Dream Guide

Chapter 335 Yellow Cat and White Cat

Qingmu and Xia Wenyuan chatted about some old things in Wuzhong. The two chatted happily, but they couldn't come up with anything useful.

He put the matter aside for the time being and began to prepare for business - dealing with Xia Wenyuan's parasitic consciousness.

Xia Wenyuan had not had nightmares for a long time, and his brain disease was gradually recovering. He thought he was almost healed, so no one bothered Aoki. But Aoki knew that he and Wu Wu had not completely eliminated the shadow twice at that time. Judging from the growth rate of that consciousness last time, it should have already caused trouble in Xia Wenyuan's dream by this time.

"Mr. Xia, how long has it been since you dreamed about him?" Aoki asked.

Xia Wenyuan said: "The quality of my sleep in the past few months has been very good. Although I still have dreams, I don't have nightmares as much. Everything is relatively normal. I have to say that some time ago, I could still feel his presence, and he was still My shadow. But strangely enough, there have been days recently when I can’t seem to feel him anymore, as if he has disappeared.”

Aoki asked: "How long has this been going on?"

Xia Wenyuan thought for a moment and said, "I can't tell clearly. It might take a week or more than half a month."

Aoki said: "Then let me go in and take a look."

Xia Wenyuan nodded, then leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. During this time, he recovered well and no longer needs to use a wheelchair.

Seeing that Xia Wenyuan was ready, Qingmu directly hypnotized him and entered his dream.

Probably because they had just talked a lot about Mulberry Camp and Xia Wenyuan's childhood, Xia Wenyuan's dream this time was of a large mulberry forest. A group of half-grown children were gathering fruits from mulberry trees in the forest.

Aoki recognized Xia Wenyuan among the children at a glance. He did not need to use any mental power or consciousness to identify him, he just recognized him by looking at him.

Xia Wenyuan's appearance is very strange. He is just like an old kid. His appearance is that of a current eighty or ninety year old, but his body is that of a child. Maybe he really can't remember what he looked like when he was a child.

The mulberry juice stained his face and clothes purple, and his mouth was even scarlet as if he had eaten something alive. When Aoki appeared behind him and interfered with his dream, he was stunned and his spirit seemed to be affected.

Sure enough, Aoki didn't see Xia Wenyuan's shadow.

Most people will not dream of their own shadow in dreams, unless you deliberately create a light source in the dream. Shadows appear with the light. Without light, there will be no shadow.

Of course, if there are two conscious bodies in a space, Aoki can still feel them even if they are hidden, unless the mental power of that conscious body is stronger than Aoki, or it is just a seed that has not germinated. The seeds of consciousness have no mental fluctuations.

Now, Qingmu does not feel any other fluctuations of spiritual energy in Xia Wenyuan's dream, which means that the conscious body has either left, or has been replaced by a consciousness seed, still waiting to sprout.

Qingmu looked at the dense mulberry forest around him, and with a thought, his mental strength supported Xia Wenyuan's dream. Then, while Xia Wenyuan was stunned, a small mulberry tree suddenly grew up and turned into a giant mulberry tree.

He didn't know what the big mulberry tree in the mulberry garden looked like, so he just enlarged it according to the appearance of the mulberry tree in Xia Wenyuan's dream.

As expected, Xia Wenyuan and his friends were about to climb up the tree to pick mulberry fruits.

Naturally, the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves. Xia Wenyuan squinted his eyes, covered his forehead with his hands to block the dazzling sunlight, and looked back. Mottled tree shadows appeared on the ground, and Xia Wenyuan also appeared. shadow.

The light among the leaves was naturally simulated by Xia Wenyuan's subconscious when he climbed the tree, and the shadows were also real shadows in his dreams. But Aoki immediately noticed an abnormality in this shadow - indeed, that guy only existed with the help of shadow.

Aoki actually now has a way to peel off the parasitic consciousness, which is the dream corridor. As long as he catches the shadow into the dream corridor and exits Xia Wenyuan's dream, Xia Wenyuan will never be disturbed again.

Another advantage of this is that it is equivalent to catching a living parasite that can be used for research at any time. He is not worried that it will turn back time and space when it comes out of the dream corridor, because this corridor is not completely closed. Moreover, this pure consciousness has no substantial relationship with the material world, so its time does not need to be synchronized with the world, or for it, time does not exist when it is not parasitic on material life.

But Aoki didn't plan to use this method today. He wanted to see what Ruxue would do.

The cat came with Aoki. Aunt Xia said that the cat was so plump and cute, so she asked someone to give it some exquisite cat food. The cat just kept lying quietly at Aoki's feet, eating non-stop.

When Qingmu entered Xia Wenyuan's dream, he had already hypnotized Shen Ran.

Sound is sound, Ruxue is Ruxue, this is the evaluation of the coal boss, and he absolutely does not want to equate them. In fact, as the coal boss said, there is absolutely no similarity between the cat's body - Shen Ran and her consciousness - Ruxue.

In her dream, she was a white, noble and spotless imperial cat. Once she woke up, she turned into a fat orange cat that could be abducted with a pack of dried fish.

This incident once aroused the interest of Professor Mei Yiqiu, because this is exactly what scientists have always wanted to explore about the relationship between the body, memory and consciousness. It is the movement of matter that determines memory and consciousness, or consciousness affects the composition of matter.

Theoretically speaking, the consciousness of the original orange cat is dead. Scientifically speaking, it is brain dead. But Aoki put the consciousness of the white cat into the body of the orange cat. So is this cat now the original cat or not? White cat?

Judging from the comparison between reality and dreams, the cat's behavior at this time is more like the original cat, but the subconscious is a new cat. How did this contradiction arise?

The professor couldn't understand, and Aoki couldn't understand either. The only thing he can be sure of is that the consciousness in the cat's body is by no means the original one, but Ruxue. But Ruxue itself has no memory, only an instinctive idea. Under the maintenance of her powerful spiritual power, this This idea was weakened by the memory inherited from the heart.

How will consciousness and body affect each other in the days to come? Is Ruxue gradually being influenced by Shenran's life and eventually turning into a greedy cat who is the same on the inside and outside, or is Shenran's old habits slowly changing under the influence of Ruxue's noble consciousness?

According to the coal boss's expectations - maybe consciousness can affect the composition of matter, and even genes can be changed, thus turning yellow hair white!

But at least for now, the cat looks like a schizophrenic. At this moment, she appeared next to Qingmu dressed in snow-white. From her eyes to her posture, she was full of nobility and arrogance. She quietly looked at the old child Xia Wenyuan not far away who was climbing up the tree and picking mulberries to eat, as well as The shadows under the trees are about to move.

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