Dream Guide

Chapter 254 Things are going to change

The blind woman looked up at the sky. The sun was hanging high there, and the clouds were like cotton wadding played by Lao Li next door. They were lumpy and could not be cleared away. This day was no different from usual, but the blind woman always felt that something was going to change.

There have been a lot of crows recently, and every time I go out I hear crows above my head. They say crows announce mourning, so the blind woman wondered if her days were over. But there are also many magpies, making a lot of noise. It is said that magpies bring good news, but the blind woman has no idea where the good news comes from. The only thing worth celebrating was probably that the cat she picked up came back to life.

Crows and magpies came together, and various birds flew around all day long. It was unclear whether it was good news or bad news, so people did not dare to go out. Only the blind woman was unstoppable and went to every trash can every day.

The blind woman threw the bottle she found into the snakeskin bag. The bag was already full and bulging. She put it on her shoulder with a stick, thinking that it was time to go home. The cat at home was still very weak and waiting to eat.

A girl in pajamas came over with a garbage bag and placed the bag on the top of the trash can. The blind woman saw that the bag was very clean and the food boxes inside were neatly folded and did not look like they had been eaten, so she asked: "Girl, have you not eaten this meal?"

The little girl yawned and said, "I haven't eaten it yet. If you want, take it away. It's still hot."

The blind woman went over and touched it and it was indeed hot, so she said, "Why don't you eat it? It's a waste!"

The little girl didn't know whether she didn't hear it or was disgusted by the smell of the trash can. She covered her mouth and nose and hurried away.

The blind woman tied up the food box bag and said to herself: "The cat is in a good mood!"

An old man passing by heard it and asked: "What are you talking about, cat cub? Do you have a cat at home?"

The blind woman was startled, waved her hand and said, "I have nothing to support!" and left in a hurry.

After returning home, the blind woman closed the doors and windows tightly, then entered the back room, lifted up the sheets hanging from the bed, and said softly: "It's time to eat, it's time to eat!"

There were several shoe boxes under the bed. One of them moved rustlingly, and the lid of the box was pushed open. The thin orange cat crawled out, revealing half of his head to take a look, his eyes full of vigilance. When it saw that the blind woman was alone, it got out of the shoe box with its whole body. Judging from its appearance, it is skinny, has no strength in its claws, and walks weakly. It does not look like a cat at all.

The blind woman opened the bag of lunch that the girl didn't want. Inside, there were several pieces of fat meat, a piece of fish tail, two vegetarian vegetables, and a box of lunch. The blind woman said:

"Look, look, what a blessing you are, there are fish!"

She used chopsticks to remove the chili and ginger stuck to the fish tail, put it in the cat's food bowl, and let the cat eat first. Then he poured the fish soup into the rice, mixed it, dug out half of the rice and gave it to the cat, saying:

"I'm also blessed with fish soup and rice, half of it for you and half for me."

The blind woman and the cat ate face to face. The cat lowered his head and ate the tail of the fish first. Then he came over smelling the meat, opened his mouth and meowed softly at the blind woman. The blind woman quickly pressed the cat's head with her hands:

"Don't scream, don't scream! It's terrible if others hear you! You smell the smell of meat, but you are too weak now. It's not good to eat too much at once, it will ruin your stomach. This fat meat is just I’ll keep it for you to eat tomorrow. Don’t be afraid that my old lady will eat it. My old lady has a bad stomach and can’t eat such greasy food!”

As if the cat understood what she said, it stopped barking and went to eat fish soup and rice obediently.

After eating, the blind woman went to wash the dishes, and the cat followed her and wandered around her feet. A crow landed on the windowsill and peered in through the window glass. The blind woman shouted "Go, go" several times and drove the crow away.

The blind woman said to the cat: "It's not a good thing for a crow to come to your door. Go and hide." The cat sensibly got under the bed again.

The cat had just finished drilling when the blind woman heard a knock on the door. She went to open the door and saw the property manager standing at the door. The person from the property management said: "Someone reported you for raising cats, which has affected the safety of residents in our community."

The blind woman said: "Where do I keep a cat? My cat has been taken away by my son!"

The matter of the blind woman's unfilial children is no longer a secret in the community. Of course the property management people know about it, so they said, "We know this, but if someone reports it, we always have to come and take a look."

The blind woman didn't know anything about the law. When she saw the people in the property wearing security uniforms, she thought they could search the house just like the police in police uniforms. She became nervous and stopped at the door and said, "I really don't have any cats."

The property management people also knew that their powers were limited and did not dare to go in for inspection. However, they saw the blind woman's nervousness and became more suspicious, so they advised:

"You blind woman, you can't raise a cat! Scientists have said that cats have viruses that specifically harm people's brains. Many people have been poisoned to death. The old man with crutches in the community died of encephalopathy the day before yesterday. If he is If they know you have a cat, they might suspect that your cat killed him, and their family members will fight for you."

The blind woman was frightened by the property, and she was a little scared, but when she thought of the poor kitten, she quickly waved her hand: "I didn't raise it!"

The real estate agent is gone. The blind woman returned to the room and was washing dishes while muttering, can this cat be kept? Will it really harm people if it is kept? But the cat is only kept in his own home and does not go out to run around. Even if it is poisonous, he will poison her first and not poison others, right? She remembered that she had been seeing crows lately, and she felt that her days were coming to an end.

The blind woman lifted up the sheets and said, "You're not here to see me die, are you?"

The cat got half its head out of the shoe box, and the box covered its head like a hat. It opened its mouth, probably wanting to meow again, but either because it was full or because it remembered the old lady's instructions, it didn't cry out. Its two big eyes stared pitifully at the blind old lady.

The blind woman sighed: "You are really my little ancestor!"

Life went on as usual, and the blind woman continued to pick up garbage every day. When she saw fresh food in the garbage, especially fish and shrimps, she picked it up and gave it to the cat. The cat became stronger day by day and was no longer as weak as it was at the beginning.

That day, the blind woman came back with another relatively complete fish and was feeding it to the cat when she suddenly heard a crow croaking on the window sill. Only then did she realize that she had forgotten to close the window. A crow landed on the window sill and peered in.

The cat that was eating fish suddenly meowed excitedly and rushed towards the window sill. Halfway through the attack, it suddenly stopped and tilted its head to look at the crow outside the window, looking disappointed.

When the blind woman saw the crow, she muttered: "I know my time has come, and you don't have to make noise every day." Suddenly she saw the cat's reaction, especially the loud meow, and stamped her feet anxiously, "Oh, I am. My little ancestor, you can’t scream so loudly!”

She chased the crow "go", and just when she was about to close the window, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

There are so many things going on these days. I get up early and go to bed late. I can only squeeze out a little time to write. I’m really sorry. Normal updates will resume after the National Day.

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