Dream Guide

Chapter 353 Waiting for Death

Petru chose the latter.

He once asked the priest, what if he encounters a strong man like the priest on the battlefield?

The priest said he was not a strong man and warned Petlu never to mess with a true master of spiritual awakening. If unfortunately you encounter them on the battlefield, you must shoot instinctively as soon as possible. Never think, use strategies, or calculate the probability of success, because all your conscious activities will be exposed to them.

Shooting at the opponent with the instinctive reaction developed on the battlefield is the only chance to kill the spiritually awakened strong man. Once you miss it, you will no longer be able to kill the other party, because next, you are likely to fall into a dream without knowing it. Even if you have the ability to lucid dream, as long as his mental power is stronger than yours, nothing in your brain can be hidden from him, and you can't get rid of his control of your consciousness.

You may very well stay in a dream for a lifetime:

Maybe you will complete the task well, maybe you will be injured a little, but in short, you will make some money and quit Jinpen from now on. You have a romantic tryst with your lover in Paris or Venice, and finally one day get married to your destined person and give birth to a child. When a woman empties your body and your family consumes all your savings, you start to work hard. You might return to the mercenary world, or you might get tired of fighting and would rather be a porter on the docks. When your children grow up, you will have the opportunity to play golf and enjoy life.

When you, an old man, take your equally old wife with you and recall your life at dusk by the Seine River facing the sunset, you think that you have lived a magnificent and ordinary life like most people, but in fact, you are just in the trenches. You squatted there for a few minutes, and then someone slashed your neck with a knife. Only when the blood spurted out did you realize that your life was just a dream, and when you woke up from the dream, death was coming.

Petru believed the priest's words. So he knew that even if he took the initiative to collapse the dream and struggled to wake up, he might not be able to shoot his opponent. Even if a gun is fired, it may not be true, because you have no way of judging whether you are really awake. And once the other party realizes his intention, there is really no chance.

There are at most a few of his pirate brothers who are mentally sharp and naturally powerful, but none of them know how to awaken spiritually. He was the only one who had any hope of surviving, so he couldn't take any chances.

When Petru boarded the ship, the pirates had already checked the deck and other cabins. Except for the cargo hold, they had not had time to see what the cargo was. There was indeed only one person sitting in the cab.

This person should be at the level of the Awakening Master that the priest mentioned, at least very close. The priest had no way to deal with so many people at once, otherwise their team would have become an invincible ace, although the priest did bring many incredible victories to the team.

The pirates on the ship must have been hypnotized like Petru at this moment and entered their own dreams. The passage of time in dreams is completely different from reality. To be precise, there is no passage of time in dreams. The unfolding of dreams is just the continuous superposition of space. The time you experience is not real time, but an inherent human concept and feeling. That’s all.

Although the dream has started a long time ago, in reality at this moment, it is probably still at the moment when Petru entered the cab and turned around to leave. At most, that person stood up from the chair.

Will he stand up? Petru wasn't sure.

Theoretically speaking, hypnosis is not fatal, at least not all at once. The man looked so disdainful of their group of pirates that he probably didn't bother to kill them one by one with a knife or gun. He was the only one on the boat, and for him, disposing of the bodies and cleaning the blood stains was a hassle.

He can also control dreams to make these pirates jump into the sea. The pastor said that a real master of hypnosis can make people enter a state of sleepwalking. That is to say, the dreamer is responsive to the external environment and will not go astray or go astray. Hitting the wall, but the scene he experienced was a scene from a dream.

However, pirates are all dragons in the water. The huge impact when jumping into the sea and the stress reaction when choking in the water will definitely wake people up. Unless he can continue to be hypnotized across the water, how long can it last? As long as you don't drown at once, you have a chance to survive.

Petru was waiting for this opportunity.

At this time, the dream continued, and Petru whipped the body of his beloved Lavier. His subconscious was filled with the contradiction between love, pity and hatred, and he didn't know why.

Lavier's moans echoed in the dark room.

Seeing the scars and blood flowing out of the tender flesh, and listening to the indescribable melancholy sound, Petru's body became inexplicably excited.

He followed the direction of the dream and did not dare to resist at all, even though the things deep in his subconscious made him feel scared. He was afraid that the person would notice him if he used his mental power even a little bit.

After a while, Raviye's face became blurred and slowly turned into that of an Arab. It was the Saudi rich man who originally competed with him for Raviye.

Anger ignited in Petru's heart, but he suddenly couldn't swing the whip. He tried his best in every movement, but his arms were limp and powerless.

The rich man smiled ferociously and walked down from the cross. His laughter filled the room, while Lavier's cry could be heard nearby.

Petru turned around and saw that Raviye was tied up, passed through a doorway, and disappeared around a corner.

He quickly chased after him, dropped the whip in his hand, and took out an AK rifle with a casual touch.

It was completely white outside the doorway, making it difficult to see clearly. Petru knew that was the border of dreams. He walked through the doorway and saw a path along the wall on the left, with Lavier's figure not far ahead.

Petru followed and walked over. At the end of the road was an open terrace. After going down a few steps from the left side of the terrace, there was another narrow path. Not far along the path, he arrived at a large open lawn. Opposite there is a flat house that looks like a large warehouse.

Someone opened the door to the warehouse, and Raviye was pushed in. When he entered, he looked back. His eyes seemed to say, come and save me!

Petru always maintained a trace of clarity in the mourning platform, but he did not dare to let this clarity be exposed too much, thereby affecting the natural progress of the dream. As the scene in the dream changed, he clearly felt that the other party's mental suppression was weakening. This allowed him to dare to use more mental power to think, because thinking also requires the use of memory, which can easily be displayed in dreams. But the other party only hypnotized and controlled them, but did not enter their dreams, so as long as there were no major mental fluctuations, his dreams would not arouse the other party's suspicion.

Petrou gradually realized that the road he was chasing Lavier was actually the road from the pilothouse to the cargo hold of the ship. That door opening is the cabin door of the cab, and the white light outside is the light from the sky. The path on the left is the passage outside the bridge building, and the terrace behind the passage is the living deck. The path on the side from the terrace is the ship's side, the lawn in front is the main deck in the middle of the hull, and the large bungalow at the end of the lawn is the cargo hold.

Petru understood that he and his companions were sleepwalking now, and their destination was the cargo hold. The previously missing group of pirates may also have been locked up in a container in the cargo hold. No wonder the bodies were not found.

He didn't know what was in the cargo hold. Anyway, it would definitely not be a pirate party, there would be no red wine and champagne, and there was a high probability of death waiting for them, and it might be the most useless way to die in the world.

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