Dream Guide

Chapter 269 True Motive

"What did I expose?" Zhao Pengcheng asked.

Aoki said: "You told me not to do this, and told me not to try to get information from you. Doesn't this mean that you are hiding something else from me, the police, and all mankind! I'm right. Bar?"

"No, that's not right." Zhao Pengcheng acted calmly, "I have already explained everything. And now we are in a dream, our subconscious is having a conversation, and the subconscious will not lie."

Aoki smiled, he suddenly felt that this alien was very interesting.

"Yes, the subconscious mind cannot lie, because it directly retrieves and displays the brain's memory information. The speech in the dream is not actually speaking, but a direct presentation of the memory information without going through the language center. It's just that. Most of our memories are formed and understood through language, and information is also communicated through language, so when we express our consciousness and restore our dreams, it is as if our conscious communication is speaking."

Aoki unconsciously thought of the information source in the ghost dream. Because the computer's understanding does not rely on language logic, when the information source is unfolded, it will not form the same communication method as humans.

"I thought the same thing when I first entered your dream, because I regarded you as your subconscious mind." Aoki continued, "But when you woke up, you said it yourself. Of course, if you don't say it, I won't either. You will know, but it may be a little later. When a person has a lucid dream, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind exist at the same time. Your subconscious mind will not lie, but your conscious mind will. So the person in the lucid dream may not Lie to yourself, but it’s okay to lie to others.”

"Your theory is pure nonsense. There has never been such a statement in medicine." Another drop of blood dripped from the scalpel in Zhao Pengcheng's hand, and it hit the ground with a clicking sound. This time it was obviously his own blood, because he turned around and never touched the patient again.

Aoki ignored his retort and said: "If you pretend not to know that you are in a dream like last time and pretend well, maybe I will be deceived by you again and take what you said seriously."

"What are you talking about...what am I pretending to do?" Zhao Pengcheng frowned.

Aoki said: "Actually, I have been wondering. Since beings like you can exist temporarily separated from matter and can drive away or eliminate other people's consciousness through invasion, they should be natural awakening consciousness. We have been investigating for so long Parasitic consciousness, but I have never doubted you because you behaved completely like an ordinary person who does not have the ability to lucid dream during that dream interrogation. But what you just said was full of loopholes, and I suddenly understood, you I was just pretending last time.”

"What loophole?"

"Lucid dreaming is not easy to learn. You usually have a certain talent. Since you didn't know it before, how could you suddenly learn it just because I hypnotized you once? Waking up in dreams relies on mental power, not an epiphany. "

"How do you know I have no talent?"

"Even if you have talent, there is a step-by-step process. And this is not the point. The point is - even if a person learns lucid dreaming, or is even a natural lucid dreamer, he is accustomed to waking up in dreams. It is impossible not to react to another conscious body entering a dream. Anyone who encounters another conscious body in a dream will regard it as an intruder and will protect itself. And the best way to protect yourself is to exit the dream. Even if the spirit For people with strong power, the dream space constructed by the subconscious will be shaken and even collapse. But when you find yourself in a lucid dream and find that I, an intruder who does not belong to your dream, comes in, whether it is your mental power or This space doesn’t fluctuate at all. This is really strange!”

Zhao Pengcheng did not deny it. His silent body trembled slightly, and blood dripped down the scalpel in his hand. The condensed blood droplets seemed thicker than before.

Aoki glanced at the blood on the ground, stepped a few steps closer, and said:

"Last time, you didn't keep silent to protect Lao Yucai, but to distract the police so that they would always focus on organ trafficking and not pay attention to the vegetative person. And you wanted to achieve the goal. For this purpose, you deliberately found two innocent people, deceived them into a hotel, and took away their kidneys in a way that was widely circulated in society and was almost a rumor. This is your old suspicion, and the purpose is to cover up Your true motive for killing vegetative humans is to cover up the existence of gray brain virus."

"The police were eager to solve the case under pressure from superiors and public opinion, and even conducted fatigue interrogation on you. At that time, you confessed Lao Yu, making the police think they had caught a big fish. In fact, the police did gain a lot from this, Then your goal is achieved, and no one will care about you taking away other people's brains."

"Nonsense!" Zhao Pengcheng sneered, "If you hadn't used despicable means, I wouldn't have recruited Lao Yu at all."

Aoki laughed: "I just happened to meet it at the right time. The police have many interrogation methods. Even if I don't come, you should insist on doing it because the time has come. As soon as I come, you just take advantage of my hypnosis. If you say what you want to say, and this confession is answered in a disguised subconscious state, it will be more convincing."

"Recall carefully, the things you explained in your dream that day were all trivial matters, just like the bitter drama of actors participating in a reality show. The whole story was about complaining about the people you killed. They are all bastards. And the judge did accept this, so you can get a chance of probation. It's a pity that when I asked you why you wanted to remove the vegetative brain, I was interrupted by Officer Hu's phone call, otherwise I really wanted to know How would you answer."

"You can only deceive Yu Jianguo with such nonsense as wanting to practice craniotomy, but you can't deceive me. If you had said that at that time, I would have doubted it, and then your disguised subconscious would have been exposed. But I believe you must have made up another story. It's a set of lies, let me believe it. Fortunately, Officer Hu disrupted the situation with a phone call. Otherwise, if the lies you made up were not very flawed, I might have believed them. And because I believe that you were speaking in a subconscious state at the time, it is absolutely true. If it is true, then I may not doubt you so far. In this way, you can spend the rest of your life in prison, or your companions may still have a chance to rescue you."

Zhao Pengcheng listened silently, looking very calm. His body that was shaking just now has calmed down, and only the blood on the scalpel is still dripping. The knife had turned red in his hand, as if it had been burned in a fire.

"Now that you know everything, why do you come to me?" he said.

Aoki shook his head: "I still have many things I don't know. I hope you can tell me."

"Do you think I will tell you?" Zhao Pengcheng sneered, flipping his wrist, the scalpel in his hand suddenly shot out a red chain of fire, flying towards Qingmu.

Aoki clearly felt that the burning energy on the knife carried strong and sharp spiritual power that could harm the conscious body.

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