Dream Guide

Chapter 548 Pharaoh’s Wrath

Ahmed drove out of Cairo city. He booked a room at a resort hotel in Hurghada and planned to take advantage of this rare vacation to go there and enjoy the sea breeze of the Red Sea.

A comedy news program was playing on the radio. Probably because there was really no other news to talk about this morning, the two hosts kept joking about the fire that happened in France yesterday, saying that Napoleon used a cannon to blow off the nose of the Sphinx, and now the Pharaoh is angry. Finally it reached the cathedral on the Île de la Cité.

The host's style of speaking was very funny, and Alhammed was made to laugh even though he was never willing to admit that he was a gloating person.

"Napoleon...Pharaoh's nose...hahaha!" The more he thought about it, the funnier he became. He couldn't help but slap the steering wheel hard, and then the laughter stopped suddenly because he saw the gray road on the horizon from the car window. wall.

"Asshole! Bitch! Bastard!"

Ahmed scolded the eighteenth generation of the Cairo Meteorological Bureau in his heart. If he had known that there was going to be a sandstorm, he would not have chosen to take a vacation at this time.

He would definitely not be able to go to Hurghada, so he would have to go home and sleep, he thought. However, the sandstorm struck much faster than he expected. The light outside the car quickly dimmed, and the sand made a rustling sound on the car window glass.

When Ahmed made a U-turn, he almost collided with another car. At this time, the visibility was less than five meters. He reluctantly pulled over and prayed that the wind and sand would pass quickly.

The radio hosts apparently also got word of the sandstorm, but before they could joke about it, the signal was cut off. After two beeps, there was only white noise on the radio.

The car suddenly shook. Ahmed thought there was an earthquake. He immediately opened the car door, covered his mouth and nose with his clothes, and tried to run to the empty lawn next to him. He saw a bright light flashing in the darkness in the distance. Although the wind and sand blocked his sight, he could still tell that it was the direction of Giza.

The sand in the wind hit my face, which hurt a little. He fished in the wind with his hands, grabbed some grains of sand in the air, and twisted them in his palms. They seemed to be hot.

Fortunately, the sandstorm came and went quickly, and the earthquake did not happen. When the wind and sand go away, the clouds are opened like a stage curtain, and the sun shines down again, illuminating the world.

Ahmed returned to the car, and the voices of two hosts came from the radio:

"This is the anger of the Pharaoh. Too many tourists must have disturbed their purity. What can open tourism bring besides increasing garbage?"

"Of course it's money!"

"Pharaoh is not short of money."

"But the government is short of money."

“Oh yes, the government is short of money, but where does the money go?”

"Well... of course the money was spent, for example... to control the desert, yes, to control the desert. You know we live in the desert and we are short of water!"

"Oh yes, we are short of water! The sea is hundreds of kilometers away from us, and there is only one poor Nile river flowing through our city. There is so damn lack of water!"

"Okay, stop talking, the boards of Pharaoh's coffin can hardly be covered!"

"It's best if they crawl out soon, so our tourism department can make a killing again! Oh wait, it seems the Pharaoh's coffin boards are long gone."

"The Pharaoh will still control the desert even after he is alive. What do you think they will do?"

"I guess uh... the Pharaoh will let all Egyptians use Alipay!"

Ahmed didn't want to listen to the nonsense of these two idiot hosts anymore, so he turned off the radio.

"Lack of water?" He picked up a bottle of mineral water and looked at the pyramid pattern printed on the bottle funny, then opened it and took a sip, then spit it out the car window and rinsed the sand out of his mouth.

Just as he was about to restart his trip to Hurghada, Ahmed's cell phone rang. He glanced at the phone and picked it up with a frown:

"Hello, Director."

"Where are you, Ahmed?"

"I'm on my way to Hurghada."

"You haven't gone far yet?"

"No, I was blocked on the outskirts of Cairo by a damn sandstorm. Hey, something doesn't sound right to me. Don't tell me that my vacation is cancelled. The hotel I booked is a special room and cannot be refunded."

"Vacation canceled, bro."

"Oh, damn! I'm not your brother. I don't support 996. If you cancel my leave, I will take off my pants and march in the streets!"

"That's big news - Cairo's best police detective running naked in the streets on the day of a sandstorm!"

"You're not serious about coming, are you?"

"I'm not kidding you. Just now, there was a slight earthquake in Giza. The underground palace was discovered in the pyramid. Some tourists died inside. Now the military and police have sealed off the place."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Pyramid expert Aleph is already on his way there. I don't want to be upstaged by other departments and cause something detrimental to us, so I need an experienced and reliable police detective to accompany Aleph. Go ahead and teach and take decisive measures when necessary.”

"Shit!" Ahmed cursed in English.

"I understand English, Ahmed. Go now. I grant you the highest authority to make decisions on the spur of the moment. As for your attitude, I will settle it with you when you come back to report."

Ahmed looked at the highway entrance not far ahead and turned the car around helplessly. When he arrived in Giza, his car was stopped by armed soldiers.

He showed his ID and asked by the way: "Why is it you? Shouldn't it be the police's business?"

The soldier verified the certificate and returned it to him: "Order from the top, we are only responsible for vigilance."

Knowing that the soldiers knew nothing, Ahmed crossed the cordon and walked towards the pyramid.

The tourists were gathered in an open space, where military police were distributing drinking water to them and warning them not to leave without permission.

Among them, seven or eight tourists were gathered together alone, along with two patrol policemen with camels and one person wearing scenic work clothes.

A familiar police officer saw Ahmed and came up to him.

"What's going on?" Ahmed asked.

"When the sandstorm started, there was a slight earthquake, which shook open the entrance to the underground palace under the Pyramid of Khufu. There happened to be a group of tourists inside the pyramid at that time, and several tourists went down."


"Dead inside."

"How did you die?"

"Not sure."

"Who discovered it?"

"Them," the police officer said, pointing to two patrol officers with camels.

Ahmed walked over and saw two patrol policemen with their heads lowered, and there was a pool of vomit on the ground.

The police officer said to the two patrol policemen: "This is Chief Ahmed, please tell me what happened just now."

"We were patrolling behind Menkaura," one of the patrol officers said. "The sandstorm came without warning. We have never encountered anything like this before. After the sandstorm passed, we heard tourists shouting here, and we Come and ask, they said that an underground palace was found inside the pyramid, someone went in, and screams were heard. Later, I maintained order outside, and Basemu and Adura went in to look for tourists. Basemu, tell the chief, What do you see?"

The patrolman who called Basemu raised his head and stammered: "Everyone is dead. The people inside are dead. There are ghosts!"

"How many died? How did they die? Tell me everything you saw." Ahmed really didn't understand how this guy became a policeman.

"Four, four or five...him...them..." Basemu suddenly vomited again and again.

The person next to him wearing scenic work clothes said, "Let me do the talking."

"Who are you?"

"I am the administrator on duty here, mainly to prevent tourists from climbing and destroying the pyramid at will. My name is Abdullah Rashad Rashid Buzbrahi Yi Zijerashi Zishasha ·Mude Zhile."

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