Dream Guide

Chapter 573 The resistance of the chess pieces

"You are very smart, and I am glad that today's lunch will be handed over to a smart person." Selena turned and walked towards the living room, "I don't think I need any help here."

"Wait a minute -" Seeing Selina about to leave, Huang Liang regretted his own cleverness, "You'd better reveal a little bit, for example, do you like sweet or salty? Can you eat spicy food? Otherwise, what if I don't do it right?" If you don’t like your taste, it’s all in vain. It’s rare for you to come to Vancouver. If I miss this time, I probably won’t have the chance to cook for you again.”

"Oh, why did a person who was very smart just now suddenly become stupid!" Selina looked back at him, seeming a little disappointed, "I said, feel free to play freely - follow your heart and use your heart. You cook this meal with your heart. Only what is made with your heart is the real food. As for my taste, it is not important to you. Do you only cook for me in this life? "

"But I'm not a professional cook, and I'm not very good at cooking yet. And..." Huang Liang neatly stacked the marinated fish on the plate, and then began to chop green onions and peppers, "I don't know why. , there are always some inexplicable recipes popping up in my mind, trying to make me do what they say, but I have obviously never memorized those recipes. Of course I know that the highest state of food is freedom, but it seems difficult for me Do it!”

Selena said: "Forget those recipes. Whether you learned them yourself or were forced into your mind by others, only by forgetting them can you follow your own heart. Since you know the highest state of food, why bother? Just ask."

Upon hearing this, Huang Liang's breathing stagnated, and even his eyes became dull. He stared at the kitchen table, but lost focus. But his hand was still very steady. The sharp knife made a clanging sound on the chopping board, and the green onions in his hand turned into hair-like filaments.

Selena laughed and said, "It's a great improvement!"

Huang Liang remained unmoved, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes. He spread the sliced ​​peppers and green onions evenly onto the fish plate, and then continued to prepare other dishes.

He knew what Selina meant when she said she had made great progress, and he felt it himself. He was hypnotized so easily when he was on Sea Cucumber Street, but now he is different.

He could have followed into the dream without resistance, but he wanted to prove his strength and see how much he had improved in the past two years. And he knew that the reason why Selena chose him, apart from some reasons that he still couldn't figure out, was that at the last moment in the dream, he was awake and out of Selina's control.

She must have something special to ask him to do. This thing may not be easy. It requires not only strong strength, but also a free heart.

Freedom - this is what Huang Liang has been pursuing, and it is also something that confuses him. Logically speaking, if the second leader of an organization has to handle something important, he will usually choose his confidant. She should find a way to make him loyal instead of constantly hinting at his freedom, especially the freedom of his heart.

A free heart often contradicts loyalty. Unless this thing is more important than loyalty.

What could that be? Huang Liang thought of Old Wolfe's dream, the world of ice and snow, the mental barrier, and the huge white wolf.

"I heard that AI is developing very fast now, and there are already cooking robots." Selina suddenly said.

"Oh, really?" Huang Liang said casually while garnishing the dishes, "I don't know. Is the robot cooking delicious?"

"It might work for frying steak and roasting chicken, but it definitely doesn't work for cooking Chinese food." Selena said, "I heard a funny story."

"what story?"

"A man bought a cooking robot and brought it home. The robot is really easy to use. He doesn't have to worry about anything. When he gets home every day, he can enjoy the same exquisite dishes as those in the restaurant. After a while, the owner got tired of it. He just wanted the robot to have a change of taste. He mentioned a few dishes, but the robot told him that these dishes couldn't be found in the recipe, so he couldn't cook them. The owner said angrily, forget your recipes, forget your rigidity. I just want to eat something different, even if you cook it like shit!"

"Then what?" Huang Liang couldn't help but ask.

"Then the robot begged its owner to tell him what the shit was doing," Selina said.

"Haha, I'm afraid this master will go crazy!"

Huang Liang thought it was quite funny, but he knew that this was definitely not the ending of the story Selina wanted to tell him, so he quietly waited for the next part. Sure enough, just listen to Selena say:

"As you said, the owner was so angry that he dismantled the robot and hired an engineer to modify the main program in order to add some fresh recipes. After the engineer took it apart, he told him that the robot seemed to have its own independent system. In fact, it is connected to the cloud, which is the source of AI wisdom, so the robot’s behavior is controlled by the cloud, and the owner’s secrets have already been leaked.”

Selina stopped here and looked at Huang Liang meaningfully.

Huang Liang's brain was spinning rapidly, analyzing the meaning of Selina's story. What did she want to tell herself?


He certainly understands the meaning of freedom. If you want to be free, you must forget everything and cut off your connection with the cloud before you can follow your heart.

But why use a robot as a metaphor?

He suddenly remembered the chip in Dickinson's neck, the Internet consciousness and what Mei Yiqiu had said.

Although Selina did not clearly state her identity, Huang Liang was almost certain that she was the second leader. However, she is Mei Yiqiu's old lover.

Huang Liang was in Amsterdam, and Howard originally wanted to send him to Wuzhong to prepare to infiltrate Mei's laboratory. But the second leader, Selina, chose him and asked him to go to Vancouver, North America, to get close to Wolf. When he was setting off, he was suddenly notified of a temporary diversion to Los Angeles.

Mei Yiqiu was in Los Angeles at the time. As it happened, he needed a massage and acupuncturist. Professor Mei brought Huang Liang to Vancouver to perform acupuncture on Dickinson, and Dickinson introduced Huang Liang to the Wolf family.

Is this big detour just because of the organization's caution?

But how did the organization, or the second leader, know that Mei Yiqiu needed a massage doctor? From what I learned later, the professor did not often do massage and was always in good health.

Professor Mei brought Huang Liang to Canada and helped Dickinson complete the activation and testing of the chip. This is an extremely secretive job. Logically speaking, it is impossible for outsiders to know, let alone guess that they need an acupuncture doctor who understands neurosurgery!

The most interesting thing is the relationship between these people - Selina is Mei Yiqiu's old lover, and they and Dickinson are old classmates. Now these three people, one is the second leader of the parasitic organization, one is the leader of the third space, and one has a chip in his neck, and they are fighting fiercely with the Internet consciousness.

Was it Selena's setup? Or is it Professor Mei's plan? Or were they originally a team? !

"You are playing chess!" Huang Liang suddenly said, "You are all playing chess, a big game of chess! And I am just a chess piece."

"No, you are wrong." Selena said, "You and I are both chess pieces. It was originally the common fate of the chess pieces to have no regrets when we make a move. But now, we no longer want to wait for the verdict of victory or defeat on the chessboard. We If you want to move, if you want to fight, maybe your destiny will change."

"A fight? A chess piece... and a chess player's fight?!!!"

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