Dream Guide

Chapter 437 The Beginning of a Great Era

As soon as the game "Dream Guide" was promoted, it received an extremely enthusiastic response. People don't care about how this game is played. They only know that a set of gaming equipment requires fifty thousand dollars to play. It is a game that only the really rich can afford.

The official website of the game has only launched 50,000 sets of equipment for pre-sale, which are distributed according to different regions. China has only been allocated 5,000 sets.

Thanks to the endorsement of several of the world's top large entertainment groups and technology companies, the pre-sale results were surprisingly good. The influx of traffic almost paralyzed the website, and the devices were sold out overnight.

Subsequently, this set of equipment, known as the "Space Box", was speculated on the black market to more than 100,000 US dollars.

On the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, a movie called "Broken Ball" began its box office legend. At the same time, the game "Dream Guide" was quietly launched online.

A few days later, the first batch of players to get the gaming equipment began to frantically promote the game on major social media.

"Nothing to say, this is called a smart game! This is called VR!"

"I feel like I've opened the door to another world!"

"This is the most awesome game I've ever played, bar none!"

"I finally know how God created the world!"

"Oh my god, I feel like I have been living in a dream. Only when I put on the helmet did I return to the real world!"

"I tell you, I am God!"

In addition to these praises, there has been no detailed game review in major forums, such as the game's core gameplay, plot introduction, clearance strategies, playability evaluation, etc. Netizens once suspected that no one played this game at all. They were all issued by the Navy.

However, there is a very strict process for purchasing a space box. Not only does it require real-name verification, but it is said that physical health data must also be provided, and there are even rumors that genetic information must be verified.

Although one box can create multiple accounts, the box is very intelligent and can identify the player's identity. To add an account, you must collect the corresponding identity information and obtain official approval from the game.

In this case, the navy is unlikely and makes no sense. The role of trolls is to influence the general public who have no judgment through online speech. For such a game that ordinary people cannot afford, trolls cannot influence consumer behavior at all.

Fifty thousand boxes, at most, only a few hundred thousand players around the world, which is too niche for a game. But its mystery and topicality made it ferment around the world in a short period of time.

Some people call players stupid because it costs hundreds of thousands to play a game. Someone immediately retorted that there are too many people spending hundreds of thousands to play games. Which game doesn’t cost money? In comparison, the Dream Guide game itself isn't free, it's just the hardware bundle that makes it look too expensive.

Then, some famous scientists spoke out one after another, believing that the space box is a great product, comparable to the invention of computers and smartphones, with epoch-making significance. It will lead the transformation of life sciences and information technology to deeper fields.

It is generally believed that a new era has arrived.

As a result, more and more people began to ask, when will the price of space boxes start to be reduced, and when will the second batch of space boxes be launched?

Soon, the official announced the release plan of the space box. Pre-sale of the second batch of boxes starts on the 15th day of the first lunar month of the Chinese year, but the physical products won’t be shipped until three months later.

The number of pre-sales this time will reach 3 million units, but its price is still US$50,000.

This news caused dissatisfaction from countless people. Why is it still so expensive? Why are the poor excluded? Technological change should not be exclusive to the rich!

Waves of voices opposing technological monopoly and demanding technological equality began to appear online.

However, the product pre-sale was sold out in less than a day.

Probably to compensate for his debt to his son, Xia Changzheng often bought some gifts for Xia Tian.

He didn't know what the "Dream Guide" was, and he didn't know that the Xia family had a share of credit for the success of this project. He only heard that this is a very advanced smart game, and it is not affordable for ordinary people. A VR helmet alone costs hundreds of thousands.

Although he has withdrawn from the power center of the Xia family, his shares and dividends are still there, and he also earns a lot of income every year from managing some peripheral industries, so money is not a problem for him, let alone only a few hundred thousand.

He knew that Xia Tian liked to play games, so he decided to buy a set for his son.

What troubled him was that he couldn't buy this thing. He asked a lot of people, and finally spent nearly two million to get one through the black market.

Xia Tian fell in love with this game after only playing it once. He found his mother in the game. He lives happily with his mother. He also built a castle for his mother. There was a giant dragon guarding the entrance of the castle. No one could bully his mother.

"Can I really see my mother in the game?" Xia Chujue's big eyes flickered, a little disbelieving, but also full of expectation.

"Of course it's true!" Xia Tian vowed, "It's as real as seeing Uncle Aoki in a dream! You've all seen Uncle Aoki in a dream, right?"

The poppy who didn't believe it at first started to believe it when Xia Tian mentioned Aoki in her dream. She recalled the first time Aoki appeared in her dream. That time, she saw her father in police uniform. It was that time that convinced her that her father was not a poisonous scorpion, but a good man.

Those scenes are vivid in my mind, as if they really happened.

"But that's the godfather's ability! The godfather is as talented as my father!" Xia Chujue said.

Seeing that they still didn't believe it, Xia Tian asked, "Then do you have lucid dreams?"

"I know it, I know it!" Xia Chujue shouted, "My father taught me when I was a child, but my godfather said I was born with it!"

Meiren Yu also said: "I can do it too! Qingmu Yeye taught me, and Coal Boss and Hengran also taught me!"

Xia Tian said: "That game is like having a lucid dream."

"What fun is that? We can do it ourselves!" Xia Chujue said.

Xia Tian said: "But the space of lucid dreams is so small. Uncle Aoki said that it has something to do with our mental power. Only when our mental power is very strong can the dream space be very large. Moreover, the dreams we have are different every time. If you want to change your dreams, it will also consume a lot of mental energy. Don't waste your mental energy by dreaming often, otherwise you will be very tired and easily distracted during class during the day. Be careful of being called by the dean to lecture you!"

Like a little adult, he warned the two little girls that the aristocratic school they attended was indeed very strict in management.

"But the game is different. Every time you enter, the last space is still there. You can continue to dream and expand in the original space, and the world will become bigger and bigger. I am now I feel that the castle I built is real, and my mother lives there. Whenever I want to visit my mother, I can just put on my helmet and go to the castle to meet my mother, just like every day after school. It’s like going home.”

The poppy was excited when she heard this: "Is it really so magical? Then if I build a Qianzi Dam, can I put on a helmet and go home? Then I can see Grandpa Enkun sitting in the yard smoking, and I can talk to my father. Are you together, mom?"

Xia Chujue also said: "Then can I go back to the island every day and meet my parents?"

Xia Tian said: "Of course! And you can also keep pets. You can raise anything, cats, dogs, penguins, dinosaurs... Anyway, as long as you want it, you can."

"Ah, then I want to raise dolphins and three dragons!" Meimei said excitedly.

"I want to raise... a bird just like Boss Coal!" Poppy was a little embarrassed, but she still said it.

Xia Tian chuckled and said: "I also raised one and often ride it to fly!"

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