Dream Guide

Chapter 411 Closed Space

Both Aoki and Su Huilan knew what happened next. Anderson came back to save Alice, but unfortunately he was shot in the leg by a poisonous arrow. He didn't have time to treat the wound and ran away with Alice. Their goal is to return to the lake in the center of the island, take the lifeboat hidden there, and go to the other side of the lake. Although there must be savages on the other side, at least they can get rid of the current predicament of being hunted.

However, a curare attack prevented Anderson from running at full speed, so he could only arrange a false appearance and turn back at the fork of the stream, hoping to deceive the savages who were chasing them.

After Su Huilan's treatment, Anderson's condition improved slightly. His chapped and pale lips moved slightly, and he shouted in confusion: "Alice...Alice..."

Alice grabbed his hand: "Anderson, I'm here! Everything is fine, Anderson, someone is here to save us!"

Anderson opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the faces of the two strangers. He smiled: "It's great, Alice, God heard my prayer! I prayed to God and asked him to send an angel to save you. It's great! You are saved. Got it!"

Alice put Anderson's hand on her face, tears streaming down her face: "Yes, we are all saved! We will all be fine!"

The crow next to him looked at this scene and exclaimed: "Oh, it's so touching!"

Su Huilan also felt sour in her heart. She swallowed back what she wanted to say. She pulled Qingmu to the outside of the cave and said, "Let them stay alone for a while!"

Aoki had a bad premonition: "You mean...his injury?..."

Su Huilan shook her head and sighed: "The poison of curare wood is very strong. It's a miracle that he can persist until now."

"Didn't you give him medicine?"

"Medicines can provide some relief, but they cannot prevent the toxicity from damaging the nervous system and heart, unless we return to Rapa tonight and there are suitable medications in the camp."

Aoki knew it was impossible as soon as he heard it. Let alone whether they could leave the island now, even if they could leave, it would take at least two days by boat from here to Lapa Island.

"What do you think?" Su Huilan suddenly asked.

"What?" Aoki didn't know what she was asking.

"About this island and the lake on the island." Su Huilan said.

Aoki rubbed his face, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit the match. He held the fire close to the cigarette and thought. The match stopped a few centimeters away from the cigarette for a long time. When it was about to go out, Aoki lit the cigarette, then took a deep breath, exhaled the smoke, and analyzed:

"Whether it was us, the time Petru came alone before, or Alice and the others, they all came to this island when it was foggy. This shows that this island may only appear when it is foggy. On the Pacific Ocean, when there is no fog, it is hidden. Judging from the situation that Alice and the others encountered, if there is no fog, they will not be able to go out to sea from the island, and will only return to the lake in the center of the island. . This is consistent with the scene in the dream of the female savage. In her dream, the sea and the lake were one.

But there are a few things I can't figure out. First, if you go to the sea and return to the lake, why can't you return to the sea from the lake? Second, if the sea and the lake are one, then when there is fog, the sea outside the island is connected to our world, that is, to the Pacific Ocean, but that lake seems to lead to another island? Third, how was the scene of the lake and the sea integrated in the female savage’s dream constructed? "

Su Huilan said: "I think about the same thing as you. There may be a completely enclosed folded space here, and this space is connected to our world through a wormhole."

"Folding space?"

"The name may not be accurate, but it can be roughly understood like this." Su Huilan picked a wide leaf from the tree next to her and spread it flat on the ground. "If this is the sea," she dug another soft ball from the ground. of dirt placed on the leaves, "This is an island."

"This is the lake on the island." She stretched out her finger, made a pit in the center of the soil, and then wrapped the entire leaf inward from all sides, just like wrapping a bun, but the edges of the leaves were pressed against it. On the pit in the middle of the soil, "Due to some unknown reason for space distortion, this sea has surrounded the entire island and is connected to the lake in the middle, so the sea is the lake and the lake is the sea."

"When we see fogging, a certain wormhole mechanism is activated, and this closed space is connected to the outside space, just like this -" She let go of the hand holding the leaves, and the leaves opened, but not No matter how flat it is, it will expand upward into a lotus shape. "It will become a semi-open state. At this time, the space in contact with it will also be distorted to a certain extent. If this distortion is smooth, we can enter this Space. When it closes again, we won’t be able to get out.”

Su Huilan's reasoning may not be rigorous, but it is intuitive and easy to understand. Aoki has to admire her broad thinking.

"Then why are there different islands?" Aoki asked.

Petru once said with great certainty that this island was not the one he came to last time, and the female savage's dream also proved that there was more than one primitive tribe here.

Su Huilan said: "It may be that multiple closed spaces are connected through the same wormhole. It may also be that the interaction between twisted spaces creates wormholes. This is too complicated to say, and I can't think clearly at the moment."

Aoki nodded: "Well, the metaphor you used leaves is already very vivid, but the islanders here may not be able to imagine such a world. Why did the female savage named Tafiti overlap the sea and the lake in her dreams? Even if we return to the lake every time we go to sea, it is impossible to visually overlap the lake and the sea. This does not conform to the cognitive method of the human brain, nor does it conform to the rules of subconscious construction of dreams. Even if we now know the twisted closure The existence of space can only be imagined as the leaf model you made, and it will never be as magical as what Tafiti saw in her dream."

The scene in Tafiti's dream where the sea is the lake, the lake is the sea, there are islands on the sea, and lakes on the islands is so unbelievable that it is not a spatial structure that humans can imagine.

"Maybe their visual system is different from ours. The lake and the sea we see are separate, but maybe what they see is originally one." Su Huilan said, "The neural structures of living things are different, and their perception of the world is different. They are different. Bats rely on ultrasound to hear the wind and identify position, and dragonflies have compound eyes made up of more than 20,000 small eyes. They live in the same world as us, but the world they 'see' is definitely different from ours."

Aoki was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "You mean, the people on this island are not the same species as us?!"

"It's hard to say. It may be an inherent prejudice in consciousness. Our memory and knowledge have fixed our understanding of the ocean and islands. When we think of this island, we naturally think that there is an ocean outside it. But the people on the island do not With this understanding, in their eyes, the sea and the lake are the same thing made of water, and the entire world is a closed space made of land and water, so they have never tried to leave the island."

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