Dream Guide

Chapter 348 I want to rent a boat

The crow gave Pettru a stern look, then raised its head proudly, like a victor in a war waiting to accept the surrender of the defeated.

Hengran, who was being carried up by Su Huilan, suddenly let out a sharp howl as if he had been stimulated by something. He stood up from Su Huilan's arms, lay on her shoulder, arched his back and looked at Petru with a ferocious expression. He looks like he's ready to attack at any time.

Seeing the cat's appearance, the crow said: "Calm down! Calm down! Although your master - my friend - is just a piece of wood, he has always been loyal and will definitely stand up for me."

Hearing roared at Petru again, then put away the exploded fur, meowed at the crow, shrank up, and lay down in Su Huilan's arms, only his eyes were still watching Petru warily.

Petru over there looked helpless, wondering what the situation was! If a bird comes out and can talk, what kind of trouble will a cat make?

There was a strange silence.

Crow waited for a long time, and when he saw that Aoki didn't respond, he lowered his head, faced Aoki's face, shook his head upside down twice, and asked:

"Hey, what are you waiting for? He just shot at me! Why not kill him? At least give him some color! If I was just an ordinary bird, I would have died just now. Dead!—— Do you understand? I'll never see you again! never! never! never... understand?"

It was probably because the head was a little congested, so it fainted as it spoke, its claws became unstable, and a green onion fell from Aoki's head.

Aoki quickly reached out and caught the bird in mid-air.

At the same time, the cat in Su Huilan's arms jumped up nervously, stretched its neck and meowed. Even Su Huilan was very nervous, thinking that the coal boss was really injured.

The crow spread its wings, lay limply in Aoki's hands, stuck out its tongue, and said vaguely: "Just like this - dead!"

Aoki stroked the crow's fur and said, "This place has a natural spiritual barrier. It would be nice to make a cemetery for you."

The crow jumped up, flapped its wings and flew back to Qingmu's head: "Quack, you can't be so unloyal! If you want to die, you have to go back to Wuzhong and die again."

Su Huilan asked curiously: "Why?"

The crow said: "I don't want to die in a foreign country. No matter how seriously injured I am, before I die, I will definitely use all my strength to fly back to my hometown with my injured wings, take another look at the willow tree at the entrance of the alley, and talk to you again. Fathers and fellow villagers, please say a few words!”

Su Huilan praised: "What a bird that values ​​love and justice!"

Aoki smiled and said: "You can't let go of the flowery elbow, right?"

"Quack... uh..." Crow began to talk about him, "then what... why is there a mental barrier here?" Then he shouted to Petru, "Hey, man, what's wrong with your bullets? Son?"

Petru listened to the bird speaking Chinese and English for a while, looking confused.

His body seemed a little stiff from holding one position for too long, but he didn't dare to relax. At least he still had a chance to fight in this tense state. Moreover, it was still a tense situation just now, so you can't suddenly stand up and relax your legs and feet now. This is not a boxing ring, and you can take a break.

Of course he would not answer a bird's question, but it was not an option to continue in such a stalemate. There were no cats, birds, or other small animals around him to ease the atmosphere. Looking at the strange combination of humans, birds, and cats opposite him, Petru suddenly wanted to get a dog.

Fortunately, the woman opposite finally spoke to him, and she was no longer the annoying bird.

"Are you Petru?"

"who are you?"

"I came to rent a boat from you, but your welcome ceremony seemed to be excessive. Is this how you treat your customers?"

"Aren't you here to kill me?"

"Why should we kill you?"

Petru looked at Su Huilan cautiously, but he kept paying careful attention to Aoki's movements from the corner of his eye. After a while, he finally straightened up, but the hand holding the knife behind his back did not loosen.

"I don't rent boats," he said.

"But I want to rent." Su Huilan said.

Petru felt like he had met a scoundrel.

It's like a butcher who encounters a customer who insists on buying some fish from his butcher stall. The angry butcher didn't want to explain to the rogue why fish was not sold at the butcher stall, but he couldn't swing the butcher's knife to kill the rogue because there was a monster standing next to the rogue who looked like he could cut him into pieces at any time.

Petru had the illusion that he was not a pirate, but the two opposite him were.

"Okay," he said a little helplessly, "there is a bay behind the canyon, and my boat is parked there. If you want, you can drive away at any time."

"No." Su Huilan said, "We are not robbing, we just want to rent a boat, but I can't sail a boat, so you have to provide us with a captain. I think the best captain here is you, Mr. Petrou ! Of course, I will pay you a handsome reward."

"I'm not short of money," Petrou said.

Su Huilan smiled and said: "I know you are not short of money. You are the red-bearded Barbarossa II who swept across the Gulf of Aden, the feared one! So, of course, the reward I pay you is not money."

"what is that?"



"Yes, freedom."

Petru narrowed his eyes and laughed, the muscles on his face twitching his beard.

"Freedom?! Haha, that's ridiculous! This is the Pacific Ocean, not a prison! I can go wherever I want with my ship. What kind of freedom do I need? Can you give me a Galactic Battleship?"

"Really?" Su Huilan smiled half-heartedly, "Then you should go back to the Gulf of Aden and give it a try!"

Petru frowned, his eyes filled with anger.

"You have robbed merchant ships from almost all countries in the world. The American CIA, the British MI6, the Israeli Mossad, the Chinese MSS, the Australian ASIS, the Indian RAW, the German BND, the French DGSE, the Russian SVR, and the Pakistani ISI, all listed you as The most dangerous person. The governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Chile and Argentina have also put you on the wanted list. The navies and intelligence agencies of so many countries are watching you. Do you think you are hiding? Is it going to be a secret here? And you can still drive around in the boat?"

Su Huilan memorized a series of names of intelligence agencies from various countries like a textbook, and then said with a smile,

"The reason why you can be at ease in the South Pacific is because you are different from the low-level pirates in Somalia. You follow principles and obey the rules; when you rob, you only rob one-tenth of the cargo on the ship each time, and never take other people's money." Although you also killed countless people, as long as the merchant ships cooperated with you, you would not kill innocent people indiscriminately; you never kidnapped hostages on the ship to extort money, and you even used your influence in Somalia to help the United States and France We have rescued hostages with Spain. In our Chinese language, this is called 'thief has his own way'."

"You are very smart. You have allowed the big countries such as the United States, Britain, China, Russia and France to accept your affection and turn a blind eye to you. Naturally, other small countries did not dare to say anything, allowing you to hide in peace and quiet. You can enjoy peace and happiness on this small island. But don’t forget that you caused a lot of trouble for the Asan family’s warships and the cruise ships of several Saudi crown princes. This grudge will never be forgotten. They don’t dare to drive warships to the Pacific to find It’s your trouble, but you can’t go back to the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, right?”

Petru listened quietly, and asked with shock and confusion in his eyes: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I want to rent a boat." Su Huilan said.

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