Dream Guide

Chapter 566 Seeing Shadow Again

Huang Liang didn't know what the Kenai Mountain Wolf was until he entered Old Wolf's dream.

It was his third day in Vancouver. Mei Yiqiu and Dickinson took him to Wolfe Manor and introduced him to Qui Wolfe, who was already the actual leader of the Wolfe family.

Although the Wolfe family is not authentic Chinese, but a mixture of Inuit and Chinese, and is mainly Inuit, Huang Liang still felt the warmth of meeting old friends in a foreign land when he was with them.

At that time, old Wolfe was already terminally ill and looked like he would die soon.

He lay upright on the bed, his face so thin that only bones and a thin layer of skin remained. His eye sockets were sunken, but his eyes were bulging and wide open. The whites of his eyes were turbid and dry like boiled duck egg shells, with two dull gray pupils above them, like two flies biting on duck eggs.

William Wolfe stared hard at the ceiling, with a dead look on his face, and his dry fingers moved from time to time to show that he was still alive.

Huang Liang took a preliminary look at the medical history of the Wolf family, and initially judged that it was a very rare mental illness, and the cause may be related to neurological or genetic defects. This was originally not his area of ​​expertise. He was a surgeon, but in the new resume the organization forged for him, he became an all-rounder who was proficient in neurosurgery, good at surgery, and mysterious Eastern medicine.

He could only bite the bullet and treat old Wolfe like a dead horse.

In addition to the original family disease, Wolfe was also diagnosed with gray brain virus. Not many people know about this matter. Except for doctors at UBC Hospital and a few close people, the only ones are Mei Yiqiu and Dickinson.

Huang Liang was very surprised when he learned about this situation. Gray brain virus is no longer a secret. Even ordinary people know that getting this disease means being invaded by a parasite. But the invasion against Old Wolfe obviously didn't succeed, otherwise it wouldn't be what it is now.

However, old Wolfe is not dead, but it is really a strange thing. Gray brain virus is an incurable disease, and no particularly good treatment has been found yet. Of course, the Wolf family has plenty of money and access to the best medical care and most advanced treatments in the world. Although progress in vaccines and specific drugs for gray brain virus has been slow due to the scarcity of samples, some inhibitors have been developed, and Old Wolfe relies on these drugs to survive.

Huang Liang knew very well that with Old Wolf's identity and the importance of the organization, the parasite must be a powerful consciousness, but how did Old Wolf resist the invasion? Even Evans Lester can only die with the invading parasitic consciousness!

He wanted to take a look into Wolfe's dream, but he didn't dare to reveal his strength too much from the beginning, and he didn't understand Hong Kui at that time. And in Old Wolfe's state, it was obviously not easy for him to dream. His conscious body is very weak and cannot withstand the torture.

He began trying to give Wolfe regular physical therapy and acupuncture, hoping to stimulate his brain and nervous system, but the results were minimal. He concluded that Old Wolfe's illness was not caused solely by the gray brain virus. Gray brain virus only attacks the cerebral cortex and does not damage other functions of the body. His current symptoms are not a hereditary disease. In their family's medical history, no one is as weak as him before they die. Usually, they will suffer one or two sharp attacks of "werewolf syndrome" and then die suddenly.

Huang Liang probably made a judgment - this was the result of the confrontation between Old Wolf and the parasitic consciousness. I don’t know what went wrong in the process of consciousness invasion. It neither succeeded in parasitizing nor killed Wolfe.

Later, Hong Kui told him that Old Wolf had received treatment from Qingmu in Wuzhong, and Huang Liang was relieved. Aoki must have used some method to control Old Wolfe's shadow consciousness. He knew that it was difficult to kill the shadow consciousness without harming the original consciousness.

Mei Yiqiu only stayed for one day and then left, and never came again, but Dickinson came to see him from time to time. Every time Huang Liang sees him, he thinks of the chip on the back of his neck. He doesn't know if it has been removed.

A week later, Old Wolfe's werewolf syndrome finally broke out.

At that moment, his cloudy and pale eyes like boiled salted duck eggs suddenly flashed with blue light like a supernova explosion, long fangs sprouted from his mouth, and the hair on his face grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon It covers the whole face.

The living dead who had been lying on the bed suddenly gained infinite strength. He sat up like a fake corpse, stretched his two stiff arms forward, and clawed at the air with his skinny claws.

Although he already knew the medical history of the Wolf family, Huang Liang was still shocked.

Martha next to her seemed to be used to such a scene. She quickly came over with a few servants, held Old Wolf down, and whispered something in his ear.

Huang Liang didn't hear what she said because he had already entered Wolfe's dream.

William Wolfe in the dream looked much younger than he actually was. He stood upright among the hills covered with white snow, his feet sinking deeply into the snow, leaving two clear lines of footprints behind him. continues to far away.

There was a group of gray wolves running in the forest ahead, and sled vehicles all over the mountains and plains were chasing after them. The people in the vehicles were wearing thick clothes, shouting at the sled dogs and galloping towards the wolves, constantly firing guns into the sky. The sound of gunfire drove the wolves in one direction, and eventually they surrounded a mountain col.

Huang Liang saw Old Wolf clenching his hands into fists and his body shaking constantly.

From the perspective of a dream, this space was a bit too huge. Huang Liang judged that it was impossible for Old Wolfe's mental power to create such a large dream. When Huang Liang put his mental power over, he found that there was an obvious mental barrier in front of Wolfe, like an invisible soft glass. He used his consciousness to perceive the world over there, as if he was watching a giant screen. Movie.

He knew that was the boundary of Wolfe's dream, but why was there space beyond the boundary? However, he judged that this must be related to Wolfe's family history. Could it be that human genes can carry spiritual power? He couldn't figure it out.

Then, on the top of a tall mountain opposite, a huge white wolf appeared. Its white fur seemed to be covered with a layer of heavy snow that had just fallen in Alaska. Its slightly opened mouth revealed sharp fangs, but its eyes were wide. He is not fierce, nor does he make any roaring gestures. He just stands quietly, showing off his royal posture.

From the comparison with the surrounding scenery and those who fired, it can be judged that the shoulder height of this wolf is more than two meters and its body length is more than four meters, which is comparable to a small Asian elephant.

Huang Liang originally thought this was an exaggeration of the dream. How could there be such a huge wolf in the world? But later Hong Kui told him that there were indeed such huge wolves in Alaska a long time ago. The ancestors of the Wolfe family lived there.

Of course, what Huang Liang cares about is not the wolf, nor the history of the Wolf family. So he withdrew his gaze and placed it at the feet of William Wolfe in his dream - on the white snow, there was a faint shadow shaking with Wolfe's trembling body.

The shadow twisted, as if trying to stand up.

Huang Liang suddenly had a scalpel in his hand, and the blade shone colder than ice and snow.

I really want to finish it quickly, but I’m so tired. I spend most of my free time on this book every day. Compared with the results, it’s really not worth it. In fact, all the lines have been laid out, and what needs to be paved has also been paved. It is nothing more than pulling back the final curtain to show everyone a panoramic view. Oh, that’s it. But after watching the bad ending of Game of Thrones, I was really heartbroken. Think about it, would I have made such a mistake? The so-called fans of authority should slow down a little. The last two seasons of Game of Thrones were too hasty. They were so anxious that they ignored the long-awaited foreshadowing and the hard-earned character image, just for a preset position and ending. I didn’t want to end up like this, so I decided to go slower, slower...

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