Dream Guide

Chapter 550 Death

There were two soldiers who accompanied Professor Aleph in. They seemed to have low military ranks and did not say anything. They were only responsible for security protection, but Ahmed knew that these two people must have been under their control. The boss's instructions may have given him the same authority to make emergency decisions. The black muzzle can be used to deal with the enemy, and it can also be turned towards you at any time.

"Adura!" Ahmed decided to find himself a helper. "Can you use a gun?"

"Ah?" Adura was stunned, then stood up and saluted, "Report, I served in the military when I was young, sir!"

"Great." Ahmed said to the policeman next to him, "Go find him a gun, preferably an unregistered one." He said to Aleph, "Do you mind if I find a guide?"

Aleph said nonchalantly: "You have the power."

The officers soon retrieved a revolver. Ahmed stuffed the pistol into Adura's arms and whispered in his ear: "You are mine now."

Adura nodded solemnly: "Understood, sir."

Under the leadership of Adura, a group of people entered the entrance of the pyramid.

Ahmed grew up in a mosque. The imam said not to go to the pyramids because they were cursed by the devil. But the more that happened, the more curious he became. When he was a child, he often sneaked out and secretly climbed the pyramid with his friends. Although the Egyptian Tourism Authority prohibits climbing, there are many people climbing the pyramids. So when Adura said that two young men climbed up to Menkaura, he was not surprised at all. He could even imagine the scene of tourists bribing Adura with money.

He remembered that in the past, the passages inside the Pyramid of Khufu did not have such strong iron guardrails. Except for the passage leading to the king's tomb, which was wired and installed with a few very dim lights, the rest of the place was dark. But now the passage has been reinforced and the lights are bright.

The passage leading to the underground tomb was closed. Ahmed thought he went down from here, but Adura turned a blind eye and continued to climb up. After climbing up for a while, two passages appeared in front of us. One was a very wide but steep passage, which led to the king's tomb. The other was a straight passage but only half a person's height, which led to the queen's tomb. of.

Adura pointed to a dark hole ahead and said, "This is it."

Aleph mused: "Scientists have discovered through muon detection that there is a passage below, but they have not found the entrance. In addition, the underground tomb is a semi-finished product, so we have never paid attention to it. I didn't expect that the passage actually appeared this time."

They were already prepared before coming down, so everyone wore miner's lamps on their heads. Ahmed turned on the miner's lamp, looked at the entrance of the cave, and found a narrow staircase winding downwards.

Adura took courage and climbed down first, followed closely by Ahmed, and Professor Aleph came in last under the protection of two soldiers.

Ahmed used the light to find a bloody handprint on the wall. He put on his gloves, dipped his fingers into the blood on his fingerprints, put it to his nose and smelled it, and found that it was fresh.

"Adura, are these fingerprints left by you?" he asked.

Adura quickly denied: "No, we didn't touch the body at all."

Then, bloody handprints were also found on the steps. It looked like it was left behind when someone crawled out of the passage. But the strange thing is that there are no other traces except fingerprints. If it is an injured person, there will be more traces left in the care channel.

At the bottom of the narrow staircase is a wide slope. Adura stood at the entrance of the passage and stopped walking forward, saying, "Be careful, it's not very clean here."

Ahmed saw blood everywhere on the ground, a lot of red meat-like things scattered on the ground, and a corpse lying in the corner.

He carefully stepped over the ground and squatted down next to the corpse. He saw that the corpse was wearing a white robe, and the robe on the chest was stained red with blood. The head was covered with a turban which covered the deceased's face. Judging from his clothing, he was obviously an Arab. The deceased's belly was cut open, and the muscles and fat were turned outwards. The internal organs have been hollowed out, and some fat and intestines are still hanging on the edge of the belly.

"This should be parallel to the ground, which is the bottom of the pyramid." Aleph didn't care about the blood stains and dead people on the ground at all. He observed the appearance of the slope walls and said, "There is nothing surprising here. Yes, there is a passage ahead, we should go down and have a look."

Ahmed called back, "Hey, don't step on those things!"

Aleph lowered his head and glanced, then raised his foot and shook it. A soft red thing flew out from the sole of his shoe and stuck to the wall with a snap.

Ahmed had the urge to hit someone, but now he had no time to pay attention to the expert, because he had already removed the turban covering the dead man's face. Even though he was a veteran police detective with twenty years of experience in criminal investigation and had seen the scenes of countless murder cases and dismemberment cases, he couldn't help but be shocked at this moment.

That can no longer be called a face. The nose and upper jawbone were completely opened, and the entire face was missing. A large hole was formed from the lower jawbone to the eyebrow bone, and the inside was muddy, as if it were filled with strawberry jam.

Ahmed quickly put the turban on again. He believed that Adura and Basemu would not have had the courage to look at the deceased's face when they came down. If they saw it, he didn't know what would happen to Adura, and the Baseim patrolman might need someone to carry him out.

Behind the slope was another entrance, and they continued on to the next passage. This section of the passage is wider and gentler than the previous one.

Adura walked in front, holding the pistol tightly in his hand. As he was walking, he suddenly screamed and sat down on the ground. Ahmed saw a corpse lying on the stairway in front of him. He was dressed similarly to the one just now, and died in almost the same way: his stomach was opened, and most of his internal organs were missing, but it seemed that he had not had time to clean them. There were also some scraps falling into pieces beside the body. The nose and upper jaw bones were lifted open, leaving a big hole in his face. Without a hood, he looked terrible.

After Ahmed stepped forward to check, he found nothing more special, so he turned back and patted Adura on the shoulder, signaling him to stand up and continue walking.

Adura stood up tremblingly. Seeing him like that, Ahmed knew that asking him to lead the way might scare him to death, so he took the lead and walked ahead.

Professor Aleph glanced at the body and said nothing, wondering what he was thinking.

A pair of stone doors appeared at the bottom of the passage, with intricately carved patterns on the doors. The door was ajar and it was dark inside. Ahmed opened the door and walked in. Inside was a stone room.

“Oh my God, it’s so beautiful!”

As soon as he entered the stone room, Professor Aleph exclaimed at the murals on the wall, but was completely unaware of the blood stains on the ground and the smell of blood that filled the room.

Ahmed squatted down and inspected carefully. The blood stains looked like traces of someone dragging the body, which continued to the sarcophagus in the middle of the stone chamber. The coffin panels on the sarcophagus were half lifted.

He remembered the radio host’s joke: The pharaoh’s coffin couldn’t even be covered!

Just as he was about to push the lid of the coffin, he suddenly heard Aleph shout: "Hey, don't touch that coffin! There may be the mummy of the Pharaoh in there, so be careful!"

Ahmed didn't listen to him and pushed the coffin lid open hard, saying, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I'm sure the body inside is still fresh."

However, he was stunned. There was nothing in the sarcophagus, but a downward passage was revealed.

"Mr. Professor, come and take a look. What's going on?"

Aleph heard the sound and came over. He frowned when he saw the passage in the sarcophagus. It seemed that it was beyond his expectation. He thought for a long time and said, "Just go down and take a look and you'll find out."

Ahmed said: "Are you sure? There may be danger down there."

"Wasn't it dangerous just now?" Aleph said, "I have a hunch that the danger is no longer here."

Ahmed didn't understand what he meant, but seeing how determined he was, he knew that he couldn't be persuaded, and he had to go down, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the director later.

As for how these people died, it is still difficult to predict at present. He didn't really believe that there was any mysterious force at work, but the death of the body was not like an ordinary treasure murder. If he had to make a reasonable guess, he thought there might be some beast underground that liked to eat human entrails, but it was strange that no footprints of the beast were found.

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