Dream Guide

Chapter 361 Philosophical Crow

"You know I study philosophy. In the field of philosophy, there are two views on the origin of the world. Dualists believe that the origin of the world is composed of consciousness and matter, and consciousness can exist independently from matter; while monists believe that the origin of the world is composed of consciousness and matter. The world is only made of matter, and human consciousness and emotional cognition are all manifestations of matter."

Su Huilan walked back to the table with a smile and asked like a professor: "Guess which one I am?"

Pettru said immediately: "Dualist, of course."

Su Huilan did not say whether it was right or wrong, but turned the topic to science:

"In modern scientific research, there is always a question that troubles scientists: How do consciousness and matter interact? If consciousness is produced by a certain movement law of matter, then what is this generation mechanism? If consciousness is It exists independently of matter, so what is it?”

"Mainstream academic circles, that is, our experimental scientific research and school teaching, generally agree with monism, believing that body and mind are different manifestations of the same thing. Consciousness is the function of the brain, and thinking is the result of the activity of a large number of neurons. Subsequently As human beings study the brain more and more deeply, this view seems to have no problem, so it has become the mainstream. However, you must know that no matter at any time and in any environment, the 'mainstream' is always a relatively conservative set. .”

"Whether it is the scientific or philosophical world, only enlightened, open, radical and even adventurous scholars can stand at a height beyond the times, break through the shackles of old concepts, use new theories to change the world, and become the top thinkers. Asia Aristotle, Newton, Einstein... are all the same. In today's scientific world, the top scholars, such as Lester, Frings, Miyamoto Joe, Mei Yiqiu, etc., are not conservatives. . Although I dare not compare with them in the scientific field, on this point, we are basically the same."

When Su Huilan said this, she paused slightly and glanced at Qingmu, with a half-smile expression on her face.

Aoki knew that she was not only saying these words to Petru, but also to him, and probably mainly to him.

However, the topic of whether consciousness exists independently of matter may be a problem in the eyes of ordinary people. In experimental science, it is usually proven that consciousness is a companion product of the brain and a manifestation of brain function based on conscious cognition after brain injury. Because no matter what kind of damage a person suffers, such as breaking a finger, amputating a limb, cutting off a kidney, or even replacing a heart, the person's consciousness and thinking will not be affected, but if the brain is injured, the consciousness will become incomplete or even The whole child was lost.

Another direct experience is that when people are in deep sleep or under anesthesia, they have no consciousness at all. In the same way, it can be believed that the soul after death does not exist. This can also indirectly prove that consciousness is the result of special structure and movement based on matter.

So some people say that if you meet a ghost, that is such a lucky thing and worth celebrating! Because that means you will still exist after you die, not disappear.

Aoki agrees with Su Huilan's view that the mainstream is conservative, because after Lester's last words were announced, the invasion of parasitic consciousness has almost been confirmed, and cat killing orders have spread around the world, the so-called elites still insist on materialism. I still don’t believe that a conscious body can invade the human brain and that a person may become another person while alive.

Therefore, in most versions of the impending apocalypse spread around the world, people are still accustomed to calling parasitic consciousness bodies alien creatures, and believe that Toxoplasma gondii and gray brain viruses are the fundamental means of alien invasion. Cats all over the world are worried about this. And suffered disaster.

However, all these views and theories are not valid in the eyes of awakened people like Aoki. The independent existence of consciousness is just common sense to them. If consciousness cannot exist independently, how do they make those lucid dreams? How can he enter other people's dreams?

So Qingmu didn't understand the meaning of Su Huilan telling him this. Of course he knew that Su Huilan, like Professor Mei, acknowledged the existence of consciousness, but scientists did not equate consciousness with the soul, nor did they make too many unnecessary arguments before there was scientific evidence.

Su Huilan is obviously more special. Compared with Mei Yiqiu, she is an awakened person with strong mental power and independent consciousness experience; compared with Qingmu, she is also a scholar with profound scientific literacy and theoretical foundation.

Aoki felt that Su Huilan was guiding the topic in a certain direction. She definitely didn't want to talk about the existence of consciousness.

Sure enough, after a brief pause, Su Huilan said:

"But if you think I support dualism, you are wrong. On the contrary, I am a monist."

This time Aoki and Petru were stunned.

Seeing their shocked expressions, Su Huilan smiled and said:

"It's just that my monism is different from the monism we just talked about. Traditional monists believe that the essence of the world is matter, everything is made of matter, and all phenomena are manifestations of material movement. Our emotions, thinking and consciousness , are all produced by the movement of the materials that make up our bodies according to certain structures and laws.

But I hold the opposite view to them. I believe that the origin of the world is consciousness, which is ‘I’, and everything is created by me. The power of consciousness constructs this world, including the 'empty' matter that constitutes the world and the basic rules for the operation of the world. "

This view seemed familiar, and Aoki searched in his mind, trying to find someone who had said such a thing before.

Petru came from a military background and didn’t know much about philosophy or science, so he didn’t interrupt.

But the crow on the green wood couldn't help but interjected: "Isn't it subjective idealism?!"

Su Huilan corrected:

"No, it's not the same. Idealistic monists believe that the origin of the world is composed of spirit, and the source of spirit is God. In other words, the fundamental differences between idealism and materialism are except for the 'all idealism' and 'all materialism' suggested by the name. In addition to the difference between 'God', a very important point is whether to admit the existence of 'God'. Because without 'God', idealists cannot explain the phenomena of the universe.

Isn’t it strange that I am an atheist, but I am not a materialist, or even a dualist?

But in fact, you don’t need to be surprised at all. As long as you put aside the traditional concepts of materialism and idealism, you can easily accept my ideas. If I had to give my concept a name, it would be called consciousness theory. "

"Consciousness theory?" The crow mumbled the word in its mouth, as if chewing something. "Quack, this sounds a bit like Nietzsche's 'voluntarism', and a bit like Buddhism's 'consciousness theory' . The Buddha said, "When the mind arises, all kinds of dharmas arise, and when the mind dies, all kinds of dharmas disappear. All conditioned dharmas are like dew and lightning, so we should observe them like this." Nietzsche said, "If there is a god, how can I endure that I am not that god?" So there is no God!’…”

The one next to him heard a meow, looking at the coal boss with eyes full of reverence.

Aoki grabbed the crow standing above his head, scratching his scalp with his claws and chattering religious and philosophical quotes, and laughed and cursed:

"When did you become a philosopher?!"

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