Dream Guide

Chapter 577 A gorgeous suicidal farewell

Hou Biao sat on the ground and carefully looked at his other self in the mirror.

This is a reality dream. He has become very skilled in this kind of dream, integrating it with the real world around him. Now, his body was sitting in front of the same mirror, surrounded by the same floor, walls, and gently swaying sandbags. The only difference is that he in the mirror is exactly the same as him in the real world, but here, he is sitting, but he in the mirror is standing.

Dreams are a strange thing. As long as the subconscious mind dares to think about it, it can destroy all physical rules, such as the principle of plane mirror imaging. But he knew very well that this was not the result his subconscious wanted, and he had never thought of constructing a mirror that did not comply with optical principles.

The person in the mirror is not him, but a shadow, an intruder.

When I accompanied Professor Mei to visit an art exhibition in Los Angeles, this shadow invaded my consciousness. As a bodyguard, he has no choice. No matter what he encounters, he must stand in front of the professor, whether it is a bullet or an intruding consciousness.

Hou Biao remembered every detail of that art exhibition, the portrait of the girl, and the long street after the rain with no people and only shadows. The girl was lost and looked to the viewer for help. Hou Biao found her in the countless shadows on the long street. She was back, holding an umbrella and walking gracefully in the rain. When he turned around, he saw that familiar face, and the fire in his chest began to beat enthusiastically. , and shadows began to gather under his feet.

Fortunately, Yao Jingjing called him at that critical moment and brought him back to reality. He used chewing gum to cover up the sign used for consciousness guidance, making their carefully planned plot against the professor in vain.

He didn't tell anyone about it. That shadow slowly grew in his consciousness, until one day he stood up and strangled his neck with his hands.

He knew what he had encountered, but he was not Lester or Xia Wenyuan. He was Hou Biao, an underground boxing champion who had fallen down countless times in the boxing ring and stood up countless times to knock down his opponents, a man who had killed countless people. mercenaries. How could such a person, after being awakened by the jungle hunter and later Aoki, possess strong spiritual power, let a shadow kill him easily!

"I really want to know what you want?" Hou Biao said, looking at himself in the mirror.

He said in the mirror: "You know what I want."

Hou Biao said: "Your target is the information from Mei's laboratory, but you know that I am just a bodyguard and have no authority to get those information. I don't think it's that simple. You must have other purposes that I don't know." knew."

"You and I are one. I can't hide it from you, just like you can't hide it from me."

"As you said, there are no secrets between us, so even if I get what you want, how are you going to pass it on? I don't see any channel for you to pass the news, and I don't see anything. People relate to you.”

"When you really get what we want, our people will contact you."

"Hahaha!" Hou Biao laughed, "So you are just sent by them to keep an eye on me? How ridiculous! Why should I listen to you and why should I give things to your people? Do you think you Have you successfully parasitized me?"

"You can also say that." The parasite said, "At least you and I are inseparable. Although I can't replace you, we are closer than twin brothers now, so it's not a bad idea."

"Even so, you still have to pass on the news so that your people will know that I got what you want. Otherwise, how will they know when to come to me? So you must have something else that I don't know. "

"So what?"

"I can let you in, or I can kick you out. Even -" Hou Biao stared at the mirror and said viciously, "Kill you!"

The parasite in the mirror was unmoved. He looked at the shadow penetrating the mirror connected to Hou Biao's feet and said, "If you kill me, you are also killing yourself."

Hou Biao laughed and said: "I have died several times, why are I still afraid of getting hurt?"

"This is not a minor injury, it is a mental injury. The pain is far greater than the physical injury. The physical injury can be repaired slowly, but the mental and consciousness injuries will never be healed." The parasite warned, "The consequences are serious. of!"

"How serious is this?"

"You may become a fool, with an IQ equal to that of a gorilla; you may also suffer damage to your nervous system and become paralyzed in bed; you may also lose the ability to remember. Although your memories are stored in your cerebral cortex, you I can’t retrieve it, I can’t even dream about it!”

Hou Biao was silent for a while and said, "What if I still want to kill you!"

The parasite said: "No, you won't. It was you who chose me. When you stood in front of that painting, you could have rejected me, but you didn't. Although you seemed to have changed your ways, you couldn't change Your past, you are a villain, a killing machine. You grew up in blood and death. Your heart is full of darkness, anger and hatred. Killing and bloodthirsty are your nature. I was born from the shadow in your heart. Earth, it is your original nature that accepted me, you will not drive me away, let alone kill me, I am your half."

Hou Biao knew that what he said was true. In the subconscious world, there was no art of language. Everything was the direct presentation of consciousness.

He once thought that he had said goodbye to the past long ago. After Jiang Deguan's death, he once lost the motivation to live. It was Qingmu who saved his spirit and allowed him to see hope again and see a different self.

However, it is not easy to completely cut off one’s past! As his mental power becomes stronger, all the memories of the past become clearer, and the dark and bloodthirsty side of his heart becomes more and more exposed.

He didn't have the courage to do anything at first, until a big fire lit up in his heart. He decided to do something to say goodbye to the past in a decisive but smart way. So, with the help of an intruder, he took over most of his sins.

"I ask you for the last time, how do you deliver news?" Hou Biao said.

The parasite tilted his head and looked at him in the mirror: "Oh, I saw a flame in your heart, such a warm flame! Like a blooming rose! She made love arise in your heart - a kind unique to stupid humans. Emotion! But I can accept it. As long as you love her, I will love her too, and I am you! And I know that a loving man will not harm himself! "

"How do you know that a man in love won't harm himself?"

Hou Biao suddenly stood up, with a military dagger in his hand. There was a faint white light on the sharp blade.

"What are you going to do?" He looked a little panicked in the mirror, because he felt murderous intent from Hou Biao's consciousness.

"Have you forgotten that love can heal all pain. This is where human beings are superior to you." Hou Biao slowly walked towards the mirror.

"No, emotions are useless and are program errors in the evolution of life. Only by abandoning emotions can we rationally move towards the ultimate evolution!"

"Fuck you Ultimate Evolution!"

Hou Biao stabbed forward with his dagger. His movements were very slow, like a slow-motion movie special effects shot - the tip of the knife was inserted into the glass and reflected from the mirror. The dagger in the mirror inserted into the heart of the parasite, and the reflected dagger also inserted into Hou Biao's heart.

The parasite twisted in pain and looked at Hou Biao in disbelief.

The mirror shattered to pieces.

Hou Biao's chest suddenly lit up with a flame, covering the sharp knife inserted into his heart. The knife turned into water and burst into brilliant sparks...

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