Dream Guide

Chapter 359 An unexpected gain

Su Huilan looked up at the sky, the sound in her arms was wet by the rain, and she meowed.

Petru was standing not far away, his body still maintaining the posture of advancing, attacking, retreating and defending, but with a blank expression on his face. He couldn't figure out where he was, was he dreaming or was he in someone else's dream?

When even the dream became unreal, Petru realized that the heights that a spiritually strong person could reach were beyond what he could reach or even imagine now.

Looking at the dark clouds in the sky and the falling rain, Su Huilan asked, "How did you do that?"

Aoki said: "It's nothing, it just happened to rain. I just moved the scene to a dream like snow."

Su Huilan said: "I almost thought you were a thousand-year-old demon who can control wind and rain!"

Aoki smiled and said, "Why don't you talk anymore?"

Su Huilan looked at Petru and said, "It's raining. Can we move to another place?"

Petru woke up as if from a dream, relaxed his tense body, and felt it carefully, confirming that he was no longer in anyone's dream. He reached out and wiped the rain off his face, took a long breath, and said, "Follow me." I come."

Petru turned and walked toward the other side of the hill.

Su Huilan said: "My suitcase is still in the woods, you go first."

Aoki said: "I'll go get it. It doesn't look good for a lady to have her clothes wet."

Su Huilan said: "Thank you for the hard work, gentleman!"

Petru turned back to Qingmu and said: "There are two wooden houses on the left side of the canyon behind the mountain, but I don't live there. I live in the cave behind the wooden house. That place is a bit hidden."

Aoki pointed to the crow above his head and said, "Don't worry, I have a guide."

When they returned to the woods, Crow asked Aoki: "Hey, are you a thousand-year-old demon?"

Aoki asked in surprise: "Why do you ask that?"

Crow said: "Quack, I think Ms. Su's suspicion is justified. I often feel that you are not a normal person, but I have never summed up such a connotative term - a thousand-year-old demon! Quack! Maybe it is a thousand-year-old wood. !”

Aoki smiled and said: "If I were a thousand-year-old wood, you would be a thousand-year-old bird!"

Crow raised his head and thought for a long time, finally feeling that this was not a good name.

A drop of raindrops fell into its eyes. It screamed, raised its wings to cover its head and said, "But when I was flying in the sky just now, there was no sign of rain. Where did this rain cloud come from?"

Aoki said: "I don't understand either, maybe it's just the climate on the island! Also, don't you think this place is weird?"

The crow nodded and said: "Yes, quack, quack, the hillside is bare, not a single hair grows, it is covered with an invisible mental mask, and that guy's gun, why can it be mentally locked?"

Aoki said: "I suspect that there is very strong radioactive material buried underground, so there is no grass growing here. Petru must have stored the weapons here for a long time. It is possible that he buried them in the soil to prevent others from discovering them. Bullets If it has been exposed to radioactive contamination for a long time, it will have the same radioactive properties."

The crow jumped up with a croak: "What! Radioactive material! Will we get cancer? Will there be genetic mutations? Oh, my God, I don't want to look like an ugly prehistoric bird."

Aoki said: "It's hard to say!"

When they returned to the hillside, Su Huilan and Petru had disappeared. Aoki pulled the box and went down the hillside into the canyon behind the mountain.

The place where Petru lived was indeed not easy to find. The two wooden houses seemed to be just a cover. His real residence was in a very hidden cave on the cliff. If you don't search carefully, it will be difficult to find this cave from the outside. However, if you look out from the entrance of the cave, you have a very good view. You can see the entire bay outside the canyon, and you can also have a clear view of the only mountain road coming down from Tab. .

The cave is very dry and equipped with basic daily necessities, as well as lights and computers. I don’t know where he pulled the wires from.

When Aoki entered, Heng Ran was lying on the simple wooden couch eating. It seemed that Petru's "home" had a lot of delicious food.

Su Huilan and Petru sat across from each other across the stone table, with several worn-out sheepskin maps spread out on the table.

Regarding the story of Red Beard, Aoki had already listened to Petru "telling" it in Ruxue's dream just now, so he probably knew where these maps came from.

Petru saw Aoki coming in, stood up, poured him a glass of water, and handed him a dry towel.

Aoki said thank you, wiped his wet hair and crow feathers with a towel, walked over and sat down at the stone table. When he got close to Su Huilan's body, he sniffed hard and smelled nothing, but the scene of that summer bar night persisted in his mind.

Su Huilan seemed to feel something and asked, "What's wrong?"

Aoki smiled and said, "You smell very good."

Su Huilan was not sure whether Qingmu noticed something, or whether it was just a flirtatious thing said by a man in front of a woman. She is well-maintained. If you don't look at her temperament and only look at her appearance and skin, she is still a girl in her twenties. This is attractive enough, but her temperament is even more moving. In the presence of a beautiful woman like her, a man's heart would be slightly rippled.

But does this piece of wood also flirt? Su Huilan shook her head unconsciously.

She knew that she must have exposed her flaws when she used the "Fragrant Sleep" method to hypnotize Petru.

This is actually a very ancient method of hypnosis. Thousands of years ago, some people used the aroma of special plants to confuse people's minds, thereby greatly reducing the other party's mental resistance.

However, aromatic sleep is a mental method that directly acts on the olfactory center of the brain, and there will be no aromatic chemical molecules dispersed in the air. Logically speaking, only the hypnotized person can feel it, and people next to him cannot "smell" the fragrance.

Su Huilan no longer thinks about this question. Anyway, there will be many opportunities to ask him in the future, and she believes that Aoki also has many questions to ask her, but now is not the time.

She looked at the parchment on the table and asked, "Is this what you grabbed from them?"

Petru nodded: "Yes."

Su Huilan picked up the chart, looked at the light coming from the cave entrance, and sighed: "What an unexpected gain!"

Petru asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Qingmu also looked at Su Huilan curiously.

"If my guess is correct," Su Huilan re-layed the chart on the table and pointed to the triangle in the center of the chart, "this is the location of the submarine pyramid and the place where our scientific research ship had an accident."

Aoki looked at the chart on the table in surprise. These yellowed parchments were spliced ​​together to form a complete sea chart. There are many islands scattered on the map, and there are some sailboats drawn on the sea between the islands, but the sails are different. Some are single-masted, some are two-masted, and some are three-masted. He didn't understand sailing and didn't know what it meant.

There is a triangle like a glowing sun in the middle of the chart. There are many scattered lines, each of which is connected to the surrounding islands. There is only one downward vertical line, starting from the center of the triangle and passing through the lower vertex. All the way to the edge of the map, it looks like there is an island there that is not drawn on the map.

But Aoki immediately remembered that symbol and the mirror pyramid model that he and Professor Mei had discussed countless times.

He felt that the line was not connected to an island, but to another map. There should be a triangle like this in the center of that map. Opposite the vertex of the triangle, a straight line connected them.

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