Dream Guide

Chapter 394 Gunshots on the Isolated Island

"Hide quickly!" Petrucci ran a few steps first, then jumped and hid behind a nearby rock.

This is the tidal flat of the island, with golden sandy beaches and many high and low brown reefs scattered around.

It has to be said that when it comes to facing danger, Petru, who has worked as a mercenary and pirate, reacts very quickly. As soon as the whistle started, he issued a warning and moved at the same time.

By the time Aoki and Su Huilan hid themselves, Petru had already set up his rifle and loaded the bullets, looking fully alert and ready for war.

Su Huilan said softly: "Don't be so nervous!"

Petru took out a military telescope, looked carefully, and said: "Although you are all experts, I still advise you not to be careless and never underestimate the fighting power of the savages. I am in the African jungle and the most primitive The tribes had fought against each other, and their weapons looked backward, but their combat effectiveness was amazing. They only needed three people to stab a male lion to death with their spears; the poisoned arrows could make the wild boar lose its combat effectiveness within ten seconds; The scary thing is that the blowgun is silent and has a maximum range of more than fifty meters. It is better than a sniper rifle in the jungle. Their bodies may not be as strong as ours, but I can guarantee that if we race in the jungle, no one will run. Even the world champion can't beat them."

Although Su Huilan knows a lot, and she has been the leader almost all the way since arriving in the South Pacific, she has never participated in a war after all, and she does not dare to be blindly arrogant about such things. The only person with combat experience here is Petru , and stopped talking, but waited for the results of Petru's investigation.

The howling sounds on the island come and go, and continue, as if they are sending some kind of signal.

Petru observed for a while and said: "It doesn't seem to be coming for us."

He probably felt that what he just said was a bit serious, so he turned to Qingmu and Su Huilan, smiled, threw the binoculars to them, and said: "Those tribes in Africa fight wars every year, the situation here should not be that serious."

Aoki said: "Don't be careless. What I'm most worried about is how much these people know about spiritual power. Logically speaking, if a race has lived around a strong spiritual energy field like Tabu for generations, it will inevitably evolve corresponding abilities. , such as immunity to mental hypnosis, that would be difficult to deal with!"

"Immune to mental hypnosis?".

"It's very possible that the spiritual energy field here is too strong." Aoki looked up at the lush and green mountains in the distance, "If you stay in such an environment for a long time, it is easy for people to have hallucinations. Ordinary people can live there for a year and a half. There are only two final results."

"Those two?"

"One is schizophrenia, always between dreams and reality, and you can't even tell who you are." Aoki was suddenly stunned when he said this. He felt that the words seemed to be talking about himself, and he couldn't help laughing at himself.

"What about the other one?" Pettru asked.

Seeing that Aoki did not answer, but was deep in thought, Su Huilan said:

"The other is adaptive changes to the environment, which can also be called evolution. Living things generally have this ability to adapt, and species evolution is largely caused by changes in the living environment. For example, noise can affect people's In the central nervous system, if a person lives in a new environment full of noise for a long time, it will cause dysfunction of the excitatory and inhibitory functions of the cerebral cortex, causing neurasthenia syndrome, which may further affect the cardiopulmonary function and endocrine system. But as long as you adapt to this In such an environment, the body will adjust itself and the brain will automatically ignore this type of noise.

For example, the beach here, with endless tides and wind waves, is one of the noisiest places in nature. If you bring animals that live in deserts or plateaus here, their bodies will show obvious symptoms of discomfort. But most animals and people can adapt quickly. On the one hand, our activity range is large and the sound of water is a common sound. On the other hand, our ancestors all climbed up from the ocean.

If you think about it carefully, which large city is not in a strong noise environment every day, but after human beings have adapted for several generations, as long as the rhythm of the city does not change significantly, people have completely adapted to this specific environment. Noise has even evolved to improve sleep and learning efficiency. "

Petru understood. As a soldier, he immediately said: "If a nuclear war breaks out, do you think humans will evolve the ability to adapt to nuclear radiation?"

Su Huilan smiled and said: "I think cockroaches and mice are more likely to survive and evolve."

Petru and Su Huilan were talking and watching the movement above, while Qingmu closed his eyes and carefully felt the powerful spiritual energy released on the island.

The energy here is obviously many times stronger than the one on Tubuai Island, because you need to be within a few hundred meters of Tubuai to feel it, and the energy field here obviously covers the entire island. The key is that we don’t know how big the island is. According to Su Huilan’s analysis, if the primitive tribes on the island want to survive, the area cannot be small.

The roar of the savages gradually weakened and was no longer heard for a while. I don't know if they stopped or if they were far away.

After confirming that there was no danger, Petru got up and dragged their rubber raft over. He found a gap between the towering rocks and stuffed the raft into it to hide it.

He looked at the vast sea and said: "The boat is gone, and this raft is our only tool to leave the island. If it is lost again, we will have to chop wood to make a raft."

At this time Aoki opened his eyes and said: "The ship should still be there, but we can't see it."

"Why?" Pettru asked.

Su Huilan heard Aoki's prompt, thought for a moment, and immediately remembered a story:

"When Columbus landed on Watling Island, the Indians did not see his three-masted Saint Mary. I always told it as a philosophical story at Columbia University. Now it seems that there may be something else going on at the time. "

Aoki remembered that he once told this story to Wu Xing, in order to let her understand that human cognition will not exceed his own memory. The development of human society has always followed a slow process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Any innovation that has never been made before is earth-shattering and will have a huge impact on society. This kind of person has become a Great man. But even so, these innovations do not transcend human cognitive bottlenecks. For example, humans can use various mathematical methods to calculate the scale changes of the entire universe, but they can never imagine a four-dimensional and higher-dimensional universe, and cannot know what is outside the universe. look.

Of course, Aoki doesn't know Columbus, and he doesn't know whether this legend is true or false. He just used this legend to explain a truth. But now that Su Huilan mentioned it, he felt that there might be something fishy going on.

"The Tabu on Tubuai Island is an energy shield. Although the distribution of spiritual power is uneven, the closer to the center of the Tabu, the stronger the energy, but it obviously has a dividing line."

Aoki took a few steps on the beach, leaving his footprints on the soft sand. "This is a bit like the boundary of a dream, blurry but clear. The Tabu of this island also has such a boundary, but its The scope is larger, covering the entire island.”

Su Huilan was thoughtful, squatting down and lightly dusting the sand on her pants. When I heard the howling of the savage, I hid in a hurry. There was a lot of sand on my body, especially on my feet. Fortunately, I was wearing jungle combat boots. But when she looked at Aoki's feet inadvertently, she was surprised to find that there was not a grain of sand on his feet even though he was wearing pull-ups.

Aoki said: "Now the spiritual energy can be stable, but when we were at sea, it fluctuated greatly, which may be related to those weird fogs. Everyone remember, next time there is fog, we can come to the beach to take a look, our Is the ship here?"

At this moment, a gunshot suddenly came from deep in the forest.

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