Dream Guide

Chapter 326 Corpses floating on the sea

Church's Diary Fifteen

The four missing sailors were found. They were washed to the sea two miles away from the ship. We searched for them at sea for a long time before we found them. God bless them, and they are all safe.

While searching at sea, we also found three strangers floating naked on the sea. At first we all thought we had encountered a floating corpse, but when we thought about it we felt it was wrong. Unless there was a ship or plane crash, where did the floating corpse come from?

It wasn't until we fished the people out that we found that they were all still alive, but seemed to be seriously injured. Two of the white men have been in a coma, and the other, a handsome-looking oriental man, is still conscious. When he got on board he said thank you and then passed out too. I saw that there was a strength in him that he had been holding on to, but relaxed at the moment he was saved.

I don’t know who they are, why they are here, and whether the tsunami suspected of a nuclear explosion has anything to do with them.

Their condition is not very stable, they wake up and feel faint. Without medical equipment, we were unable to conduct further examinations on them and could only let them lie down in the cabin to rest.

The oriental man made a deep impression on me. He was very handsome, and even though he was naked and soaked in the sea water for so long, it was difficult to conceal his charming handsomeness. Especially the moment he was fished out, he should have been in a state of embarrassment, but he managed to maintain a rare gentlemanly elegance and confidence, just like a prince returning triumphantly from the battlefield.

To be honest, I didn’t know how to appreciate the beauty of Eastern people, such as Chinese and Japanese. Perhaps the petite charm of Oriental women has a different kind of style, but their men tend to be soft, with few bulging muscles and bright lines, as if the edges and corners of the bones have been delicately polished, and there is always a hint of elegance in their appearance. Slickness and mishaps everywhere.

However, this person suddenly changed my view of Orientals. I must admit, he is one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. Of course, I'm not sure if he's a pure Oriental, maybe with a little bit of Gothic and Balkan blood, or if he's a mix of Maori and East Asian, otherwise why would he be in the South Pacific?

I think the people on board felt the same way as I did. You see, Miss Alice offered to take care of him while they were unconscious. I think she was fascinated by his appearance, look at her blurred eyes and cautious and uneasy look!

Alice is Mrs. Larry's assistant, so she has to listen to Mrs. Larry in everything she does. Although Mrs. Larry still had the same expression as if everyone owed her money, she was obviously full of curiosity about this strange man who was in a coma. When she looked at him, she felt like she was admiring an archaeological artifact. She agreed with Alice's idea, and Alice was busy taking care of the unconscious prince lying on the bed like a happy bird.

The men on the boat would feel a little uncomfortable because of this, after all, Alice was the only cute girl on the boat. But Alice didn't just take care of him, she still took good care of Partick. After all, he was injured because of her.

In addition, Alice would occasionally go to Anderson and ask if he needed help. Anderson stopped fishing for the past two days and focused on repairing the boat. Discovery has undergone such drastic changes, and many safety risks have arisen. Alice couldn't help him much, so she would chat with him for a while. They chatted loudly, as if telling the world not to disturb them.

We were temporarily unable to repair the electronic equipment on the ship, obtain GPS coordinates, or contact the ground. I am very worried. I don’t know how long we will be drifting at sea like this. If we cannot return to land as soon as possible, the injured on the ship will not receive better treatment, and there will be sequelae. It is not impossible that the condition will worsen further.

Robbins suggested that we should follow the old method and drive north. With Discovery's food, medicine and fuel reserves, we should be able to persist until we find land. Moreover, he analyzed that the previous strange things and the final tsunami should have been caused by submarine earthquakes. There may be aftershocks, or even a bigger earthquake, so it is necessary to leave this sea area as soon as possible.

I agree with him. So we are heading north, hoping not to encounter anything weird again. Although this phenomenon of two days at a time is shocking and unforgettable, I would rather it not happen before my eyes.


Church's Diary 16

The two white men among the three people we rescued woke up first, and they seemed to have no big problem. From their mouths, we learned that they were Russians, one named Ivan and the other Boris. We didn’t know whether the Oriental was Chinese or Japanese. We only knew that his English name was Arthur Stone.

Boris seemed like an interesting guy, and as soon as he woke up he was yelling Hiram's name, saying he wanted to see Hiram, and telling everyone else to go away.

I thought Hiram was the name of his companion or relative, but later I realized that he was calling Hel, the god of death in Norse mythology who rules the underworld. He thought he was dead and this was hell, so he screamed desperately that he wanted to see Pluto, and said he wanted to fight Hel in a duel.

But his Slavic accent is so thick that I doubt if he will really go to the underworld one day and Hel, the god of death, will be able to understand him.

When Boris knew that he was not dead, he immediately called another name - Ivan. This time his accent was much more normal, obviously because he was clear-headed. We told him that Ivan was next door, eating. He immediately became unhappy and cursed: Damn Ivan, you didn’t even call me when you were eating. But he didn't want to think about how he could come to ask him to eat when he had been unconscious just now.

He asked about Mr. Stone again, and we learned that the Oriental was named Arthur Stone. Stone was not awake at that time. We brought Boris food, and when we asked him about other things, he was very careful not to speak. He only said that he didn't remember anything and asked us to ask Ivan.

At first glance, Ivan is a steady and capable person. From him, I saw a bit of my beloved old captain. I guess this man also sailed ships at sea all year round.

There was something like Robbins in the way he spoke, like a complete gentleman. However, he was equally cautious and refused to say anything else except that something happened to their ship. And he insisted on going to see Mr. Stone, declaring that he would say nothing until Mr. Stone woke up. It seems that this oriental man not only has a high status in their hearts, but is also highly respected by them.

However, the gentleman was not awake yet. I always have a strange feeling that the three of them survived because of some magical means performed by Mr. Stone. After protecting his companions from surviving, he finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

I don't know when he will wake up. Although nutrient solution can be given on the ship, it is still easy to cause accidents if he is unconscious for too long.

God bless him.

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