Dream Guide

Chapter 571 Blood-Stained Rose

The large blooming roses in Stanley Park reminded Huang Liang of the azaleas that filled the mountains and plains in his hometown. Layer by layer, piece by piece, like spreading flames, dyeing the mountains and the sky red.

When the azaleas bloom, he likes to run to the top of the mountain alone, lie down among the flowers, and look at the blue sky and white clouds. There are flowers under him, at his feet, on top of his head, in his palms, and all around. He can feel the vitality of the flowers, with their vigorous vitality and fire-like enthusiasm.

Why do these flowers bloom so brightly? Obviously their lives are very short!

Why are the clouds in the sky floating so leisurely? Obviously when the wind comes, they will disperse!

Behind the clouds is the blue sky, and what is behind the blue sky? Is there still life there?

He is obsessed with this kind of fantasy, but this is luxury for a country boy. Only when he is completely relaxed among the gorgeous flowers can he have time to think about these boring problems.

His sister always came to look for him in the evening, and in the wind carrying the fragrance of flowers came her warbling voice:

"Brother, hello - where are you -"

He casually broke off a flower from the bush, held the stem, raised the flower high, and shook it in the air. The younger sister flew through the flowers as lightly as a butterfly. When she was almost close, she pounced towards her brother. She threw herself into her brother's arms, picked up the petals dancing in the sky, and said with a giggle:

"Brother Lazy, I caught you!"

Huang Liang seemed to have had a dream. He has enough ability to distinguish between dreams and reality. If the thorns of the roses hadn't woken him up, he would have preferred to live in a dream.

Martha picked roses in a designated area. Although the Wolf family has privileges, they cannot act recklessly. After all, this is a public place.

Huang Liang sat down on a deserted path in the rose garden. The roses around him swayed gently in the morning breeze. The fragrance of the flowers was intoxicating. He was immersed in inexplicable fantasy.

Martha's voice came on the wind:

"Huang - where are you -"

He forgot that roses are different from azalea. Roses are full of thorns. He heard the call of the warbler, and he grabbed a stem just like he used to grab the cuckoo, and raised it high, but blood was pricked out of his palm.

Martha was also like a butterfly, flying lightly through the flowers. A few rose petals she picked up flew in the wind along with her dress.

"Aha, I found you, I thought you were gone!"

"This is for you." Huang Liang said, holding up the rose in his hand.

Martha's heart was beating loudly, and she bravely raised her face to look at him. The surrounding wind suddenly stopped, and the color and fragrance of all the roses were frozen in the distance. Only the one in his hand remained, gorgeous, like fire in the sky, and stained with blood that was as bright as the flower.

She took the rose from his hand and suddenly saw the blood oozing from his palm, slowly flowing down the stem of the rose.

"Ah, your hands are bleeding!"

Martha put the roses into the basket that was already full of flowers, grabbed Huang Liang's hand, carefully pulled out some thorns left on the skin, blew a few more breaths, and said worriedly:

"You have to pull out all the thorns. The administrator has tools. You need to bandage them. Come with me!"

Martha took Huang Liang to the management office of the rose garden. The administrator was an old lady. She looked at Huang Liang's palm and said, "It's the first time I see someone picking roses like this. Even if my face is tattooed, it's not more surprising than you! Where are you tattooing?" Yes, it’s not in a public viewing area, right?”

Martha shook her head gently at Huang Liang, signaling him to stop talking.

The old lady glanced at them, and while using tools to help him pull out the thorns, she said: "Don't try to hide it from me. I am familiar with every flower here. Young people can be romantic, but they must abide by the rules. I was also young. Oh! Do you know why I like this place? Because my wife and I met in Stanley Park. At that time, there were not so many roses here, only wild flowers that I couldn’t name. Every time we had a tryst here, he would give me I picked a big bunch of wild flowers, and he even said he would build me a rose manor!"

Huang Liang asked: "Did your wife build this rose garden?"

"Here?" the old lady was stunned for a moment, "Oh, no, no, no, of course not. This is a public facility. Mr. Wolfe paid for it, so Miss Martha has the privilege of picking flowers."

"What about your wife?"

