Dream Guide

Chapter 429: The strong wind is wild, and the divine black wing curls

The flow of the river water creates an optical illusion. People are climbing up, but their brains think they are going downstream. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the river is indeed flowing downward, but there is a visual error.

Aoki asked the coal boss to fly over and take a look. At the critical moment, the crow stopped making noisy noises and flew out neatly. It circled over the mountain stream where it came from and came back and said, "I'm a little confused! I'll go take a look ahead."

It still didn't dare to fly too high and flew forward along the forest tops in the valley.

Suddenly, an arrow swished past its body and flew into the sky. It flew in a very weird arc in mid-air, then turned around and fell down again.

The coal boss was startled, croaked, hurriedly flapped his wings and came back, landed on the green wood and said, "I'm scared to death! There are savages ahead!"

At this time, a whistling whistle sounded in the forest ahead, and the birds in the forest were frightened and flew out, flying densely in the sky. Several larger birds were shot by flying arrows and fell into the woods.

Aoki said: "Let's go quickly! Our purpose is to save people and try to avoid unnecessary conflicts!"

With Heng Ran leading the way, they quickly walked into the jungle and hid in a relatively hidden area of ​​rocks. Before hiding in, Aoki simply cleaned up the traces they left on the forest floor.

A group of savages carrying bows and arrows and dead birds passed by not far from them. They walked to the river, and one of the savages pointed at the ground and screamed.

Aoki knew they found footprints on the river beach.

The leading savage asked the team to stop, looked carefully at the river beach for a while, and said something. The savages began to quarrel and seemed to be arguing about the origin and whereabouts of these footprints.

Aoki whispered: "We can't let them go back to report. Seeing how they are, they may separate. We will split up and defeat them one by one."

Crow said: "It's enough to stop a few of them from going back to report. Why do we have to kill them all?"

Aoki said: "Although we were careful along the way, we would always leave traces wherever we walked. If they found the cave where Alice and Anderson were hiding, we would be in trouble."

As expected, the savage team separated. Two savages turned around and went back, while the remaining seven or eight followed the footprints by the river and walked towards the big lake.

Aoki whispered: "Do you understand the hypnosis method I mentioned in the morning? Two people must cooperate, one is responsible for the mental force field on the isolation island, and the other is responsible for hypnosis! Remember that the internal space after isolation is visually two-dimensional transformation, all material things on the island will disappear, leaving only the consciousness of the savage, so we must prevent attacks from outside the space. The counterattack force of the force field is very strong, so the isolation space must be set within a controllable range . Two people, one is responsible for the inside and the other is responsible for the outside. The battle must be resolved quickly. If you can kill the conscious body, kill the conscious body. If you can't, just kill the physical body. Do it as quickly as possible! Remember?"

He mainly asked the coal boss and Shen Ran, because they had not come back when he and Su Huilan tried to hypnotize the savage in the middle of the night.

The crow and the cat both nodded seriously.

Seeing that they all understood, Qingmu said: "Okay, let's divide the work now - Shen Ran and I will be in a team to kill the team by the river, Hui Lan and the coal boss will be in a team to take care of the two who went back to report!"

Su Huilan didn't understand why Qingmu arranged for her to be paired with Boss Coal. This was different from the originally set tactical combination. But at such a critical moment, it was most taboo to ask too many questions, so she didn't say anything. But her heart skipped a beat when she heard that Aoki didn't call her Professor Su, but called her "Cymbidium".

She nodded solemnly and said, "There are many of you, so be careful!"

The crow didn't like being grouped like this, and seemed extremely reluctant: "You are going to abandon me!"

Qingmu ignored him and said to Su Huilan: "After you deal with those two, don't worry about me and Shen Ran, but don't rush in. Just wait in front. Everyone, remember, we must not disperse. Once we are separated, Our strength is not enough to fight against the force field on the island!"

After finishing speaking, Aoki led Hengran around from behind the pile of rocks and walked through the dense forest, intending to go around the bend of the river to intercept the group of savages walking along the river beach.

The two savages who had gone back to report the news were walking back. Su Huilan and Crow were waiting there.

Crow came close to Su Huilan's ear and whispered: "Don't think that that piece of wood asked me to team up with you just to give you a chance to please me. He doesn't have such a high emotional intelligence!"

"Oh? Why do I want to please you?" Su Huilan found it a bit funny. This bird seems to care about her relationship with Aoki. Is it really because of the delicious sauce elbow?

"Ugly wives don't have to please their parents-in-law!" Crow Crow thought of the plots in those soap operas, "He has no father or mother, so I am the only one who can keep him in check! A lazy and stupid idiot like him, It’s easy to be fooled by women!”

If it weren't for the fear of being overheard by savages, Su Huilan almost laughed out loud: "So, are you still his parent?"

"Hey, hey, hey...hey...that's all I'm saying, don't let the villain complain first!" Crow warned.

"Well, if I don't complain, I will treat you as his parent!" Su Huilan stared at the figures of the two savages getting closer and closer, and answered casually while looking for opportunities to take action.

"Wow, Gua Gua, I see you are quite smart! You are indeed a professor, and your quality is even better!" Crow Crow said happily after hearing her admit that he was a parent.

Su Huilan smiled and said: "Then, sir, can you tell me why that piece of wood puts me and you in the same group?"

"Of course it's because I'm strong! Not only can I help you complete the tasks here, but once something happens to him, as long as he is in the dreamland, I can go over and help him. So I am truly dual-purpose!" Crow proudly said Said, "When I am separated from him, I can maximize my abilities. In the final analysis, it is because I am too strong!"

Although the bird's tone sounded like bragging, Su Huilan felt that what the crow said made sense. Aoki might have arranged it this way, and the piece of wood probably didn't have any other ideas, right?

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little lost.

The savages were getting closer and closer, reaching an attacking distance. Su Huilan said: "How should we divide the work..."

She thought the crows were going to make a noise again, but before she finished speaking, the crows had already flown up and shouted: "The male is outside, the female is inside!"

Before the sound of birds fell, Su Huilan felt a whirlwind rolling up from the plains in her consciousness. With the fanning of the crow's wings, the howling wind ripped apart the spiritual force field on the island and crushed it...

Su Huilan is best at the subtle control of consciousness and has a good understanding of the characteristics of mental power. She found that the power of this crow was extremely wild, even better than Aoki's, but the control was a little rougher. Moreover, their spirits seem to come from the same line. No wonder Crow said that they can echo each other in dreams without being blocked by space.

She couldn't help but become more and more curious about this person and bird. What is their relationship?

The Shenwu curled its wings, roared loudly, the wind was wild, and the waves were rough. Soon, a vacuum eye was formed among the mountains, forests and rocks...

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