Dream Guide

Chapter 238 Old Game

Of course Bian Ziyuan had heard of Mei Yiqiu, otherwise he would not have joined this volunteer team. Judging from the scale of the number of people recruited for the experiment and the degree of confidentiality, he thought this must be a very important experiment. In fact, he has not changed his view to this day.

For the past week, Bian Ziyuan has been speculating on the purpose of the experiment. He even secretly sneaked into the web server using code he compiled, but found nothing.

At the beginning, he did these things cautiously, for fear of being discovered. But after a few days, he discovered that the designer of the experiment not only did not stipulate what they should do, but also did not stipulate what they could not do. In other words, as long as he sits in this position, he is free. He can even go online and do things that cannot be done on the campus network or home network, because the network here is completely open and does not require circumvention software to log in. Extranet.

Bian Ziyuan began to let go of his hands and feet to spy on secrets. He brought over the hacking tools that he usually developed in his spare time, and searched through all the servers and computers in the LAN. However, in addition to discovering that many of the volunteers who came with him were secretly watching movies or surfing the dark web Other than that, everything else is normal, and it really feels like this is just an ordinary company.

Bian Ziyuan secretly asked the girl sitting next to him what he thought. The girl said this was a behavioral test to see what thousands of people would do on a completely unrestrained network. Bian Ziyuan felt that it made sense, but he also felt that things might not be that simple.

On the seventh day, each of them got a sealed document and had to tear off the first piece of paper to see the content of the next page, a bit like a game mission.

After Bian Ziyuan returned, he brought the "Magic Forbidden Land" game board that he had modified. This is an old game. Regardless of the style of painting, special effects, or gameplay, it is very different from today's games. Very few young people still play this kind of game.

But Bianzi didn't think so. He likes the heaviness of old games and can feel the seriousness of the development team. The essence of the game is not the graphics and special effects, but the story and emotion. Only a good plot can make people truly immersed in the game and truly understand their mission and pursuit in the grand background and worldview of the game.

With the explosion of the gaming industry, more and more newbies are joining the ranks of players, and more and more shoddy games are being developed. Driven by capital, everyone began to pursue low-end operations, short-term profits and fast-food-style enjoyment, just like a one-night stand, forget it once. As for red wine, coffee and flowers, no one paid attention to them.

Bian Ziyuan believes that the game industry is the same as the film and television industry. Under the dual effects of capital and human nature, bad money drives out good money and vulgarization is an inevitable phenomenon.

So he likes to watch old movies and play old games. But as a computer genius, of course he would not be satisfied with simply "playing".

Bian Ziyuan has long wanted to develop a game that is highly playable and can incorporate new elements. But as a science student, he had a headache when he thought about the plot, so he inserted a smart game extension program he developed into the game and added an NPC named Cronus in the magic forbidden land, which means he can control time. and the people who changed the order, and changed this single-player game into multiplayer online play.

Cronus will appear anywhere on the game map. As long as players find him, they can have a conversation with him and persuade him to help them complete tasks, obtain equipment, and even modify the rules of the world where the game is located. As the supreme god of this game world, Cronus controls time and order and can change everything in the world, including destroying the game.

Of course, if players want Cronus to meet their demands, they must pay a certain price. No one knows what Cronus will ask for, not even the program's designer Bian Ziyuan.

Bian Ziyuan has been improving the intelligence of Cronus. Because the game itself is in danger of infringement, he has not spread it widely. He only invited some game enthusiasts who like Magic Forbidden Land among his classmates to play together. Despite this, the game world has been expanded to an enormous extent.

Cronus has become the most fun part of the game. The first thing players do when entering the game is to find him and start making requests. With the joint efforts of players and Cronus, the game has developed in a direction that even Bian Ziyuan cannot control.

In Bian Ziyuan's mind, Cronus's intelligence has surpassed that of most small AIs. He even somewhat arrogantly believes that Cronus' potential exceeds AlphaGo. If he had an advanced R\u0026D team and enough money, Cronus would become the best artificial intelligence in the world.

When he got the sealed document, Bian Ziyuan knew the fun was about to begin. But at this time, he still couldn't guess what the purpose of this experiment was.

He suddenly thought of something interesting. The modified game was originally installed on the crappy server I bought in the rental house, and it was already overwhelmed. Due to server limitations, the expansion of Cronos is also quite limited. Since there is no restriction on doing anything here, can he install the game on the server here? He will definitely be able to play more happily when playing online, and will Cronus also make a breakthrough?

However, when he had just installed the game and started playing online with the classmates he had summoned, the Internet was suddenly disconnected.

Bian Ziyuan thought there was something wrong with his program, or that the management didn't allow him to play the game on the server. But he found that everyone around him was looking around and making all kinds of strange noises. Apparently, he was not the only one whose machine was disconnected.

At this time, everyone was notified and could look at the next page of the seal.

Bian Ziyuan tore off the first page of the sealed document and saw the words on the second page:

"Please talk to the software you have downloaded and installed that you think is the smartest. We will control the software from the background, and the person talking to you may be a program or a person. Yes, some students must have guessed it , this is a Turing test. There is no time limit, stop until you are very sure whether the person you are talking to is a program or a human, and then open the next page of the sealed document."

Turing test? Something flashed through Bian Ziyuan's mind, and he seemed to understand the purpose of this experiment, but he quickly became more confused and confused. Is it necessary for these downloaded chatbots to undergo a Turing test?

The game screen is still on the monitor. A pop-up box pops up in the center of the screen - the network has been disconnected, continue or exit?

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

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