Dream Guide

Chapter 372 Erase memory

After removing the chip from the female corpse, they pulled the male corpse out of the pit and searched him carefully, but found nothing.

"It seems that this woman is the protagonist." Su Huilan said.

Aoki smiled and said: "How can there be a protagonist who doesn't even have lines?"

He thought that since these two people were here to find Petru, they should be from the organization Su Huilan mentioned, but the chip on the woman's body showed that she was an experiment from Laboratory No. 19. The devastating attack on Laboratory 19 that year was probably related to this experiment. Xia Xiaoxiao said that most of the subjects were dead, but the existence of Liu Huaian showed that something had slipped through the net, and the dead woman in front of him also proved this.

If this chip is really made of graphene, it is likely to be the latest and last generation product before the laboratory is closed.

Since Aoki didn't pay much attention to Liu Huaian's affairs at the time, and never thought that he would have a chip on his body, it was impossible to determine whether Liu Huaian had been interacting with the Internet during his lifetime. After all, the old chip had been around for too long and might have broken down long ago. Lost.

But since this woman's chip is the latest, there must be a connection between her and the Internet. She is a powerful awakener, why should she be at the mercy of a non-existent internet consciousness? Is it possible that her awakening of consciousness and strong mental power were cultivated by the Internet? Or even that she is a clone consciousness of the Internet, and her original consciousness has died long ago?

Yes, since alien parasitic consciousness can invade humans, why can’t Internet consciousness directly occupy human brains? Biochip + clone consciousness makes human beings become an information node in its network. This is the Internet of Everything. Otherwise, if people are not connected, how can it be called everything?

Could those dead experimental subjects have been killed by the Internet itself? He didn't want humans to find out, so after the experiment was successful, he killed all the scientific researchers and useless experimental subjects who participated in the experiment. What remained were all the experimental subjects that were completely controlled by him and became part of the Internet consciousness. Become his undercover agent placed in human society and various organizations.

So, Liu Huaian is the real fish that slipped through the net!

Aoki thought of a crazy thing Liu Huaian often said: "I am two-faced!"

How did he escape Internet surveillance and become a double agent?

Aoki felt a little dizzy when he thought of this. He has reached a strategic alliance with the ghost, which is actually an alliance with the Internet, but he is not sure what kind of existence the Internet is. Could this guy be scarier than Dream Club and those parasites?

He took out his cell phone and found that there was no signal here. He pointed the camera at the female corpse's face and wanted to take a picture. He found that the rotten half of the face was too terrifying, so he asked Petlu to help turn the female corpse over and took a picture of the other half of her intact face. A side shot.

"Bury it," he said.

Petru threw the man and the woman into the pit. Aoki and he filled the pit with nearby fallen leaves, dead branches and gravel.

By the time we were doing these things, the sun had already begun to set.

The crow croaked: "Hey, aren't you hungry?"

Petru laughed and said, "Okay, come to my place and I'll treat you to whale meat!"

"Quack, whaling is illegal!"

"That's a law made by stupid humans, it doesn't apply to pirates!"

"Quack! Doesn't that also work for us, Shen Ran?"

The cat nodded and meowed, almost drooling.

Petru said: "You are right, it is not effective against pirates and animals, oh, and the Japanese!"

"Japanese? Uh... Guagua..." Crow tilted his head to think about the connection.

"They quit the Whaling Commission and joined the ranks of your beasts! Hahaha..." Petru thought he had told a very funny joke.

Su Huilan said: "No need to join, they are already there."

cried the crow, "Oh no! If they join, I quit!"

He meowed loudly in agreement.

Su Huilan said: "Your IQ has allowed you to withdraw from the animal world long ago."

The crow said: "You are right, you should not treat me like a bird in the future. I want to be a normal person. I don't want to be dependent on others, croak!"

Aoki said: "How about you keep stepping on my head!"

"Um... But why do I listen to you every time? And Ruhua also makes me drink around! I want to protest!"

"That's because everything you eat is cooked by her."

"Then you can't yell at me!"

"Then you won't eat soy pork elbows anymore."

"Okay, okay, for the sake of the sauce... let's go and drink! Guagua..."

Accompanied by the chattering of crows, punctuated by a cat's meow from time to time, they left the woods and went up the hillside, and disappeared after a while.

Qiqika Youyou woke up and found herself lying in the woods. He sat up, rubbed his hazy eyes, and saw the hillside outside the forest and the special stones on the slope.

"Fuck! Why am I here?" He cursed and recalled carefully, but he couldn't remember how he got here.

It was very humid in the woods, and it looked like it had just rained. Chichika vaguely remembered that it had rained just now. He seems to have picked up several waves of tourists today.

Well, it should be two groups. he recalled. But where did they go? I won't take them to Tabu, right? No, it's impossible! I will not take anyone to Tab.

In addition to the taboos of God, there also lives a madman named Petru who came from nowhere and was punished by God!

Thinking of Petru, Chichika seemed to think of something, but suddenly it became blank again. It's like having a dream, clearly clear, but forgotten in an instant.

Perhaps because of the rain, the woods were filled with a rotten, sour smell, and there was also a faint smell of blood. The smell made him a little uncomfortable.

Chichika stood up and found that her crotch was heavy and sticky. He reached out to unbutton his pants and touched his crotch.

"Oh, shit!" he yelled. "What the hell! What the hell happened?"

The sun has set in the west, and although it is still on the horizon, the west coastline cannot be seen from the woods. The sunlight can only be reflected from the clouds overhead.

Some bugs and small animals that only appear at night began to move around and make rustling sounds.

Qiqika wiped her hands on the leaves next to her and hurriedly lifted her pants. He didn't want to be swallowed up by darkness in the woods. Although this island was where he grew up and he was familiar with almost every inch of the land, the hillside where Tab was located was so mysterious that he sometimes felt that it wasn't A place protected by gods, but a habitat for demons.

With a crotch of gold, Chichika left in a hurry.

When walking by a big tree, he vaguely remembered something - he seemed to have had a dream - he was hung upside down by a rope, it seemed to be this tree, and under the tree was a large pit full of sharp blades. . In that dream, he almost fell. He couldn't remember how he escaped from danger in the end, only the creepy feeling remained in his memory.

Thinking of that feeling, he couldn't help but stop, looked up, and saw the rope dangling in mid-air.

The light became darker and darker, a gust of wind blew, and the smell of blood became stronger.

Chichika trembled with fright, screamed and ran towards her home far away in the woods.

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