Dream Guide

Chapter 374 Petru’s Ship

There are many grilled fishes on the grill, including whole fish and cut into pieces. Aoki randomly picked a few pieces to try and found that they all tasted good, but he couldn't tell the type of fish, let alone which ones were whale meat.

Su Huilan told him that whale meat is very old, a bit like horse meat, but actually not tasty at all.

The crow immediately jumped up and said: "That's right, it's not delicious, just these few pieces, croak!"

Aoki took the piece of meat pointed by the crow and took a bite, and found that the meat was indeed very rough. He asked: "Why do the Japanese still hunt whales if it tastes so bad? Can't Japan even afford meat?"

Su Huilan said: "Maybe some old people miss the past era, and those in power just use this sentiment to enhance the national identity of young people. Things kidnapped by national emotions will lose their rationality, just like some people think they are two pieces. A meat bun is too expensive, but they are willing to spend five yuan to buy two steamed buns to eat. It’s hard to tell whether what they eat is nutritious or something else.”

When the crow heard the word "wotou", he quickly took two bites of the fish to suppress his shock.

Qingmu asked Su Huilan with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that if you let Petru go to inspect the ship alone, he would drive away with the ship?"

Su Huilan said: "I just wanted to test him and see if he would run away."

"What if we run away?" Aoki asked, "Didn't we come here in vain?"

"It's not in vain!" Su Huilan suddenly raised her hand and shook it, conjuring a stack of parchment charts like a magic trick. "He will not throw away this thing, otherwise he would have escaped the pursuit long ago."

Aoki chewed the fragrant tuna meat and said, "What if he poisoned the food? Since you have been guarding against him, why did you let him cook?"

Su Huilan glanced at the cat who never seemed to have enough to eat, and said: "We have two little guys to help us test the poison, but he doesn't dare."

The crow jumped up: "What? Guagua, what did you say? We will help you test the poison? Why didn't you tell me about such a dangerous thing in advance? Guagua!"

He kicked the cat that was still eating to itself with his paw, "Hey, don't eat, stupid cat! Someone is using us as a gun! Do you know that we almost burped?! Ouch!... …Stupid cats!”

Petru came back soon and made an OK gesture to them from afar.

Aoki said: "Now you can rest assured!"

Su Huilan smiled: "There's nothing to worry about. Some risks always have to be taken."

Aoki nodded, yes, some risks always have to be taken.

Petru ate quickly, and although he was delayed for a moment inspecting the ship, he was the first to finish. Su Huilan chewed her food carefully and ate very slowly; the crow was particular about eating and was picky, so it was not fast; but the cat seemed to never have enough to eat, even though its belly was already very big, it kept eating. plug.

By the time everyone had finished eating, it was completely dark.

Starlight shines down from the very short sky, the sound of waves hitting the rocks can be heard in the distance, some bugs are squeaking in the grass, and the wind that has been running all day is secretly breathing far away.

Such a night was so quiet and peaceful that one could not imagine that a bloody killing had occurred just a few hours ago. Everything seemed like a dream.

Su Huilan and Qingmu sat side by side on the rock. She held the cat, and he held the crow. Four pairs of eyes looked into the darkness in the distance. There were many stars there. Looking from here, I didn't know whether they were hanging in the sky or growing in the sea.

Petlu's rough voice, which had a hint of sea salt particles, broke the tranquility of the night. He reminded: "Are you really going to leave overnight?"

Su Huilan stood up and said decisively: "Let's go."

Going down from the cave is the canyon. There is a small bay on the left side of the canyon, like a pocket, where Petru's boat is parked.

This ship looks very inconspicuous. The more than 20-meter-long hull is not very big when placed on the seaside. Under the cover of night, it looks like a small black sea monster standing in the shallows of the bay from a distance.

After getting closer, you can see the mottled hull of the ship with the light, and much of the metallic paint on it has fallen off. Fishing nets were hung on the bow and stern of the boat, and a strong smell of fish could be smelled from a long distance away. It looked no different from any ordinary fishing boat docked at a fishermen's wharf.

However, when Aoki got on the boat, he discovered that there was a hidden muzzle in the place covered by the fishing net. This is obviously no ordinary fishing boat. There are two masts standing on the wide deck at the front of the ship, and sails that have not been hoisted are stacked under the masts.

"This boat turned out to be an ocean-going fishing boat, and I slightly modified it." Petru opened the fishing net and explained.

"This is not a small change." Aoki patted the metal barrel, then looked up at the towering mast, "Are all fishing boats equipped with sails?"

Petrou said: "The tonnage of the ship is too small and it can't go far without supplies. I added a sail to it and it can travel with the help of the wind conveniently and not in a hurry, which can save a lot of fuel."

Several people entered the cabin together. The cabin is spacious and comfortable, completely different from the shabby appearance of the hull, and it has obviously been modified.

Petru also took them to visit the storage room, which was filled with food and daily necessities. There is another cabin next to the storage room. Petru said it was a weapons warehouse, but the smell was not good, so he did not open the door.

Qingmu and Su Huilan were not interested in weapons either, so they followed him to the cab. The cab is also filled with weapons, including a special sniper platform that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, with a Barrett on it.

Petru asked, "Where are we going now?"

Su Huilan spread out the chart, pointed to the triangular pattern in the middle and asked, "Have you been here?"

Petru said: "I've been there, but I didn't find anything. I don't know if the map is inaccurate or if there's nothing there. But it's strange recently. Many ships, including warships from various countries, suddenly came to that area. , I thought they were here to arrest me at first, but later I found out they were not. Do you know what happened there?"

"According to the position indicated on the chart, what is the converted longitude and latitude?"

"It's about 30° south latitude and 150° west longitude. If the chart is accurate, the error will not exceed half a degree."

Su Huilan and Qingmu looked at each other, becoming more and more certain that this chart was related to the underwater pyramid.

"Have you seen a research vessel nearby?"


"One of our scientific research ships had an accident there, and everyone is looking for them."

"Oh, really, what do you need me for? Even the navy is participating in the search and rescue. My small boat can't be of much use." Petru said, "Besides, I don't want to meet the navy."

"We won't meet the navy. Besides, you can rest assured that we are here."

"I always feel that this trip of yours is a bit risky." Petru said warily, "About Lavier..."

"The risks are shared. We are on the same boat now and have a common enemy. You also hope that we can help you do things you can't do alone, right?" Su Huilan smiled at Petru a little mysteriously. "Besides, when it comes to your woman, you will definitely do what I say."

There will be more in a while

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