Dream Guide

Chapter 390 Kirishima’s voice

At the same time that the island appeared, there was also heavy fog on the sea.

One corner of the island sticks out from the sea fog, like a monster's claws. The coastline is winding and winding, and the far end is covered by fog. It is difficult to see how big the island is, but judging from the scene in front of you, this is definitely not a small island.

"Is this the island you saw?" Aoki asked.

Petru shook his head: "I don't know, but it certainly didn't land from this location last time."

"Was it foggy like this last time?"

"Yes, it's also foggy and visibility is very low."

Aoki suddenly remembered Captain Church's diary. They also encountered heavy fog at sea one day and then lost their way.

He glanced at Su Huilan and found that Su Huilan was also looking at her. They probably thought of the same question.

Su Huilan asked: "Petru, did you measure the area of ​​this island last time?"

Petru said: "No, but the island is not big. I remember that after going up, it takes about two hours to walk to the hot spring in the center."

The fog on the sea is very unstable. It is rolled back and forth by the wind, sometimes thick and sometimes light. The sun shines in through the gaps in the fog, turning it into a very weird weather.

"What should we do?" Pettru asked.

Aoki said: "Of course I went to the island. After searching for so many days, it finally appeared. I can't give up."

Petru said: "I don't care, just do it as you say."

He walked under the mast, lowered all the sails, then returned to the wheelhouse, skillfully maneuvered the ship close to the island, and looked for a suitable place to dock according to the shape of the coastline.

Eventually, the ship anchored in a notch. Fearing that they would run aground and the ship was still dozens of meters away from the shore, they put down two rafts.

Before disembarking, Su Huilan returned to the cabin and changed into a jungle camouflage uniform. Her hair was also tied up, and she looked quite heroic. Not only was her proud figure not obscured by military camouflage, it actually showed a bit of unique style.

The crow screamed twice when it saw the croak, then flew to the mast pretending to be disdainful, and whispered to the distant sky: "Ruhua, you are in danger again!"

When Aoki called it down, it said in Aoki's ear: "Let me tell you, the boss lady is definitely more awesome than her when she wears it like this!"

Thinking of Bi Shenghua's flat chest again, I felt that there was something wrong with my choice of words. I tilted my head and thought for a while, "Well... it may be a little difficult to explode, but it must be strong enough!"

Su Huilan tied up the laces of her military jungle boots. Suddenly she saw Aoki's pull-up board and asked, "Do you want to change clothes? The environment on this uninhabited wild island is not very good."

Aoki said: "Forget it, I'm still getting used to my body."

Su Huilan shook her head helplessly.

Petru also felt that Aoki's shoes were not suitable for jungle trekking, but he gave up the idea of ​​persuading him after remembering the scene of him sprinting on a rugged hillside when he was attacked by his own sniper.

"Bring some weapons, who knows what's on the island!" Petru hesitated before reminding him, although he also felt that with the abilities of Aoki and Su Huilan, carrying a gun would be a burden.

Aoki was not arrogant enough to think that he would not need thermal weapons under any circumstances, so he did not refuse. He carried an automatic rifle on his back, three magazines of ammunition and two grenades. Of course, the pistol and dagger were also in the trench coat pocket.

Seeing a bunch of things hanging in his windbreaker, Crow shouted: "Quick, smoke a cigarette, smoke a cigarette, light it with money, you are Brother Ma!"

After being called out by him, Aoki's craving for cigarettes really got stronger, so he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Of course, he used matches instead of banknotes.

Su Huilan laughed: "How many movies has your bird watched?"

Aoki said: "You have to ask it. Anyway, it has seen more than me."

The crow cried: "How many? Not many!"

Su Huilan looked at Qingmu: "I still need a pair of sunglasses."

Aoki said: "Okay, if I don't do anything like Little Ma, I will be beaten into a hornet's nest."

Petru didn't know why and asked: "Who is Brother Ma?" When no one answered him, he walked away boredly and went to sort out his weapons.

Su Huilan didn't like heavy weapons, so she only picked a submachine gun and a pistol, and brought a few magazines.

She saw Petru carrying a lot of things on his back, as if he was going to war, and asked warily: "Petru, you have obviously been to the island, why are you bringing so many weapons? Are you hiding something?" Follow us?"

Petru said: "What can I hide? Just to protect myself from wild beasts."

Su Huilan said: "Beasts, what kind of wild beasts can there be on such an isolated island?"

"It's always safer to have more weapons," Petrou said.

Su Huilan said: "I understand. You must have encountered something the last time you went to the island, so you left in a hurry, right? You can walk the entire sea area and even find dead Tabu like Lapa Island. , this Tabu has such strong spiritual power, how could you leave in such a hurry, you can’t even remember the shape of the coastline, you must have encountered an accident!”

Petru hesitated and said: "It was a little unexpected."

"Stop talking nonsense and make it clear." Aoki said.

Petru suddenly felt a strong spiritual force coming towards him. Knowing that this was a warning to him, he waved his hand quickly:

"No, no, no, no. I have been to the island, but the situation on the island is a bit weird. The place where I docked at that time was not here, there was a beach there. It was also foggy on the island, and I couldn't see anything clearly. My mental strength Not as good as you, but I also felt the spiritual fluctuations on the island. I was sure that there was a strong Tabu on this island, so I followed the guidance of the spiritual power until I climbed to a high slope after getting to the island. On the boat, I saw a small lake, which was the hot spring I told you about. At that time, I didn’t know that the spiritual power came from that lake, but I happened to need fresh water on my boat, so I went straight to that lake. "

"The fog on the island is very strange. It is thick in some places and lighter in other places. When I was walking through the thick fog, I heard the voices of people talking, but the language they spoke was a language I had never heard before. It was worse than Chinese. It’s hard to understand. At first I thought I was delusional and didn’t pay attention, but as the sound got closer and closer, I knew something was wrong. I quickly found a place to hide, and then I vaguely saw the shadows of some people. Hey, he seems to be looking for someone, maybe hunting."

"Have you seen clearly what kind of person he is?" Su Huilan asked.

"The fog is really too big and I can't see clearly at all," said Petru. "And I'm still not sure if it's my imagination. You know, people can walk two or three meters in fog with visibility less than two meters. How does it feel for an hour? I almost collapsed and thought I would never get out."

Su Huilan said: "Too low visibility will make you go around in circles. In addition, the jungle road is not easy to walk. It is normal to walk for two or three hours. However, if you have participated in jungle combat, you should have the ability to identify directions. This kind of adaptability will never be no?"

Petru said: "I have a compass on me, but it seems to be malfunctioning. The direction of the pointer is chaotic. The plants on the island grow completely irregularly. The fog is very thick and the sun cannot be seen. I can't find anything that can tell the difference." Directional approach. Overall, this island is different from any place we’ve ever seen.”

"This is really weird!" Su Huilan frowned, "What happened next?"

"Then those people seemed to have gone away, so I came out and continued walking. But not long after I left, I heard someone talking again, this time in Russian."


"Yes, it's Russian. I have special training and know a little bit of Russian. I heard one guy say: 'Ivan, we seem to be trapped!' Another guy said: 'Stop talking, Boris, I feel them Not gone far yet.'"

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