Dream Guide

Chapter 392 Hope of Living

Su Huilan and Qingmu were both a little excited. If Ivan and Boris appeared on the island, then it was very likely that Situ would be there too, and even the entire scientific expedition team would be on the island.

Aoki asked: "How far is our current location from the place where the wreckage of the scientific research ship was found?"

He has little research on ocean currents and maritime search and rescue, but his ideas are very clear. Su Huilan and Petru both know this knowledge, especially Petru. The ocean is his home.

Petru understood what he meant and immediately checked the current specific location through the GPS system. At the same time, he opened the navigation chart and asked them where the wreckage of the scientific research ship was found.

However, to his surprise, he suddenly found that the GPS system failed and no signal could be found. He turned on other communication equipment on the ship. How could a desperate pirate like him not have advanced equipment on his ship? But the problem is, no set of equipment can connect to the satellites in the sky.

"What the hell!" Petru slapped the instruments in the cab hard, "Have we entered some kind of radio blind spot? We can't receive any signal at all!"

Su Huilan also took out a small signal receiver from her box and connected it to her PAD. The result was the same.

Aoki looked at the heavy fog ahead and remembered what happened to the scientific research ship: "It must be related to the fog."

Su Huilan nodded and said, "We may have fallen into a certain space bubble."

"Space bubble?" Petru had heard Su Huilan talk about those three-dimensional and two-dimensional conjectures. Hearing these nonsense scientific knowledge was more terrifying to his ears than hearing the legend of sea monsters. "Then what should we do now? Go to the island or retreat? Should we wait until the fog clears before coming back?"

Su Huilan said: "It's probably too late to retreat, and we can't find this island in fog-free weather. Think about it, did you discover it last time when it was foggy?"

Petru nodded: "Indeed."

Aoki said: "Didn't you always know the location of this island? Didn't you notice that the GPS failed before?"

Petru said: "I didn't notice that although the GPS was always on, I mostly sailed by feeling. You know it is dangerous for a pirate to turn on the GPS when escaping. People like us have a navigation plan." You can travel all over the world with pictures. As for this place, I found it based on those parchment charts. Later, after leaving the island, I checked the position. The GPS was good at that time, but it was already far away from the island. I found it based on the ship’s The route and speed have been used to calculate the island's position, which is basically consistent with the markings on the chart. I think our current position will not deviate much."

Aoki said: "Well, based on the position on your chart, you know a lot about maritime affairs. Let's calculate whether the people on the ship might have drifted here after the scientific research ship crashed."

Su Huilan operated directly on her PAD, which contained a map software. She adjusted the map position to the sea area where they were currently, and pointed out with her finger the location where the wreckage of the scientific research ship was found. It was an uninhabited island southwest of the Bass Islands and just south of the Tubuai Islands.

Then she marked two points on the map according to the markings on the old charts and the positions mapped by Petru, and asked Petru: "This is our current position, and this is the location on the chart." The position of the triangle, right?”

Petru looked at the coordinates displayed on the PAD: "That's right."

Su Huilan received Petrou's confirmation, and after a few more operations, a straight line was connected between the three points, and a circle appeared with the triangle as the center, and the other two points fell within this circle. Then, some warm yellow and warm red color changes appeared in the originally blue sea area within the entire circle.

Aoki didn't know what kind of map software this was. He thought it was very advanced. He guessed it was some kind of software specially used for military or scientific research. He just didn't know why Su Huilan, a philosophy professor, knew these things. But he couldn't even solve his own mystery, so he didn't think much about other people's affairs.

Su Huilan pointed to the center of the circle on the map and said: "Judging from the goal of the scientific research ship and the description in Captain Church's diary, the sea area where the accident occurred should be where the underwater ruins are located, which is the triangle marked on the chart, in the south. Near the intersection of 30° latitude and 150° west longitude.”

She pointed to another point, "This is where the wreckage was first discovered, about two hundred nautical miles from the accident site. This is our current approximate location, about one hundred and fifty nautical miles from the accident site. But the two places are far apart. Farther away, about four hundred nautical miles. Petru, based on your experience, if the ship crashed at this location, is it possible that the wreckage and drifting objects would drift to these two places at the same time."

Petrou said: "It's hard to say. You have to consider ocean currents, monsoons and various possible weather effects, and you also have to calculate time. The amount of information you gave me is too little."

Su Huilan pointed to the changing colors on the map and said: "This is the monsoon and ocean current simulation map of this sea area in the past half year. The data was just obtained from the US Weather Bureau before I came here. The red and yellow are the changes in the ocean currents, and the white is the larger scale. cloud changes, including tropical cyclones and storms."

"Oh, what kind of software is this? It's really good! Can you install one on my boat?" Petru said in admiration.

"If this mission is over and we are all still alive, I will help you get Raviye out of the Egyptian prison. If you still want to be a pirate at that time, I will pretend to be one for you." Su Huilan said, "But I tell you , this thing was created by the U.S. Navy."

"Oh, forget it then." Petru said immediately, "This alone is not enough, I also need to know the route and time of the ship you mentioned."

Su Huilan said: "The specific route is unclear. It has been more than half a year since the scientific research ship lost contact. However, we later received a brief radio wave from them. The time and location when it happened can be roughly determined. It is here. If we count from that time to the discovery of the wreckage, it was about twenty days.”

"According to the captain's diary, the last incident should have occurred on Christmas Day." Aoki added.

"Christmas..." Petru stared at the climate changes displayed on the PAD carefully, and said after a while, "Judging from my experience, there is no problem with the location of the ship wreckage. I think you should have found more drifts. things.”

Su Huilan nodded and said, "But no body was found."

"This is normal." Petru said, "It is two hundred nautical miles away from the accident area. The ocean current here flows at less than two knots, and it does not move in a straight line. In other words, those drifting objects may drift on the sea. It takes seven or eight days to get there, and by the time you find it, more than half a month has passed. If there is a body, it may have been eaten by sharks or something else."

"Then is it possible for them to come here?" Aoki asked.

Petru shook his head and said: "Unless they have a lifeboat, or as Professor Su said, this is a space bubble. Since it is a bubble, who the hell knows if it is floating around!"

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