"He has gone to see God a long time ago. I think he has already built a rose garden in heaven and is waiting for me to go there!"

While the old lady and Huang Liang were chatting, Martha carefully removed the thorns from the rose with scissors, and then wrapped the flowers in paper. She found that the flower bloomed very brightly and had a very strong fragrance. In addition to the floral fragrance, she also smelled a faint smell of blood, but it was not fishy at all, which made the fragrance of the rose special. She remembered a poem:

A rose that passes through the hands of a lover is forever tainted with the flavor of the lover.

The old lady helped pull out the thorns from the yellow beam, then put the disinfectant and gauze into Martha's hand, "Disinfect him. If you really become a woman, it won't just be romantic. In addition to roses, you must also be able to work!" "

Martha pretended not to understand, and carefully helped Huang Liang wipe the wounds on his hands. She peeked and found that he was looking at her, and her face turned red.

It was almost noon when we came out of the rose garden. Huang Liang's hands could no longer ride the bicycle, and Martha pushed the bicycle with the flower basket hanging on the handlebar. Passing where they met, Dickinson was putting away his fishing rod.

"Ah, you have good luck today!" He pointed at the fish bucket and greeted cheerfully, "The harvest is not small, come to my place to eat fish soup!"

Huang Liang has almost determined that Martha is not the second leader. Although he was willing to accompany Martha all the way at this time, he wanted to chat with Dickinson, and maybe he could come up with something. Even if he was not the second leader, he wanted to talk about some of the things Mei Yiqiu and they were exploring. Also very concerned.

Martha said: "I still have to send the rose back, and Master Wolfe can't do without me." She looked at Huang Liang, "You go ahead, don't worry about me, I can just ride the bike back, but Your hands..."

Huang Liang said: "Oh, it's okay, you forgot that I am a doctor! Besides..." He looked at her, "Thank you!"

Martha smiled happily. She said goodbye to Dickinson, got in her car, and rode off.

"She's a nice girl," Dickinson came up and said.

Huang Liang watched Martha's back disappear under the big sequoia tree in the distance, then looked back and saw that there were more than ten small white fish in Dickinson's bucket. They looked similar to the white stripes in his hometown, but they were quite big.

"Really just eating fish?" he asked.

Dickinson glared and said, "What else do you want to eat?"

Huang Liang smiled and said, "Everything must be obeyed."

Dickinson didn't seem to hear what he said and asked, "Can you cook?"

Huang Liang said: "I know a little bit."

Dickinson became happy: "Haha, great, you can eat Chinese food today! Only Chinese food is worthy of the word 'food', and the rest can at most be called 'food'. As for Canada..." He laughed at himself He shook his head, as if the food in Canada couldn't even be called food.

Huang Liang got a cooking task out of nowhere, but it was not difficult for him. How many children from rural areas can't cook?

"Mr. Professor, do you often come here to fish?"

"Not often, sometimes." Dickinson said, "Looking at the vast sea, people's vision and mind will become broadened. Sometimes problems that cannot be thought of in the office suddenly become clear while sitting on the beach. It’s cheerful. That’s why I love fishing.”

"So are you enjoying yourself today, or are you encountering a problem?"

"Today? No, neither. There are guests at home today, and the guests like to eat fish, so I came here to catch a few."

Huang Liang thought it was strange. If there were guests at home, shouldn't he stay at home with him? How could he go out fishing without the guests? Even if he liked to eat fish, it wouldn't be a troublesome thing to buy a few.

"You have guests. It's not suitable for me to go over, right?" he said.

Dickinson said, "It doesn't matter. Besides, you can cook Chinese food, and my guest likes Chinese food very much. Ah, by the way," he suddenly looked mysterious, "guess who that guest is?" "

Huang Liang was stunned for a moment, then thought: "It's not Professor Mei who's here, is it?"

Dickinson shook his head and said, "It's not him, but it has something to do with him."

"Who is it?" Huang Liang really couldn't guess.

"Selena - China Mei's old lover! Hahaha!" Dickinson seemed to have remembered something funny and burst out laughing, "Just because Mei Yiqiu likes to eat Chinese food, if you cook it well today , maybe you can hear many interesting stories about Chinese plum from her.”

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