Dream Guide

Chapter 344 Spiritual Bullet

When the first crow sounded, Aoki knew that the guy hidden on the hillside had strong spiritual power. However, the information conveyed by the crow was not clear, and Aoki could not figure out why a spiritual master would use a long-range sniper weapon. You must know that sniper rifles require extremely high concentration, which will seriously distract and limit a person's mental power.

Mentally strong people are sensitive to everything around them, especially dangers, and have an almost uncanny intuition. But Aoki believed that he could not sense the threat of a gun from such a long distance.

Therefore, when his body became tense, his hairs stood on end, and goosebumps appeared all over his body, he was sure that the gunman had deliberately let him discover him.

Because the real threat doesn't come from guns, it comes from people.

A gun is just a cold object. If it is just left there and no one uses it, it will not pose any threat to you. The so-called intuition of danger is actually a spiritual influence erupted from human consciousness. For example, the murderous aura mentioned in many books and movies is a manifestation of the release of human mental power.

When a person wants to hurt you, you can feel "murderous intent" within an appropriate distance.

The concentration of murderous intent depends on the anger and determination of the killer. The angrier he is, the greater his determination to kill, and the stronger the murderous intent. In addition, factors such as the coldness of the killer's character, concentration of consciousness, and surrounding environment also have a great influence.

Wild animals can feel the presence of "murderous aura" best. A deer that is grazing can often predict the approach of danger without raising its head and avoid the attacks of tigers and wolves.

As a killer, learning how to hide murderous intent is another science, which is related to one's control of mental power.

The "murderous intent" of the sniper on the hillside exposed him. But what puzzles Aoki is that if his mental power is strong enough to exert influence at such a long distance, how can such a person use a gun and create such a complicated trap? If he was not that strong, how could Aoki feel his presence?

Of course, there is another doubt that comes from Aoki himself - why can he be sure that the other party is holding a sniper rifle?

The key here is not the sniper, but the gun.

A one-shot headshot from 800 miles away is a myth, but even from 800 meters away, it is close to a myth to be able to achieve a one-shot headshot with an ordinary rifle.

The problem is that Aoki's intuition told him very firmly that there was a gun there, and the black muzzle was facing him. It feels like a battle-hardened warrior, with the memory of guns and danger deeply imprinted in his memory. But he really couldn't remember when he had fought?

At such a critical moment, his head would hurt, and it felt like a small universe was about to explode in his mind.

Regardless of his intuition or doubts, there was no room for him to delve deeper at this moment.

Aoki felt his body loosen up and knew that the crow had successfully attracted the gunman's attention, so he took advantage of this gap and rushed out as quickly as possible.

Gunshots were fired.

The sound of the gunshot was so small that it was almost inaudible. Aoki squinted his eyes and saw a straight upward wave line in the distant air, grazing the crow's body and shooting into the sky.

This line should be the trajectory of the bullet, but theoretically, it shouldn't be seen like this. The trajectory of the bullet is invisible to the naked eye, but what Aoki "sees" is actually the remnant of spiritual power, releasing the last weak energy in the air. And when its energy dissipates, the trajectory disappears, so the bullet only has traces of rising, and then disappears without a trace, and no trace of falling can be found at all.

Aoki was shocked. This shows that the bullet fired at the coal boss has spiritual power. Could it be that the danger he sensed just now was not the person's "murderous aura" but the bullet in the gun's chamber? Could it be that he was locked by the "mental power" of a bullet?

No wonder there was no vegetation on the hillside. The sun was shining, and he didn't notice the reflection of the scope. If the bullet can lock on to the target, why do you need a scope?

But this seems to be beyond Aoki's cognition. How does an inanimate bullet produce spiritual power? How can we lock the target within its range?

Crows squawked and swooped into the canyon behind the mountain.

Aoki immediately felt the danger coming again.

He ran in an S-shaped curve, weaving left and right, looking for cover as much as possible to avoid.

By this time, he had already run out of the woods and up the hillside, losing the cover of the trees and only being covered by some low and rugged rocks.

The gunman on the mountain probably felt that he was approaching too quickly and fired two shots in a hurry. The bullets landed not far from Aoki's feet, raising a lot of dust.

Aoki clearly felt the mental power of the bullet bursting out. If the speed of the bullet was not too fast, he would even want to use his mental power to "catch" it.

Now he wasn't worried anymore.

Originally, mental power could only affect the world of consciousness and did not possess physical energy. You can't bend a spoon with the power of your mind, that's something you only see in movies. If something like that really happens, it can only mean that the world is in a dream state.

But now the mental power inexplicably attached to the bullet makes it something between life and non-life, as if it has an incomplete temporary consciousness.

This actually helped Aoki, who could also use his mental power to resist.

The gunman missed him, not because of poor shooting skills, but because Aoki affected the "consciousness" of the bullet, slightly changing its trajectory in a very short period of time.

Aoki believed that the crow must have used the same method just now. No wonder it flew so low without being hit.

Since this kind of bullet couldn't hit him, he simply slowed down his pace so that he could fight more calmly. During the extremely fast running and jumping, it is easy to get shot.


Another bullet hit the rock next to Aoki.

It seems that Aoki is not hiding, like a casual tourist.

The snipers on the mountain probably began to doubt their own shooting skills and did not fire for a long time, which allowed Aoki to move forward calmly for a long distance.

Judging from the distance, if he takes two steps forward, he can exert a mental influence on the other party. However, Crow failed to destroy the guy's spirit in one fell swoop and allowed him to shoot calmly, which showed that the opponent was strong, so he did not expect to be able to hypnotize the opponent in one fell swoop.

In Aoki's memory, he has never faced off against a true spiritual master.

No matter Yao Po or Du Juan, or the shadow in Xia Wenyuan's dream, or Zhao Pengcheng when he was in prison, they were all too weak. Among the people he met, the only ones who could be called masters were Du Wa and Su Huilan. Du Wa's power is grand and pure, while Su Huilan has subtle mental control, but at least for now, the two are not enemies.

As for Kitano Zhenwu, judging from the real-life group dream that existed for decades in the Zhulong Cave in southern Yunnan, his strength is truly unfathomable. But Kitano was a character from more than half a century ago, so he should be gone long ago, right?

Today was probably the first time Aoki faced a real spiritual master.

The crow flew back again, circling in the sky.

Aoki took a step forward.

Then, he felt a surging and turbulent spiritual energy, blocking him like an invisible wall.

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