Dream Guide

Chapter 414 Antidote

Aoki first made a gesture to the high ground in the distance, telling Petru that it was OK and he could leave.

The savage opposite looked nervously at the gun in his hand, obviously very afraid of this thing.

Aoki suddenly had an idea, put away the gun, and picked up a bow and a few feather arrows from the ground.

He pulled the bow string and found that although this kind of bow was crudely made, it was powerful enough. Without a lot of strength, it might not even be able to pull it apart. There are no large animals on the island, and I don’t know what the bowstring is made of. It is very strong. It may be a rubber band from marine life. I heard that the swim bladders of large fish can also be used as bowstrings.

The shaft of the feather arrow was cut from a branch, which was relatively straight. There was a triangular arrowhead made of ground shell on the head. However, the shell was not as white as the one Su Huilan stepped on in the stream, but purple-red. , I don’t know if it’s the true color or the reason of some poison.

When the savage saw him drawing his bow, he suddenly turned around and ran away. Of course Aoki would not let him run away, so he shot out an arrow and hit the savage in the butt.

The savage screamed, ignoring the pain and continuing to run desperately. Aoki shot another arrow, this time hitting the calf. The savage Kutong made a sound and fell to the ground.

There were a total of two wounded people on the ground. One had his knee shattered by Petru with a sniper rifle, and he was still screaming on the ground. The man was already disabled. Aoki picked up a spear, helped him end his pain, and then walked towards the wild man who was shot by his arrow.

The panic on the savage's face, who was very scared just now, suddenly disappeared, and turned into anger and ferocity, roaring at Aoki.

Aoki walked over and kicked him unconscious. Then he pulled out the arrow from his leg and took a look. He found that the blood on the arrow was black, indicating that the arrow was indeed poisonous.

Aoki doesn't intend to kill him. He will definitely find a way to detoxify himself after he wakes up. As long as he follows him quietly, he can find the antidote. Unfortunately, Aoki was alone and could not do two things at the same time. He decided to take the living man back first, and then come back to track the savage. Calculating the time, it should still be enough.

There was a flash of light in the distance, like a flash of lightning hidden in the clouds, followed by a muffled sound. Aoki was sure it wasn't thunder, but an explosion. He didn't know whether Petru had thrown a grenade, or whether the savage had triggered the infantry mine he had laid.

He looked up and saw some smoke rising from the hillside far away. A black bird hovered in the sky, then flew higher and higher, slowly turning into a black spot in the field of vision, and penetrated the clouds in the sky.

Aoki looked at the disappearing crow and thought its behavior was a bit strange. Why did it fly so high? It rarely flies that high.

He looked at the sky for a while, but didn't see the crow appear again, so he picked up the man he had knocked unconscious and walked back. Carrying a person on his back naturally made him walk slower, and since he didn't want to leave any traces, he repeated his old trick and waded back down the stream. By the time he returned to the cave, it was already a bit late, but Pei Tru and Crow haven't come back yet.

It's normal that Petru didn't come back. After all, he had to go around a long way to get back here, and he also had to escape the tracking of the savages. But it's a bit strange that the crow didn't come back. Logically, it pointed the direction and should come back first to report the news. You can even fly back and forth between the cave, Aoki and Petrou several times.

Su Huilan said: "Is something going to happen?"

Aoki was also a little worried. He put the fainted savage on the ground and said, "I'll leave this person to you. Study their mental power and subconscious to see if there is any way to hypnotize him."

Then he took out some food from his bag and said, "I'll leave these things for you to satisfy your hunger first."

Su Huilan smiled and said: "These are what Mr. Shen Ran and Boss Mei like to eat, so it wouldn't be good for us to eat them!"

Aoki said: "I can't control that much. Anderson needs nutrition. Now I'm going to check in with the coal boss and the others and find out if there's anything to eat."

Su Huilan sent him outside the cave and opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and just said: "Be careful."

Aoki hummed and left.

Aoki didn't meet the coal boss or Petru on the road, nor heard any more gunshots. Aoki had an ominous premonition.

The scene where the savages were killed just now is still there, with several dead bodies lying on the ground, indicating that no other savages have been there, but the injured and poisoned guy is gone. He must have run away after waking up.

There were bloodstains and footprints on the ground. Aoki followed these traces carefully, and it didn't take long before he found the savage under a big tree.

He was lying on the ground, with one leg straightened and the other bent, maintaining a crawling posture. His left hand stretched out far forward, as if he wanted to grab something. The arrows on his legs had been removed, but the entire leg was black from calf to buttocks, and looked very scary. I don't know whether it was due to the onset of poison or excessive blood loss. He just froze on the ground and didn't move.

Aoki looked in the direction of his finger and found that there was the trunk of the big tree. The trunk of this tree is two inches thick, and the bark is reddish brown. The tree is very tall, but the branches and leaves are not dense.

He looked up at the big tree, and suddenly remembered what he had just seen in the telescope, and it seemed that Shen Ran was climbing on such a tree.

Aoki walked over and cut the bark with a knife, and saw reddish-brown sap flowing out of the tree. He thought of the reddish shell arrowheads on those arrows and guessed that the tree might be the source of the poison rather than the antidote.

He touched the savage's arteries and found that the man was still alive, so he slashed the savage's arm with a knife dipped in tree sap. The blood flowing from the wound immediately turned black.

Aoki is sure this is the venom, so what is the antidote?

The savages worked so hard to come here, they must be looking for the antidote. It's a pity that he fell short and only missed the last step.

Aoki thought of the curare tree in southern Yunnan. The tree trunk is tall, and its toxicity mainly comes from its sap. It is very similar to the tree in front of him, except that the sap of the curare tree is milky white, and the bark is also stained. The color is white, but the bark and sap of this tree are reddish brown.

In the medicine woman's dream, Qingmu saw the red-backed bamboo pole, the antidote to the curare tree. It was a reddish-brown weed that grew near the curare tree.

Aoki thought, if the curare tree is white, the red-backed bamboo pole is reddish-brown, and this tree is reddish-brown, could it be the other way around and the detoxifying grass be white?

The savage's hand reached for the trunk of the big tree, and there were many wild grasses growing beside the trunk, and the antidote was probably among them. It's just that the weeds here are in a mess, and I don't know which one is the antidote. If you use the wrong one, not only will you not be able to cure the poison, you may also be poisoned by other poisons.

He searched carefully and found a few white plants in this clump of wild grass. He cut the grass stems with a knife, squeezed out a little milky white juice, and dripped it on the savage's wound. After a while, the black color on the wound It seemed to fade a little.

Although I am not 100% sure that this is the antidote, nor do I know the correct usage, this is the best result, and Anderson's hope of survival is greatly increased.

Aoki pulled out the white grass, grabbed it randomly in his hands, and hurried back.

When he returned to the cave, Petru and the coal boss had not returned, and it was already dark.

An update is tentatively scheduled during the Spring Festival. It may be unstable. Sorry.

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