Dream Guide

Chapter 346 Who are you?

Tubuai Island is covered with thick vegetation, like a green leaf on the vast sea. The sparse population is gathered into scattered villages scattered on this green leaf, like the white eggs left by butterflies.

Local residents have lived in this small area for generations, and the extremely scarce resources make them cherish everything here. Because they know that the land under their feet is only so big, and there are only so many things on the ground, and they will be gone when they are used up. They cherish every handful of soil, every tree and every drop of fresh water here. Except for daily necessities, they rarely cut down the trees, and even the houses they build are as simple as possible.

Therefore, the vegetation here is dense and uniform, and except for the seaside, there are very few exposed rocks. However, the hillside where Aoki is located is an exception.

This place is like a moth-eaten scar on a green leaf, or like a withered scar left when it experienced the last severe winter. No matter how many cycles of spring warmth this leaf goes through, it can never awaken its long-lost memory. vitality. In the green surroundings as far as the eye can see, there is not a single tree, a bush of thorns or a blade of grass, only yellow-brown scorched earth and rocks.

The hillside is not undulating much, and the first half is scattered with some weathered rocks. It wasn't until the top of the slope that the number of rocks increased. Near the top of the slope, there were piles of rocks, seemingly disordered but also arranged according to a certain pattern.

However, Aoki was still some distance away, but now he felt that there was a wall in front of him, blocking his way.

In fact, he knew very well that this wall was invisible and a spiritual barrier.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not feel anything different. He could just stretch his legs forward and pass without any hindrance. But if this person is mentally sensitive, or has the ability to have light lucid dreams, then their mental consciousness will probably be affected by this thick mental wall, so that their brain will really think that there is a wall in front of them, and thus We can only take a detour.

Of course Aoki will not hallucinate because of this, but he will not be able to break through easily. If he ran hard at this moment, he would have to use all his strength to pierce the mental barrier in front of him, but it would be difficult to use his mental power to interfere with the rapidly shooting bullets. He couldn't put away his mental strength and walk up like an ordinary person, then he would really become a living target.

He could only move forward slowly, step by step.

This mental wall is extremely thick, and the further you go in, the thicker and more solid it becomes, as if you are stuck in a swamp, surrounded by thick liquid.

While he had to walk hard in this swamp, he also had to be careful to guard against bullets that might fly over.

Aoki can almost conclude that this mental power was definitely not released by someone. Because he clearly felt that this power did not have a conscious subject, it was a bit like the mental power attached to the bullet that was shot just now. Moreover, it is difficult for a single conscious body to release such a huge spiritual power. Even if it can be done, it is an act that outweighs the gains and losses.

Just like Aoki himself, he will use mental power to hypnotize other people's consciousness, enter other people's dreams, or use mental power to interfere with other people's consciousness, control part of the nervous system, thereby affecting people's behavior, and he will never be stupid enough to put himself His power is unleashed like a flood, unless he's influencing the minds of tens of thousands of people in a stadium, but then what's the point? That kind of consumption is not affordable for ordinary people, and recovery is also very troublesome.

If it is not released by humans, then where does this spiritual power come from?

Aoki raised his head and glanced at the pile of rocks on the top of the slope that Qiqika called Tabu.

Crows circled in the sky. Judging from its posture, it probably encountered the same situation. So the thick wall of the spirit is not just a horizontal wall, but a raised hemisphere with Tab as the center.

Therefore, the trajectory left in the sky by the bullet that was shot at the crow was not the mental trajectory of the bullet itself exploding, but the trajectory left when it tore through this dignified spiritual barrier.

As the footsteps approached and the mental power increased, Aoki confirmed his thoughts, but the only thing that surprised him was that the Tab center was empty. There is no spiritual power at all there, just like the eye of a typhoon. Thick clouds and level 12 winds and waves gather on the outside, but the center is quiet and peaceful, as if isolated from the world.

Aoki was very sure that the sniper with the gun was hiding in the center of this vacuum-like nerve wave-in those strange piles of rocks, but he could not find the conscious body.

He knew that this was a contrast effect, because the concentration of spiritual power in the periphery was too high and the interference was too serious. People hiding inside could hide themselves as long as they were careful and did not accidentally release their spiritual power.

Aoki narrowed his eyes and took a few steps forward. The invisible thick wall was broken open like the ice of the Arctic Ocean when an icebreaker was encountered.

A bullet flew towards Aoki.

At this distance, the bullets came too fast, and Aoki had to be careful. The moment he was locked by the bullet, he stopped suddenly and used his mental power to interfere with the trajectory of the bullet.

With a "pop" sound, the bullet hit the crack in the rock next to it.

But the second bullet came immediately.

Probably feeling a huge threat, this time the gunman did not intend to let him go, nor did he intend to test his marksmanship. Instead, he fired several rounds of bullets in a frantic manner.

This is exactly what Aoki wants.

He didn't care how many bullets there were, as long as the bullets still had spiritual power attached to them and the speed of the bullets didn't get faster, he could control them no matter how many there were.

From the weak and short trajectory left by the bullet when it tore through the mental barrier, Aoki could determine the specific location of the sniper. The reason why several consecutive trajectories are needed is because the center of the Tabu spiritual barrier is empty, there is no spiritual power there, and the bullet has no trajectory. The trajectory there needs to be figured out by Aoki himself. Just one bullet is not enough, at least it is not accurate enough. As for the approximate location, even without mental power, he can already judge it just from the direction of the bullet shooting.

All the bullets missed Aoki without exception.

Aoki finally determined the location of the man, just behind one of the piles of rocks. The shapes and gaps of the rocks there were like naturally designed battlefield barriers, allowing the gunman to ambush behind him while people below the hillside could not see him. .

The moment the location was determined, Aoki concentrated his energy and immediately captured the person's consciousness.

Petru raised his gun and hid behind the solid rock. He began to seriously doubt his shooting skills.

He has always been very confident, whether in his mercenary days or his pirate career, his marksmanship has never been inferior to anyone's. However, today, he had missed ten shots in a row, and he could not even hit a bird in the sky. This was despite the mental bonus brought by this tabu.

He felt that relying on the bullet's mental locking function was no longer enough, and he had to use a scope.

However, when he wanted to put the scope on the gun, he suddenly found that he could not move. He was sure that his blood circulation was normal and there was no numbness or injury, but he was unable to control his muscles and bones, as if this body no longer belonged to him, but was controlled by another consciousness.

Until the man came closer, he looked at him in horror, and then asked in a hoarse voice using the only throat muscle he could still control:

"Who are you?"

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