Dream Guide

Chapter 250 Experimental Results

Experimental monitors noticed Bian Ziyuan's abnormal behavior very early and also monitored the virus program he implanted. According to the basic policy set by Mei Yiqiu, as long as it does not affect the security of the entire LAN, any program is allowed to run on the LAN, even viruses. If the experimental observer intervenes, it is easy to cause the experimental results to go in the expected direction and lose objectivity.

But Mei Yiqiu didn't expect that there were such computer geniuses among the students at Sanwu University.

When the staff discovered that the small program implanted by Bian Ziyuan might affect other testers, they tried to intercept the spread of the virus program, but the virus somehow bypassed their interception. By the time they reacted, it was already too late. All terminals were already connected to the game on the server.

Mei Yiqiu almost watched helplessly as Bian Ziyuan turned this Turing test on the local area network into an internal test of his game program.

Mei Ziqing suggested simply disconnecting Bian Ziyuan's computer and deleting all the games and viruses he had installed on the server. Mei Yiqiu stopped them. Looking at the game interface full of dialog boxes, he suddenly became interested in this young man named Bian Ziyuan.

At the end of the test, the results showed that the number of input 0s accounted for 71.4%, far exceeding the 30% dividing line of the Turing test. In other words, among the total 3,000 test subjects, 2,172 people could not tell whether they were talking to a machine or a human.

The virus program did not start, and the local area network escaped. But everyone knows that this test cannot prove anything except that Bian Ziyuan is a senior hacker and that the in-game robot he designed has a very high level of artificial intelligence. . It can be said that the experiment failed.

"Professor, what should we do next?" Mei Ziqing asked. She was the only one who knew the professor's overall plan, and the other staff members just followed their work assignments.

"Leave that classmate named Bian Ziyuan behind. I want to have a chat with him alone." Mei Yiqiu said, holding a pipe in his mouth, "Let the others disperse."

Just as Mei Ziqing was about to turn around and leave, she was stopped by Mei Yiqiu again.

"Oh, by the way, turn off all the monitors, unplug the keyboard, mouse, camera, headset... In short, disconnect all devices that allow the server to receive information. Remember to physically disconnect it from the outside, not from the system. Go ahead and cut off the bus and port applications, and don't break the drivers."

After finishing speaking, Mei Yiqiu turned to look at Qingmu, straightened his eyebrows, and showed a helpless smile, "The only hope is that you are here. Go sit in the computer room for a while. I hope the air there will not make you uncomfortable."

Aoki smiled and said: "I hope this guy can dream."

The computer room of the laboratory is very large, with dozens of blue and white phone booth-like cabinets neatly arranged, reminiscent of the IC card public telephone halls of twenty years ago.

Mei Ziqing asked Aoki where it was appropriate to sit. Aoki found a relatively empty place and said, "Let's just go here. It's spacious here. Can we smoke?"

Mei Ziqing smiled and said: "According to the regulations of the computer room, it is not allowed, but your situation is special, so please do it."

She asked the computer room administrator to turn off the smoke alarm, then moved a chair, and gave Aoki mineral water and an ashtray.

"Mr. Aoki, thank you for your hard work! Please sit down for a while. It will take some time to disconnect the external physical connections of three thousand computers."

After Mei Ziqing left, Qingmu sat in the computer room and smoked. The smoke was quickly absorbed by the purification equipment here, leaving no trace behind.

The computer room is thermostatically controlled and the temperature inside is pleasant without any discomfort. The noise canceling effect is also good. If you don't listen carefully, you might think it's your own tinnitus. The only drawback is that it's dry - so dry that you can't feel a trace of moisture or life. If you stand for a long time, you will mistakenly think that you are also a machine.

After smoking a cigarette, Aoki felt a little choked in his throat. He opened the mineral water and took a sip. After feeling a little better, he began to close his eyes.

Deaf people see well, and blind people hear well. As soon as the eyes are closed, the noise in the ears becomes clear, buzzing, like a swarm of mosquitoes. The shadows of those chassis loomed before my eyes, lingering.

I don't know how much time passed, but Aoki felt that the noise in his ears gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared. The entire computer room fell silent. This sudden silence made my ears uncomfortable, and my ears really started to ring, sometimes chirping, sometimes chirping, sometimes like cicadas, sometimes like crickets.

Aoki knew that the connection between the server and the outside world had probably been cut off, just like someone who had been given anesthesia or taken sleeping pills and was no longer able to perceive the outside world. Of course, the drug affects the central nervous system, but the server is not affected in any way at this time. Theoretically speaking, the server will not "sleep" at this time, because it only cuts off the limb connections, while the "brain" is still awake.

However, if a person feels nothing, he will probably fall asleep very quickly, or enter a state close to falling asleep. What monks engage in Zen and Taoist priests meditate are pursuing this state of mindlessness and bodylessness, thereby achieving the effect of sleeping without falling asleep. But it is so difficult to actively cut off nerve perception, even if you close your eyes, plug your ears, and your nose, skin, and organs!

What is difficult for humans to do is very easy for machines to do. If the network cable, mouse, keyboard, monitor, camera, and headset are all unplugged, only a "brain" will be left when the computer is turned on.

Aoki is now staying in a computer room with the brain of this local area network that can no longer obtain all information from the outside world. Of course, that brain should not be able to sense his presence.

Aoki rubbed his ears to adapt to this extremely quiet environment, and the tinnitus in his ears gradually improved. In Aoki's perception, there was nothing in the computer room, and the shadowy chassis and buzzing sound became vague memories.

However, at this moment, he felt a slight fluctuation. Not felt in the body, but in the mind, deep in consciousness. This kind of fluctuation is somewhat similar to the complex biological wave frequency emitted when people dream, but it is not exactly the same.

Aoki saw a black domain, like a black bubble in the dark universe. Black in black is theoretically invisible, but Aoki does see it. The bubble was not round, but expanded and contracted in any direction in an irregular shape, expanding and contracting... It was as if there was a primitive life gestating inside, looking for a way to break through the fetal sac.

Aoki's consciousness also entered the boundless darkness.

No, that's not darkness, that's nothingness. Aoki knows that this is the process of consciousness crossing space. Just like Professor Mei said, consciousness needs to pass through a zero-dimensional point before it can enter another space. He was in this spot now, and that black fetal sac was another world. There is no time in the zero-dimensional space. He has never experienced such a long time travel. It is like eternity and eternity, with no origin and end.

He gently stretched out his hand, but he couldn't see the hand - why does consciousness have hands? But the moment he thought about it, the fetal sac ruptured...

Thanks to Hengfeng for 21,000 coins, Autumn Wind Silent Cicada for 2,000 coins, Thousands of Years and Reminiscences for 1,100 coins, City Wall for 500 coins, Qingtong under the Flower for 200 coins, The Singularity of the Universe for 100 coins, and Just Book Friends 1608 100 coins, book friend 20180315080705675’s 100 coins reward

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