Dream Guide

Chapter 41 Thirty-third heaven, we can’t live without hatred

"Oh, so this is what your brother looks like! Is this a fusion?" Aoki said.

Xia Tian just glanced at him, ignored him, and slowly walked out of the elevator step by step.

Outside the elevator is the rooftop of the building, with gusts of wind whistling past. The city's fog blocks the neon lights flashing in the distance. Only the moon in the sky shines brightly from the clouds like the eyes of a young man peeking at his beloved girl.

Xia Tian walked to the edge of the rooftop, half of his face was ferocious, and the other half showed relief and serenity.

He saw a crow flying out of the fog downstairs, squawking and flying up to the terrace, where it stared at him as if staring at a pile of rotting meat.

One of Xia Tian's feet stepped out, his body lost balance, and he fell down.

A ferocious face separated from his body and floated in mid-air, making a chirping laugh:

"Brother, I caught you."

"Brother, you are going to die soon."

"Brother, you will go to hell."

Xia Tian feels that his body is falling.

He saw the lights on the 32nd floor flash, and the shadows of two people were printed on the curtains. A man and a woman were quarreling.

The lights on the 31st floor were always on, the curtains were not closed, and the woman was crying.

The woman on the 30th floor was in the living room, with music playing on the gramophone and a glass of red wine in her hand. She drank and danced gently to the music. She opened her arms and took slow dance steps, as if she was holding someone on the affectionate dance floor.

On the 29th floor, the woman's dance steps were messy, and the red wine in her hand spilled out, spreading to the floor like a pool of bright red blood.

On the 28th floor, the woman danced wildly, and then fell to the ground with the wine glass in her hand. Before falling to the ground, the woman glanced at Xia Tian, ​​who fell from the window, with a gentle smile on her lips.

"Mom..." Xia Tian called softly.

On the 27th floor, the woman fell to the ground, her eyes tightly closed, and red liquid flowed from the corner of her mouth. It was unclear whether it was red wine or blood.

"Mom..." Xia Tian wanted to call, but this level passed quickly.

The windows on the 26th floor were closed tightly, and two figures could be vaguely seen entangled together in the window, and the sound of laughter could be heard.

On the 25th floor, a pregnant woman was dressing up in front of the dressing table, and a man was gently squeezing her shoulders. Behind the man, a pair of jealous eyes of a boy emerged from the crack in the door. The man turned around suddenly and slammed the door.

On the 24th floor, when a woman came down the stairs with her bulging belly, she bumped into a little boy who was hurriedly going upstairs. The woman was clutching her stomach in great pain, and a white shadow flew out from the woman's body, flew across the living room, flew out of the window, and flew to Xia Tian, ​​who was falling rapidly.

The white shadow turned into a pale face, with distorted features, and angrily shouted at Xia Tian: "You killed me!"

"It's not me!" Xia Tian defended.

"Brother, brother, save me!" Face's voice became gentle again.

Xia Tian grabbed his face with his hands, but his face fell much faster than him. He only touched the edge of his face, and his face fell down with a sigh.

"Brother!" Xia Tian called out and turned around to look, only to see a big face with a chicken coop on top and two thick eyebrows smiling at him.

He is falling, but the chicken coop is flying. He was riding a huge crow, his old gray trench coat fluttering behind him, making a hunting sound.

"Would you like to ride the crow with me?" Jiwotou asked.

Xia Tian shook his head and said: "I'm going to die."

"You wouldn't die if you rode on my crow."

Xia Tian said: "I'm going to find my mother."

"Oh, that's right! But your mother isn't down there."

"Then where is my mother?"

"Your mother went to a very far away place. You have to wait until you grow up to find her. If you die before you grow up, you will never find her." Jiwotou said.

Xia Tian said: "Is it true?"

The chicken coop head nodded vigorously, his hair being blown a little funny by the strong wind.

"But, I want to pay for my brother's life." Xia Tian said.


"Because I killed him."

"But you just said you didn't have one."

"I'm just saying I didn't mean it."

"How do you know that's your brother? You've never seen him."

"My mother said it."

"Didn't you find your mother?"

"She is my second mother. I don't want to call him mother, but I have to admit that she is my father's wife and my second mother."

"Oh, you bumped into her on the way upstairs, so you think you killed your brother?"

"That's what the second mother said. She also drew a picture of what my brother looks like. She showed it to me every night before I went to bed, saying that was my brother. My name was Tiantian, and he called Haohao. I was scared. If I kill him, he will come to play with me every night.”

"Didn't you tell your dad?"

"He's going to hit me."

"He often hits you?"

"No, he beat me often since my mother left."

"Even if dad beats you, you can still tell..." Jiwotou thought for a while, "Grandpa, grandma, and Aunt Hu Xing!"

"It's Sister Xing." Xia Tian corrected, "But I can't tell them! The second mother will prick me with needles and make me eat mustard. If I tell others, my brother will also be unhappy. When he is unhappy, , it will become very scary!”

"Does she stick you with needles a lot?"

"Well! Every time I make her unhappy, she will do this. I don't dare to take a bath with the children. I think my leather drum must be ugly."

"That must hurt!"

"I'm not afraid of pain! I'm just afraid of my brother, he's too scary!"

The wind became stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be signs of rain. The smell of earth could already be smelled in the air.

"It's about to fall to the bottom. If you don't ride up, you will really fall to death." The man in the chicken coop said, "Look, riding a crow is so fun!"

Xia Tian seemed a little moved, and said hesitantly: "But I won't die if I ride on your crow. If I don't die, my brother will still look for me every night."

"Then what's the use if you die?"

"I killed my brother and he turned into a ghost. I was very scared. After I die, I will also turn into a ghost, so I won't be afraid of him." Xia Tian said, "When I turn into a ghost, I will Apologize to him, play with him, and be good friends with him.”

"But don't you think you should say goodbye to the people you know before you die?" Jiwotou encouraged, "There are so many people who love you!"

Xia Tian thought for a while and said: "Can you help me say goodbye to my uncle and grandma Xia? You can also say goodbye to your third uncle and sister Xing. Forget the others. Anyway, you don't need to tell my dad. He only likes me." Mom, you don’t care about me at all.”

Jiwotou said: "You ride up and you can see them right away. After you say goodbye in person, if you want to come back here, I will take you back! Moreover, my crow flies very fast, and your brother also flies very fast." I can’t catch up!”

It fell two more floors and was about to reach the ground.

Xia Tian said: "Okay, I'm going to ride the crow."

He rolled over in the air, and Chicken Coophead grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the crow's back.

The crow croaked, its wings brushing against the ground as it flew past, rushing into the clouds and mist high above.

The strong wind enveloped Xia Tian, ​​and everything was turned into pieces. He couldn't open his eyes, and he couldn't even hear the sound.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body sink and the world returned. He heard the dogs barking outside the manor, the birds singing in the woods behind the mountain, and someone calling his name softly: "Every day! Every day!"

He opened his eyes and saw the man with the chicken coop on his head squatting in front of him, holding his shoulders with his hands, looking at him with a thick eyebrow and a smile.

Three women were sitting on the sofa next to them. Grandma Xia's face was serious, like the principal during a school meeting; Sister Xing's face was full of anger, as if someone had stolen her snacks; and her second mother looked like Feeling restless, like having a bad stomach.

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