Dream Guide

Chapter 402 Savage’s Dream

How can a lake be bigger than the sea?

In reality this goes against common sense, but in dreams, anything magical can happen.

Aoki now saw such a scene, a lake containing the sea.

The sea is bigger and boundless than the lake, but the sea is indeed in the lake.

The lake is green and the sea water is blue. The sea water is in the lake and outside the lake. The water blends with the water, but the layers are clear and do not affect each other.

There is a sea in the lake, an island on the sea, and a lake on the island...

In the distance are rolling green mountains, and in the sky are white clouds. The light and shadow of the mountains are reflected in the lake and in the sea. The mountains are covered with fog, and the islands are also covered with fog. The clouds in the sky, the clouds in the water, the fog on the mountains, and the fog on the islands are all intertwined but do not interfere with each other, allowing you to see clearly: the mountains It’s a mountain, an island is an island, a cloud is a cloud, a fog is a fog…

This dream space is very large, much larger than that of ordinary people, which shows that the mental power of the islanders here is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people. In addition, Aoki also saw that this space was blessed by another force, just like he used his own mental power to help others maintain the stability of their space in their dreams. Aoki judged that the power of this blessing came from the spiritual energy field covering the entire island.

He saw Su Huilan also come in and stand with him at the edge of the dream. It stands to reason that both of them have entered a dream, and their bodies are still in the jungle, so there is a certain danger. However, the duration of the dream is very short, it may only last a few seconds. In this blink of an eye, the possibility of danger is unlikely, and there is Petru on the mountain watching. If there is danger, he will shoot.

Su Huilan was also surprised to see such a dream space. She used her mental power to communicate with Aoki: "How did this come into being? How did she combine the things in her memory into this way?"

Aoki said: "The combination through memory is unlikely. Such a scene cannot be simulated by the brain. I suspect that she has seen it before, at least there is a similar scene in her memory."

At this moment, the female savage is on the white sand beach by the lake. It can also be considered as a beach, because the lake is the sea.

In the dream, she looked very young, and her skin color was not as dark as in reality. Her breasts were firm, she wore a brand new grass skirt around her waist, and she wore garlands of flowers on her head and neck. She obviously looked like a girl.

The girl walked towards the lake step by step, leaving two lines of footprints behind her. She came to the lake, took off the wreath on her head, and rolled down her long beautiful hair. She gently put her hair into the water and rubbed it carefully. Her black hair came alive like a fish in the water.

At this time, an even more peculiar sight appeared.

She was washing her hair by the lake. The lake contained the sea, and the sea contained the island. There was also a lake on the island, and there was also a girl washing her hair by the lake...

Viewed from Aoki's point of view, this scene just forms a complete Droste effect, visually forming an infinite recursive form.

Aoki immediately thought of the mirror, because the mirror is the best prop for Droste effect experiments. When he thought of mirrors, he thought of Situ, the story about mirrors and the mirror maze that Mo Yu had told. In addition, in the Dream Guide game developed by Professor Mei and others, the conscious body enters its own game world through a mirror.

If it were just a visual representation of the Drost effect, it would be nothing, but what happened next was not just magical, but a bit weird.

The girl was washing her hair there, and the girl on the island in the lake synchronized the same movements with her, as if there was a screen broadcasting the scene of her washing her hair. However, just when Aoki thought that this form of visual recursion would continue, the girl on the island in the lake suddenly turned around.

The girl here was still washing her hair, but the girl over there turned to look at her. The girl who was washing her hair seemed to have sensed something was wrong. She held her hair with one hand and stood there in shock.

This scene is very strange, just like you are brushing your teeth in front of the mirror, and you in the mirror are naturally brushing your teeth too. When you are putting the toothbrush into your mouth and desperately brushing the dirt in the back alveolar gaps, you in the mirror suddenly He put down his toothbrush and stopped moving. He stared at you blankly for a long time, then grinned at you.

Not to mention the girl who was washing her hair, even Qingmu and Su Huilan gasped.

The girl washing her hair was obviously frightened. After being stunned for a moment, she wanted to straighten up, but her hair that was soaked in the water seemed to be caught by something. Instead of pulling it up, she tilted her head and almost Fell into the lake.

She desperately tried to pull her hair ashore, but her hair seemed to have grown roots and remained motionless. Not only that, the hair in the water is growing crazily at a visible speed, turning the lake water black like an ink bucket has been overturned. This inky blackness spreads toward the center of the lake, and you can see a huge black fan shape expanding rapidly.

At the same time, the hair of the woman on the island in the lake was also growing, but not in the water, but on the island. It spread out overwhelmingly like swarms of black ants, and soon covered the whole place. island. Then he climbed into the sea, and the sea was in the lake, and the lake was also in the sea. At the boundary where the lake and the sea never intersected or separated, the two black strands were intertwined.

Just like the sky before a storm at sea, two huge black clouds collided, the sky and the earth changed color, and the color of the entire dreamland disappeared.

The girl screamed desperately, and several roars rang out in the forest on the shore. Then a group of figures appeared, each naked and wearing grass skirts, carrying spears or bows and arrows. The leader of the man had three three-point sticks stuck in his head. colored feathers.

However, before these people could come down from the mountain to rescue him, the huge pulling force of Manhu's hair pulled her into the water. The girl desperately tried to climb back to the shore, but after only taking two steps, she was pulled backwards and fell. She was soon dragged into the lake, struggled twice, and sank.

This is a typical nightmare. Under normal circumstances, when people reach this point in their dreams, they will wake up. But neither Qingmu nor Su Huilan wanted her to wake up, so almost at the same time, they used their spiritual power to protect the dream space and prevent it from collapsing.

Of course, doing so will be very painful for the dreamer. She needed to experience the agony of death for a longer period of time. This moment in reality is as long as eternity in a dream. If this near-death experience lasts too long, the brain will judge that it is dead. This is how many cases of sudden death in sleep occur.

Of course Aoki would not let her die, so he forcibly interfered with her subconscious and dreams. Of course, in order to make her dream last, he did not go in the opposite direction, but followed the power of the lake and quickly pulled her to the island in the middle of the lake.

However, after arriving on the island in the middle of the lake, everything seemed to have entered a cycle. It turned out that the surrounding lake and sea disappeared, and the girl came to the lake again.

The lake is green and the sea water is blue. The sea water is in the lake and outside the lake. There is a sea in the lake, an island on the sea, and a lake on the island...

The wet girl stood on the shore with a frightened look. On the island in the lake, a group of strong men wearing grass skirts came down from the mountain and pointed at the lake. The leader of the man had three three-color sticks stuck in his head. feather.

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