Dream Guide

Chapter 545 He is an Indian


Mrs. Larry seemed extremely reluctant to recall certain past events, with a painful look on her face, but her voice remained calm.

"We found some clues about branches of the Mayan civilization. No such ruins had ever been found in the Pampas before, so he was very excited. We were preparing supplies in the city of Santa Fe and planned to go up the Salado River Travel to the town of Beira.

But for some unknown reason, maybe he found some new clues, so he couldn't wait to go north alone. I followed his trail until I caught up with him in the mining area north of the town of Crespo, but by then he had been bitten by a snake. Due to the bad weather, I was unable to call for help, and by the time we got back to camp, he was dead. "

Mrs. Larry obviously concealed some details. From the time when Mr. Jaeger disappeared to when she caught up with him and found that Mr. Jaeger had been bitten by a snake, to when she later dragged the injured man back to the camp alone, there were countless hardships, hardships and thrills. occur. But her calm voice seemed to be talking about a very distant and insignificant matter, and only Petru next to her could feel the stiffness and slight shaking of her body.

Just as Petru was about to say something, he saw Mrs. Larry's body suddenly swayed, and then she began to tremble violently. Petru quickly stretched out his hand to support her.

The lady looked at Situ a little excitedly, "You...you mean, there..."

Situ nodded: "On the banks of the Salado River, north of Crespo Gaoguan Town and south of Bella Town, there is a gold mine that has been mined a long time ago. Around that mine, there are scattered Some ancient ruins may have been left by the Mayans, but unfortunately they were destroyed during the gold mining process. That should be one of the five sacred sites in the alliance."

"How did you know?" Mrs. Larry asked.

"I'm the guardian there." Situ said.

"What? Are you—" Mrs. Larry was a little surprised, "Are you an Indian?!"

Situ did not deny it.

Even Qingmu and Su Huilan were surprised at this time. In their impression, this Mr. Situ has always been a perfect Chinese, but now when they take a closer look, they find that his face does have Indian characteristics, but no one has ever thought that Indians can be so handsome. .

"Didn't you just say that you weren't sure that it was the alliance's holy land?" Su Huilan asked.

Situ said: "Yes, although I was told by my ancestors that I was the guardian there, I didn't know what I wanted to protect. Just like Petru's family, we only know that we have to protect a place for generations. My family has long been Withered, my father entrusted me to a Chinese before his death. After that, I went to the United States, and later to China.

After I heard some legends about the Holy Land of the Alliance, I suspected that the place we had guarded for generations was one of the Holy Lands. I've been there many times. It's easy to get lost in those deep mines that may collapse at any time. I have been lost many times, and sometimes I have come to some strange places. Whenever I come out of the mine, I find that the world is no longer the world I know.

Now I know that those mines must be like those ghost islands in the South Pacific, connected to Ramla space. Unfortunately, the distribution of the mines is too chaotic. The secondary mining of the mines has caused serious damage and danger. I cannot find all the special caves related to Ramla.

Mr. Yeager's excavations of Mayan civilization and Indian culture were of great help to my subsequent research. Because of his research, I later turned my target to those taboos on the Pacific Islands. In order to repay him, I compiled and gave him clues about the ancient ruins near the Beira Gold Mine that he had always been interested in. "

"It turns out you were the one who gave him the clue!" Mrs. Larry looked at Situ and breathed rapidly, "Then how did he die?"

"I don't know. I was hiding on an island in the South Pacific with my wife and daughter to study Tab's formation, and I gave him clues that more than two years had passed since his accident. If I had known that the result would be like this... "Situ said very guiltily.

Mrs. Larry sighed in disappointment.

Alice held Madam's arm and comforted softly: "Madam, maybe it was just an accident. Mr. Yeager, he...he..."

She talked for a long time, but did not tell how Mr. Yeager came. She knew that Yeager's death was the heaviest stone on Mrs. Larry's heart. Mrs. Larry had always been feeling guilty and grieving. She didn't know how to comfort Madam.

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! Wow..." Alice sobbed.

Mrs. Larry comforted her in turn: "I told you it has nothing to do with you, Alice!"

Su Huilan knew that the best way to make a person forget the pain was to change the subject, so she said: "Mr. Stone, when did you confirm that that was the Alliance's Holy Land?"

"That's when the inverted pyramid was discovered on the seabed." Situ said.

"So you blew it up just to destroy the structural support of the first space and open the way to the original space?"

"Yes, but..." Situ spread his hands, "Obviously I failed."

"Then you just said that you have guessed the location of the five holy places. How did you guess it? Where are they?"

"I have to thank Petru for this." Situ smiled at Petru, "Red Beard's story told me that the Giza Pyramids in Egypt are the holy places they protect, so I understood that every holy place has a center. Surrounded by some special buildings forming a formation, the entire formation will form a spiritual force field and be connected to Ramla. If what Cohen said is true, then the combination of the five spiritual force fields in the world is what he said The earth's spiritual force field.

The holy places in the South Pacific are the easiest to analyze, as they are clearly marked on Petru's chart. The towers of more than a dozen islands form a whole around the inverted pyramid on the seabed. This is the first holy land. We will analyze its nature later.

With the three Giza pyramids in Egypt as the center, or the Pyramid of Khufu as the center, the entire pyramid group, large and small, forms a formation similar to the Tabb group, and also forms a spiritual force field. It is the Holy Land of Fire that the Redbeard family has guarded for generations. So all of us would be burned if we got the Fire Soul, but Petru didn't feel it because the spiritual characteristics of his family are adapted to the spiritual force field of fire.

The third one is the Bella Gold Mine that I once guarded. The mines there and the ancient ruins around the mines must also have a formation similar to the Tabu group. So I can use Stone Soul. These three places are very clear. "

"Where are the other two places?" Su Huilan's heart suddenly jumped a little, and she glanced at Qingmu, only to see Qingmu like an old monk in trance, with his mouth half-opened, his eyes unfocused, looking blankly at where he didn't know where to go.

"The fourth place -" Situ also looked at Qingmu and smiled, "it's in Liuying Lane, Wuzhong City."

"Liu Ying Lane?" Although Su Huilan had a vague premonition in her heart, Situ still found it unbelievable when she said it.

Situ said: "There used to be a mulberry garden in Liuying Lane. It is said that when the Japanese army occupied Wuzhong, it was burned down. I should have thought of that mulberry garden and the legendary thousand-year-old mulberry trees as the center of the Holy Land of Wood. .Aoki is the guardian of the Holy Land, so he can use the Soul of Wood."

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