Dream Guide

Chapter 369 Mental self-destruction

After Su Huilan was far away, Qingmu said to the coal boss: "Fly over and have a look."

He didn't know why he let the crow fly at this time.

The coal boss didn't say much this time and flew away with a croak.

Petru didn't take his eyes off the scope and said, "You are really good at it. How did you train this bird?"

Aoki said: "Believe it or not, I just put it in the bar, so not only can it talk, but it can also drink."

Petru gave a rare smile.

Su Huilan had already reached the lower half of the hillside.

Aoki didn't know where those people were hiding in the forest at the foot of the mountain, because it was too far away from him. However, he thought that if the people in the forest were mentally strong, their consciousnesses might have already clashed with Su Huilan's at this time.

"Did you hit a man or a woman just now?" Aoki suddenly asked.

"A man," said Petru.

"Is he dead?"

"Not sure. He was alert before being shot and dodged for a moment. The bullet hit his left chest, about two centimeters away from his heart. But I'm sure the guy wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest."

"So there's only one woman left?"

"And the guy who brought you up here, I know him. He is a native of the island who specializes in defrauding tourists. He was so frightened that he was lying down in the forest! Judging from the shape of his mouth, I guess he was shouting the name of God. "

"What's the name of the god here?" Qingmu looked at Su Huilan's graceful back and slowly approached the forest, only about a hundred meters away.

"Avaiki, Longo, Catanro, there are many of them anyway, who knows which one is their main god!" Petlu said.

Aoki knew that there would be slight differences in the beliefs among the various tribes in this archipelago. Maybe they all believed in the same god thousands of years ago, but time would slowly make everything strange and different.

He felt the strange spiritual disturbance emanating from this magical taboo, and wondered who the person who had created this miracle was.

"It seems you didn't use a scope when you shot me?" Aoki said.

Petru said: "The bullets buried under Tab are very magical. They can guide my mental power forward to lock the target. I thought this would help me kill the enemy better, but after you came up, I found out that it is difficult to deal with people like you." For people like this, ordinary bullets and scopes may still work.”

Aoki had to admire Petru's intuition and reaction. After only a simple and short battle, he summed up the pros and cons and made tactical adjustments.

"So you're using regular bullets now?"


"You're a good shot."

"so so."

"It's pretty good, such a long distance."

Su Huilan has already reached the edge of the forest. Looking from a distance, she can only see her small back, like a figure displayed in an animation house. The sun was a bit dazzling, and the rocks that had just rained were scorched by the sun, and there was a lot of fog in the air. The crow turned into a small black dot, circled twice in the sky, then fell into the branches of a tree in the forest and disappeared.

Petru stretched out his left hand under the butt of the gun, fumbled under his waist for a while, and took out a military binoculars for Aoki. His head and his right hand holding the trigger never moved, and his eyes remained fixed on the scope. After Aoki took the telescope, his left hand immediately returned to his chest, his elbow supported the ground, and his palm held the gun butt to stabilize his body.

With the telescope, Aoki can clearly see the scene under the hillside.

Su Huilan stopped moving when she reached the edge of the forest. In front of her were some short shrubs, and further ahead there were some thick trees.

Qingmu saw Su Huilan standing there, her shoulders moving, probably stroking the cat in her arms. A cat tail came out from under her arm, bent behind her and twisted, as if signaling to the people on the mountain.

Not long after, a person came out from behind the tree in front.

She was also a beautiful woman, with golden waves, black sunglasses on her straight nose, and rose-colored lipstick on her lips. But her face was cold, and even from such a distance, Aoki could feel her murderous intent and anger.

Aoki slowly moved the angle of the telescope, and his field of view moved downwards. He could see the girl's plump breasts and slender waist. But her thighs are thick and her butt muscles are strong, which is in line with Western aesthetics. But what Aoki noticed was that her drooping hands were covered in blood. It should have come from her companion who was shot.

She and Su Huilan stood face to face. Because they were wearing sunglasses, Aoki couldn't see her eyes through the telescope, so he could not judge the current mental battle between the two parties. However, her towering chest rose and fell a little too much. Ordinary people might think she was angry, but Aoki believed that it was the result of mental confrontation, just like when a person encounters a nightmare while sleeping. Taking deep breaths vigorously helps to concentrate. confrontation.

The two women stood face to face like that, no one knew what they had experienced or what they were communicating.

Qingmu suddenly regretted that he should have gone down by himself, or at least with Su Huilan. This kind of subconscious spiritual battle was completely impossible to participate in from a distance. He could only wait for Su Huilan to tell him what he wanted to know.

Petru suddenly said: "That man is still alive!"

"What?" Aoki asked in surprise, but after being reminded, he immediately adjusted his perspective and saw half of a foot wearing jungle boots exposed by a bush behind the woman. The foot was shaking violently, and the bushes were shaking.

"Oops!" Aoki shouted.

"What is he doing?" Pettru asked.

"Spiritual self-destruction!" Aoki said.

He didn't know if this word was accurate, but it was indeed a word that suddenly popped into his mind at this moment. It was as if the word had been buried deep in his memory and just popped up at the right moment.

The man who was shot did not die, but was seriously injured. He felt that his companions had the upper hand in the mental confrontation with the enemy and were probably about to lose.

He may be a little stronger mentally than his female companion, but unfortunately he can't stand up now. His injuries left him distracted and subconsciously unable to focus his mental power. He knew that if his companions lost, they would all die, so he used all his energy to make a last-ditch effort. After this fight, his consciousness may no longer exist.

Aoki knew that Su Huilan was struggling with her opponent. Although she might have the upper hand, she might not be able to withstand it if another person suddenly gave her a fatal blow at the cost of annihilation of consciousness.

So he immediately shouted to Petru: "Shoot!"

In fact, without him shouting, Petru had already made his own judgment, so as soon as Aoki's words came out, his gun had already fired.

The only difference was that Aoki wanted him to shoot the man behind the bushes, but the bullet fired from Petru's gun flew towards the woman in front of Su Huilan.

Aoki clearly saw through the telescope that the cheekbone of the blonde beauty's left face suddenly collapsed, half of her face disappeared in an instant, and even half of her sunglasses flew off, leaving only fuzzy flesh and blood, like the devil's mark, and The other half, which is still fair, forms a sharp contrast.

The expression on that half of his face was still stern, and he didn't even have time to show the shock of being hit by a bullet.

Probably to avoid the splashing blood, Su Huilan jumped back a step. When she landed, the woman in front of her also fell down.

A hoarse roar erupted from the bushes, like the unwilling roar of a lion falling into a hunter's trap on the remote African savanna before dying, like the wail of a wounded buffalo watching the herd go away but unable to catch up.

Endless anger, unwillingness and sorrow turned into sound waves that echoed in the desolation between heaven and earth. Along with the spiritual impact, they went straight into people's minds. Even the green trees on the hillside could hear it clearly.

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