Dream Guide

Chapter 557 dreamnet and internet

Mei Yiqiu held a pipe in his mouth and stood facing the wall. Through the white smoke he exhaled, he looked at the map on the big screen on the wall. The map is densely dotted with red dots. The more developed the area, the denser the red dots are. Some areas are even connected into a sea of ​​red.

He stretched out his hand and clicked on a red dot in the eastern United States, and a small window immediately popped up next to it:


Population: 5.59 million

Sales volume: 119,500 units

Number of users: 231,325

He randomly clicked on a red dot on the eastern coast of China:

City: Yongcheng

Population: 8.2 million

Sales volume: 173,220 units

Number of users: 437709

Then, Mei Yiqiu opened several more points in Europe, Japan and other places with dense red areas. Data shows that although the number of users varies from place to place, the overall difference is not big. The average sales volume of Space Box is about one-fortieth of the population. The number of registered users of Dream Guide is two to three times the sales volume of Space Box. space, indicating that each space box is probably shared by two or three people, which is what he expected.

On this matter, several operators of the game and agents in various regions of Space Box have great differences, and there was a big quarrel about this in the just-concluded video conference. Penguin Group believes that the most important thing about a game is the number of basic users, so it can encourage people to share space boxes. If the cost of space boxes is not too high, the hardware can even be given away for free. They believe that as long as the number of users increases and users become sufficiently dependent, it will be logical to charge for games and value-added services in the future; while the agents headed by Huanyu International believe that the core of the entire project is the space box, Dream Guide game It should be free forever, and making money through hardware is the way to go.

Another controversial point is whether to connect to the Internet. 5G technology has matured and is commercially available. The external mobile Internet can fully bear the data volume and space box requirements of Dream Guide. The cost of building self-built base stations is too great. Countries are now in a wait-and-see mode. Should they vigorously build 5G base stations or build Dreamnet separately? Private networks are a problem. Everyone is dawdling and dare not take too big steps.

Since 5G base stations cannot be upgraded on the basis of 4G, major communication companies in the world have already had independent networking plans in the past two years. However, the emergence of space boxes has delayed the implementation of this plan. It actually overlaps with dreamnet. It could have been used universally, but both the Third Space Foundation and Mei's Laboratory insist on independent networking. No one wants to spend a lot of money to build a 5G network that will be useless in the end.

The common call now is to open up the dream guide data, merge Dreamnet and the Internet, and try to save social resources. However, many mobile phone and hardware manufacturers do not support this, because this means that, except for space boxes, all communication and VR equipment, including mobile phones, will face obsolescence in a short period of time.

And this is what the agents of Space Box are happy to see. There will be a true unifying overlord in the world. The world from now on will be the world of Space Box and the world of Dream Guide.

Of course, companies in many places have already initiated local antitrust lawsuits, suing the Third Space Foundation and its technology companies and related laboratories for violating monopoly laws. Some even raised issues related to the fate of mankind at the United Nations General Assembly. The bill requires the Third Space Foundation and Mei's Laboratory to disclose the core technology of the space box. But if this bill is passed, it means that all nuclear and aerospace technologies in developed countries will be disclosed to the world, so it is obviously impossible to pass it.

However, opposition is sweeping across the world, with calls for technology disclosure, network consolidation, and hardware price cuts growing louder. Everyone can't stand the pressure, and they don't quite understand why Mei Yiqiu insists on independent networking and rapid expansion. These are two contradictory things. With such a big project, no one can think of becoming a fat man in one bite. .

During the entire video conference, Mei Yiqiu said nothing, just watching, listening, and smoking quietly. Until finally, those people stopped talking, and he said slowly: "Let's talk more."

Those capitalists who are usually bossy and arrogant have nothing to do with this energetic white-haired old man. This is probably the least efficient business meeting they have ever held in their lives, but for the most impossible project in their lives, they decided to They had no choice but to admit it. In the face of capital, capitalists are always examples of flexibility and flexibility.

However, to Mei Yiqiu, these are not important. What matters is how to achieve the goal he wants to achieve in the shortest possible time - at least one billion users, preferably two billion, or even five billion. Of course, the latter may not be achieved in his lifetime.

The reputation of Dream Guide can be said to be explosive, with almost no negative reviews. The malicious reviews on the Internet can be seen at a glance, because they have never used the space box, and any real user, even if they have been bought by opponents, , after using it once, you will really become addicted to this game, and even want to buy a space box even if you lose your money. As a result, reports of selling kidneys to buy space boxes appeared online.

Mei Yiqiu randomly clicked on several red dots in densely red areas on the map. As a game with expensive hardware, the user coverage of close to 10% is quite surprising. But this is still far from what Mei Yiqiu wants. Even if all regions in the world reach 10%, there will only be 700 million users.

Of course, it's easy to falsify data. The operation department of Penguin Group had already made suggestions to him, which could easily increase the number of users five times compared with the current number, but this plan was rejected by Mei Yiqiu. He does not need some duplicate inactive accounts to attract the attention of capital. What he needs are real users. Each user is independent and a unique person who can be verified through DNA verification and individual consciousness.

However, in addition to developed areas, there are still large gray areas on the map, with some red dots scattered here and there, and there are even no red dots in some places.

He slid his finger across the map and clicked on a red dot in western China:

City: Doucheng

Population: 3.69 million

Sales: 1532 units

Number of users: 3421

The city's user base is less than one thousandth of the population, and it is not yet the poorest region in China. Mei Yiqiu slid his hand to the west coast of Africa and found a solitary red dot among the vast gray areas. He clicked it and saw the data:

City: Monrovia

Population: 1.15 million

Sales volume: 1 unit

Number of users: 1 person

Even in poor areas, there are rich people, but in the capital of this African country, only one person bought a space box. Mei Yiqiu didn't know who that person was, but he knew the root of the problem that couldn't be promoted in these places - there were no base stations there, and the operation and maintenance companies would not build base stations for a few users.

The only user in Monrovia must have rented a special satellite data channel provided by Third Space, which would have resulted in additional overage charges.

"Professor, is there really no way to connect to the existing network and equipment?" Mei Ziqing asked cautiously behind him.

Mei Yiqiu shook his head: "No data encryption method can stop a ghost wandering in the online world!"

"But I don't understand why we must stop it? As long as it cannot rewrite our data, its existence will not affect our ability to distinguish parasitic consciousness!" Mei Ziqing said.

"How do you know that a consciousness living in an electronic network is not a parasite?"

I went out for two days for something unexpected and just got back. Sorry! After all, you have to live, and you can’t survive without moving bricks, so I will update this kind of thing, and wait until I become popular... Well, it seems that I have started to dream again, Ruhua, hurry up and let the coal boss come back

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