Dream Guide

Chapter 388 Who is she?

Huang Liang was startled, sweat burst out from every pore on his body, and big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

It's so terrifying that I was hypnotized into a dream without even realizing it. I only had this feeling when facing Aoki. But from that time to now, he is confident that his mental strength has improved a lot, and he may not be as embarrassed and desperate as before when he meets Aoki again.

However, now, he met an old lady here, and she actually left him powerless to resist. He didn't know how the other party did it, and he couldn't even remember when the other party started hypnotizing him.

He carefully recalled his itinerary. He came out of Amsterdam Central Station, met a homeless man, and then came to the red light district. When he couldn't find Sea Cucumber Street, the old lady appeared.

Well, that's too careless. This is the darkest corner of the largest red light district in Amsterdam. The people who appear here are either prostitutes or clients. How could an old lady appear here?

But why should she wait here to hypnotize herself? Is this a test that everyone who comes to attend an organization’s gathering must pass?

Huang Liang is not sure about the other party's identity. It stands to reason that the people waiting here at this moment should be people from within the organization, and many of the scenes he saw and the words he said in his dream are impossible for him to extract and reconstruct from his memory. It was constructed for him in a dream. Like the sordid scene in the basement, and what the woman calls an "elite breeding program."

But why would she lead him into such a dream? Are you trying to tell him something, or are you testing him?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the old lady is not an insider of the organization, but a spiritual master hidden in the human world like Aoki.

No matter what, he must deal with it carefully. He carefully recalled everything that happened in the dream to see if he had any flaws. He didn't want the organization to know about his relationship with Aoki, and he didn't want to be treated as the first traitor.

After going through it in my mind, I found that there were probably two places where the whole process was flawed. One is that his scalpel embodies powerful mental power, but this doesn't mean anything. This is a mental confrontation method that he developed himself, and later Aoki helped him strengthen it. Aoki said this method is unique, deceptive and covert. As long as he didn't dream about Aoki in his dream, others wouldn't know anything.

The second is that before entering No. 07, Lane 13, he checked his phone and put the location information into the Ghost folder. This is just a small action, and the other party probably won't care, because no one knows what the Ghost folder is, not even himself. It seemed that after he found the address, he located it on his mobile phone.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The skin on the old lady's face was loose, and her short body was wrapped in a bloated coat. She didn't look like an expert, except for the sharp eyes she looked at Huang Liang.

"You don't need to know who I am, it won't do you any good if you know." She said, then raised the collar of her coat, "Oh, it's so cold today!"

A gust of wind blew, and Huang Liang's sweat instantly turned cold.

"Are you from Howard?" the old lady asked.

"Yes." Huang Liang knew he couldn't hide it, so he answered honestly.

"Well -" the old lady nodded, seeming to be thinking about something, "Howard couldn't teach you this skill. Tell me, who taught you?"

Huang Liang asked: "What aspect are you referring to?"

The old lady said: "Your mental power is very strong, beyond my expectation."

"No one taught me." Huang Liang said, "I figured it out myself."

"Really?" The old lady looked unconvinced.

Huang Liang decided to take a gamble and said: "With your ability, it is easy to verify whether what I said is true or false. You can hypnotize me now and let my subconscious answer you."

This is a kind of gamble. He feels that this old lady will not hypnotize him again, otherwise there will be no need to talk so much nonsense. If she wanted to know anything, she could just ask it in her dream. He was glad that he didn't reveal too many tricks in the dream just now, and that he woke up so quickly.

As he expected, the old lady said:

"Oh, no, now that you came out on your own, I won't hypnotize you anymore. Your scalpel is very sharp. Are you a doctor?"

Huang Liang replied: "Yes, I used to be a surgeon."

The old lady said: "It's rare to be able to condense your mental power to that level. But you seemed to be hiding it deliberately, so that when I hypnotized you, you didn't resist at all. With the scalpel I saw later, I wanted to I'm afraid it's not easy to hypnotize you and make you know nothing.

Well, in this world, hiding is right, but hiding does not turn a tiger into a rabbit, but uses the things around you to integrate your mental fluctuations with the environment. If you turn into a rabbit, you will probably be killed by a hunting dog before you turn back into a tiger. "

Huang Liang also wondered why he was so easily hypnotized. He also felt that the old lady in front of him was really unfathomable, maybe even more powerful than Aoki. Now after listening to her words, he realized that his problem was not that he had not made much progress, but that The method is wrong.

He knew that the old lady's words were almost giving instructions, so he quickly said thank you and asked: "Excuse me, are you...?"

"I told you not to ask me who I am!" The old lady became sullen and said with a glare, "You don't have to thank me. This is your own ability and opportunity. It's time for me to leave. It's too cold here. , the old woman can’t bear it, unlike you young people..."

Huang Liang wanted to say something else, but the old lady had already passed her and walked towards the street outside the red pink house in the distance.

He heard her still mumbling: "If you don't have the ability to lead, you don't have the ability to command, how can such an organization work? I think the elite breeding program will produce a bunch of waste..."

Huang Liang silently watched the old lady's figure disappear at the far corner of the street, still shocked in his heart. He still couldn't tell whether the old lady was from the organization? If so, her level must be very high. How high is it? Huang Liang doesn’t know.

All he knew was that the old lady seemed dissatisfied with the organization. However, the way this organization operates is determined by the leader, and everything here is approved by the leader. Moreover, Howard's level in the organization is not low. Even if he cannot report directly to the leader, he is at most one level away. In an upper-class society that has penetrated into almost all countries in the world and controls most of the resources of human society, it is already remarkable to be only one level away from the leader. The reason Huang Liang was able to be led by Howard was because he came in early and received a special mission.

Questioning the organization's operating model and questioning the capabilities of its key members, how is this different from questioning the leader? Who is this old lady?

Huang Liang was thinking wildly while walking aimlessly in the alley.

In the corner, a woman with heavy makeup shouted "Hey" to him, raised her middle finger, and winked.

Huang Liang came back from his thoughts and found that he had gone a long way. He suddenly noticed that the door here had a house number.

He walked forward quickly, looking for house numbers one by one, and soon found No. 1307.

He stopped, took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky. The sky was very blue after the snow, with a few white clouds floating gently high and far away.

He took out his phone, saved the location information into the Ghost folder, and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door creaked open, and gray-haired Howard appeared at the door.

"Zhao, oh no, Huang, you're finally here!" Howard welcomed him in enthusiastically.

Passing through the outer room, the light dimmed, and a pink lamp on the wall shone dimly.

Howard opened a door, pointed to the entrance to the basement behind the door, and said mysteriously and excitedly: "Huang, welcome to the elite breeding program!"

Huang Liang's eyelids twitched slightly. Looking at the dark and deep tunnel, he seemed to smell a dirty smell of bodily fluids and alcohol, and vaguely heard a lewd voice beside his ears.

I came back late today, the update is a bit late, sorry! In addition, thanks to the friends who have recently tipped, Wild TalK_s, Hengfeng, bigfishman, Beijiuxueting, Holy Druid Aque, The Moon Turns into Bubbles, Just Book Friends 1608, Youth Under the Flower, Mortal Carefree... ..., and all my friends who have made full reservations, thank you all

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