Dream Guide

Chapter 351 Operation Stinging Red

The ship was unremarkable, and there was nothing of value on it. The reason why Petru was interested in it was simply because it came from Egypt.

For all ships sailing out of Egypt, Petru set special rules:

If it has nothing to do with the government, one-tenth of the goods or the equivalent of money will be detained as usual; if it is a Coptic ship, it will be released directly; if it has something to do with the Egyptian government, then he will be rude and will either The ship sails away, or all the cargo is emptied, and not even a drop of fuel is left. If there are civilians on the ship who are willing to join the pirates, he will welcome them, and if anyone resists, he will kill them without mercy. Those who were neither willing to join nor resist were allowed to wander on the sea in a boat without fuel until someone came to rescue them.

Although Egypt is not a big exporting country, the targeted actions of the red-bearded bandits have seriously hindered Egypt's maritime trade. Not only has the risk of its own ships going to sea increased, but many trading partners that transport goods to Egypt through the Indian Ocean-Red Sea route have also increased their risk. They paid at least one-tenth of the price to offset their possible losses from pirates.

The Egyptian government had to take response measures and mobilized more coast guard forces to patrol the Gulf of Aden. Every time a large cargo ship or cruise ship leaves the Red Sea, the Navy will dispatch a Mubarak-class frigate to accompany it to guard it. Although this greatly increases the cost, it at least ensures Egypt's normal maritime trade.

However, this ship was just an ordinary cargo ship. When it entered the Gulf of Aden from the Red Sea, there was no accompanying warship. Judging from the waterline of the ship, the cargo it carried was not heavy. It might be light materials such as cotton textiles. Or ceramics that take up a lot of space. These are Egypt’s important export items besides crude oil.

It looked like it was just an insignificant ship, maybe Coptic, so not even the Egyptian government bothered to take care of it.

Of course, such a ship would not allow the great Red Beard to take action himself, so he just sent a small group of pirates to keep an eye on it.

They were going to deal with the ship according to the rules set by Petru, and then report to the red-bearded boss. However, the small group of pirates consisting of seven or eight speedboats never returned, as if they were swallowed up by the wind and waves of the Gulf of Aden.

Petru was shocked when he got the news.

The Gulf of Aden is the sea area they are most familiar with. These children who grew up in Somalia can paddle a canoe and go back and forth from Cape Sabon to Socotra Island. How could dozens of people disappear at the sea at the same time?

And since Petru organized the pirates, every operation has ships and people dedicated to communication on the periphery. There are radio communication equipment on the ship, and the pirates also have a maritime walkie-talkie using an encrypted frequency band, even if they communicate with other countries. When the navy met, they at least had time to report the news. How could dozens of people on seven or eight ships disappear at the same time?

Petrou's first instinct was that this was a trap.

During the years when he was making waves at sea, the Egyptian government never wanted to kill him. They once joined forces with neighboring countries to launch a bandit suppression operation called "Stick the Red" in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, aiming to get rid of the red beards.

The number of countries participating in "Operation Stinging Red" has reached 21, with a total of more than 50 large ships and more than 20,000 naval officers and soldiers from various countries cruising on the Indian Ocean-Arabian Sea. If you only look at the scene and not the quality, even It surpassed the US-led Rim of the Pacific exercise and is known as the largest maritime joint counter-terrorism operation in history.

Fortunately, Petrou got the news in advance and made sufficient preparations, while the major countries that openly supported the operation were just pretending.

Petrou knows very well that regardless of whether the United States, China or Russia have pirates in the Gulf of Aden, these countries actually don't care at all. What they care about is maritime control in the Indian Ocean and interests in Africa.

He made full use of this, avoiding the sharp edges of the great powers, allowing the warships of these countries to check and balance each other at sea, and deliberately gave them some heads so that they could maintain a good reputation internationally.

Due to the competition between these forces, the Indian Navy, which originally wanted to take this opportunity to show off its power and retaliate against Pettru, was constrained everywhere and was unable to do anything.

Petru doesn't care much about the remaining navies of small countries. As long as he avoids their sharp edges and doesn't be stupid enough to confront them head-on, it won't be a big deal. He hid the Redbeard's fleet in a safe place and then gave the brothers a big vacation, letting them relax for a few weeks in casinos and brothels in ports along the Mediterranean.

Of course, it would be impossible for such a large-scale operation as "Stitching Red" not to give them some sweetness and not allow them to capture a group of pirates and take them back. Petruro used a little trick to kill two birds with one stone, pushing out some powerful pirate gangs that usually didn't get along with him.

At the end of the operation, the multinational coalition indeed gained a lot, annihilating many pirates, and claimed to have given the world a calm Gulf of Aden.

But in fact, the "Red Beard" operation not only did not cause any big losses to Petrus, but helped him eliminate the forces that opposed Redbeard, further improving his strength, and the pirate organization also became unprecedentedly united, almost already No objection to Red Beard can be heard.

Of course, the Egyptian government was not willing to give in. Later, it sent troops to attack Red Beard several times. In addition to the navy, they even used the most elite lightning troops.

However, in Petrou's view, Egypt's special forces are too weak. He was originally a special forces soldier, but now he was rich and powerful, needed people, and needed weapons and weapons. How could he be afraid of a few special forces soldiers from his lightning unit?

After several unsuccessful actions, the Egyptian government began to become cautious and cunning. They first cooperated with the armed forces in Somaliland, Puntland and other Somalia, and used their worries about the red beard forces to come ashore to divide and attack the red beard forces. At the same time, their anti-bandit operations became more and more strategic and Strategy.

Therefore, Petrou suspected that the ship was a trap designed by the Egyptian government.

But as the pirate king of the new era and the spiritual leader of the pirates in the Gulf of Aden, Redbeard Petrou certainly cannot let dozens of his brothers disappear in vain.

He sent people to keep an eye on the seemingly ordinary cargo ship, but no trace of the navy was found in the waters surrounding the cargo ship, and there were no submarines underwater.

The cargo ship left the Gulf of Aden and headed southeast. It did not look like a trading ship going to Arab countries. It might be heading somewhere in Asia or Australia.

Petru was even more confused, where had his brothers gone? Could it be that there is a peerless beauty on board that has lured the souls of these heroes away?

Regardless, Petru decided to get on the boat and take a look. So he stopped the ship and rushed aboard with the pirates.

The strange thing is that there is only one person on board such a large ocean-going cargo ship.

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