used in the 1990s. It’s just that the materials you use are better and the craftsmanship is more sophisticated. It’s like there is no essential difference between the Mercedes-Benz you drive today and the Mercedes-Benz a hundred years ago.”

Mei Yiqiu took the chip out of the bag and carefully picked it up with her thumb and index finger to show it to everyone. The chip is yellow-orange and about the size of a fingernail.

"How did the chip in the 1990s become so small? I am not engaged in applied materials research, so I am not interested in what kind of material it is made of. What I care about is the additions to the original chip structure. Complex circuits and contacts. Preliminary research has found that this chip is not a simple electronic chip. It has 62 unique contacts connected to 62 lines made of special materials. These contacts and lines are just right Corresponding to the 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the human body. Of course, we still don’t know how it is implanted in the body and connected to the nervous system. This seems to be a very complex and delicate operation. These circuits and the electronic circuit of the chip itself constitute a complex system,"

"When we tried to transmit simulated neural signals to one of the circuits in the experimental environment, we found that the circuits composed of these strange materials could not only receive bioelectrical signals, but also receive and transmit mechanical waves. We know that neural signals are much more than An electrical signal is also a mechanical signal. If we only use electricity to understand the information transmission of nerves, we will definitely miss a lot of important information. Therefore, I think this is an electronic chip that is twenty years behind us, but it is It’s a biochip that’s twenty years more advanced than ours!”

Mei Yiqiu did not reveal all his understanding of the chip, such as the signal transmitting and receiving devices on the chip. What he said is enough for today's meeting, and it is necessary for him to keep some secrets, whether it is for his own selfishness or for defense against the monster of the Internet.

The Internet itself has intelligence and can inject a second consciousness into a person through a chip. Such things are so unbelievable that if an ordinary person heard about it, they would think it was just the content of a second-rate science fiction movie. But as a member of the world's top scientific team, as a developer of Space Box and Dream Guide games, today after the announcement of Lester's last words, facing the invasion of alien consciousness, there is nothing unacceptable. After all, The concept of AI has become popular no longer in a day or two.

Isn’t it just a super AI for the whole network?

What shocked the scientists present the most was not the Internet’s autonomous consciousness, but this chip. People actually created something 20 years ago that was 20 years ahead of today in terms of technology. This is what makes people scared and even despairing.

Many people are saying in their hearts: Impossible! This can't be true! Who can make this thing? How could a laboratory 20 years ago make something that cannot be made now? If there was such a technology, how come there was no news at all at that time?

We must know that no science and technology is isolated, especially in the information age. Every breakthrough is bound to be accompanied by the progress of related technologies and upstream and downstream industries.

"Either this chip is a scam, or the development of the past twenty years is a scam!"

Someone has come to such a conclusion.

The venue became quiet, no one commented anymore, some were smoking, some were in a daze. The air seemed to stiffen, and a terrible feeling of despair spread.

Aoki had heard the professor talk about the chip a long time ago, and even knew more than the people present, but he had no special feelings, let alone the feelings of these scientists. Only that sentence made him horrified - the development of the times in the past twenty years is a scam!

He suddenly thought of the cave in southern Yunnan, the pig cage, the underground river, and the Japanese. When real scenes and dreams are combined, what is real and what is fake? Are those who were imprisoned in pig cages and later joined the death squads and died on the battlefield a dream or a life experience?

Dua told him that Situ was looking for evidence that World War II was a dream. If World War II can be faked, then why can’t the development of the world in the past two decades be faked? Of course, this is even more incredible than alien invasions and the Internet becoming conscious.

Aoki's mind was a little confused again.

Mei Yiqiu can understand the feelings of these people. After all, everyone is in the same industry. People who have studied science all their lives think that they are at the top, and suddenly find that the things they have been pursuing are leftovers from other people’s games decades ago. , how desperate is that? Just like the Chinese people with pigtails more than a hundred years ago, when they were shouting long live in the pride of the whole world, they were suddenly beaten into an inferior race by strong ships and cannons. What a despair!

But his purpose today is not to make everyone despair. What he wants is hope after despair.

He put the chip back into the plastic bag and said: "No matter what, Laboratory 19 no longer exists. This chip is the only evidence that the Internet has intelligence. Originally, I didn't want to publish it today. The time has not come yet." ! But I was afraid that you wouldn’t believe it, so I had to show it to everyone. Now you should understand why I cut off the Internet and power and blocked the signal before the meeting, right?"

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